1. 程式人生 > >c2java 第7篇 圖的連通分量,關節點和橋

c2java 第7篇 圖的連通分量,關節點和橋

對於有向圖,我們稱其一個子圖是強連通分量,是指任意兩點u,v, 都有兩條路徑u到v和v到u。


"Consider what happens when a depth-first search is performed on a directed
graph G. The set of edges which lead to a new vertex when traversed during the
search form a tree. The other edges fall into three classes. Some are edges running from ancestors to descendants in the tree. These edges may be ignored, because
they do not affect the strongly connected components of G. Some edges run from
descendants to ancestors in the tree; these we may call fronds as above. Other edges run from one subtree to another in the tree. These, we call cross-links."[1] 

 o dfn[u]為節點u搜尋的次序編號(時間戳).
 o low[u]為 u所在強連通子圖對應的搜尋子樹的根節點的dfn值(u或u的子樹能夠追溯到的最早的棧中節點的次序號).
 o 為了處理有向圖的交叉邊,引入comp[u]表示u屬於於哪個連通分量.

o (dfn[y] < dfn[x]) 表示這條邊是後向邊或者交叉邊。
o (0 == comp[y])表示還在棧裡面,即這條邊不可能是交叉邊。
o (low[y] >= dfn[x]) 表明x搜尋樹子樹的根,即無向圖的關節點 ([1] LEMMA5)。
o (low[y] > dfn[x]) 表明這條邊是無向圖的橋。

o 對於無向圖討論強連通沒有意義,因為它總是強連通的;對於有向圖討論關節點和橋,結果全是亂的。

o 求得scc之後,把每個scc縮成一個點,加上原圖的邊,構成一個有向無環圖dag。
我可以邊dfs邊構造dag:在 comp[y]不為零時記錄dag的邊, 在輸出scc時增加一個頂點,並添上剛才記錄的邊。與此有關的一個專利[3], 要是Tarjan先生把他的dfs框架專利了,還容得爾曹唧唧歪歪.

o Q:把一個有向圖變成強連通,至少需要加多少條邊?
  A: 在dag中統計入度為零的頂點數s1和出度為零的頂點數s2, 結果為max(s1,s2)。
  證明:不妨設s1>s2, 兩組頂點編號為I[1..s1], D[1..s2], 可以這樣連:D[1] 連I[2], D[2] 連I[3], ..., D[s2] 連I[s2+1],然後
  I[s2+1] 連I[s2+2],I[s2+2]連I[s2+3],..., I[s1]連I[1]構成一個大外環。

o Q:把一個無向圖變成雙連通,至少需要加多少條邊?
  A:bcc 縮點後形成一棵樹,統計樹的葉子數目為s,則結果為(s+1)/2。
  證明[4]:最近公共祖先(LCA)最遠的兩個葉子連一條邊,然後再找下一個LCA最遠的兩個葉子連一條邊,..., 這樣兩兩配對。

o 強連通分量的應用:
Q: POJ2762 對於一個很大的有向圖的任意兩點,是否可達,要求複雜度為O(N)。
A: scc + 縮點 + dfs。
Q: IOPC2006 給定一個有向圖G(V,E),問最多能從G圖中刪去多少條邊,且刪了邊之後圖G的連通性不變。換一種描述:給定一個有向圖G(V,E),我們可以改造這個圖G中的連邊得到新圖G’,問圖G’中至少要含有多少邊,才能滿足G’的連通性與圖G一致。
A: scc + 縮點後,按逆拓撲順序,加入u和u出發的邊,檢查這些新加入的邊是否可刪除:
對於<u,v>, 如果存在x,使得u,x有邊,且x到v有路徑,則<u,v>可刪。[2]

2014.04.25  StringBuffer out 改成  LinkedList<Integer> out
2014.04.29  add Tarjan 
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

public class Graph
	int n; /*頂點數*/
	int[][] adjList;
	int[] edgeCnt, edgeCap;
	void trimToSize()
		int i;
		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			adjList[i] = Arrays.copyOf(adjList[i], edgeCnt[i]);

		edgeCnt = null; edgeCap = null; 
	int addEdge(int v, int w)
		if(edgeCnt[v] >= edgeCap[v]){
			int newCap = edgeCap[v] + 10;

			adjList[v] = Arrays.copyOf(adjList[v], newCap);
			edgeCap[v] = newCap;
		adjList[v][edgeCnt[v]++] = w;

		return 0;

	int[] getNeighbors(int v)
		return adjList[v];

	void dfs(int v, byte[] color, LinkedList<Integer> out)
		int i, w = 0;
		int[] nei = getNeighbors(v);
		color[v] = 1;
		for(i = 0; i < nei.length; ++i){
			w = nei[i];
			if(0 == color[w])dfs(w, color, out);
			else if(1 == color[w]){/*a cycle is found.*/}
		color[w] = 2;
		out.addFirst( v);
		//System.out.printf("v = %d out = %s %n", v, out);

	void topoSort(byte[] color, LinkedList<Integer> out )
		int i;
		Arrays.fill(color, (byte)0);
		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			if(0 == color[i])dfs(i, color, out);

	void bfs(int v, byte[] color, LinkedList<Integer> out)
		int i, w;
		int[] nei;
		LinkedList<Integer> qu = new LinkedList<Integer>();
		Arrays.fill(color, (byte)0);
			v = qu.pop();
			color[v] = 1; /*visited*/
			nei = getNeighbors(v);
			for(i = 0; i < nei.length; ++i){
				w = nei[i];
				if(0 == color[w])qu.push(w);
	public Graph(int vertexNum, int edgeNum, Scanner in) throws IOException
		int i, v, w;

		n = vertexNum;
		adjList = new int[n][0];
		edgeCnt = new int[n];
		edgeCap = new int[n];
		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
			edgeCnt[i] = 0;
			edgeCap[i] = 10;
			adjList[i] = new int[edgeCap[i]];

		for(i = 0; i < edgeNum; ++i){
			v = in.nextInt(); // - 1;
			w = in.nextInt(); // - 1;
			addEdge(v, w);


class Tarjan
	Graph g;
	int n;
	int[] dfn; /*每個頂點的dfn值*/
	int[] low;/*每個頂點的low值*/
	int[] stk;/*儲存分量頂點的棧*/
	int stp;
	int	index; /*搜尋次序*/

	int[] comp; /*標記每個頂點屬於哪個連通分量*/
	int compTag;

	int[] cut;/*標記每個頂點是否為割點*/
	int son; /*根節點孩子個數,大於2則根節點為關節點*/ 
	int beginVertex;

	public Tarjan(Graph gRef)
	{/*common context init*/
		g = gRef;
		n = g.n;
		dfn = new int[n]; 
		low = new int[n]; 
	public void SCC()
		int i;
		Arrays.fill(dfn, 0);
		Arrays.fill(low, 0);	
		stk = new int[n]; stp = 0; 
		comp = new int[n]; compTag = 0;
		index = 0;
		i = 0; //2;
		for(; i < n; ++i){
			if(0 == dfn[i])strongConnect(i);
		stk = null;
		comp = null;

	void strongConnect(int x)
		int[] adj;
		int i, y;
		stk[stp++] = x;	
		dfn[x] = low[x] = ++index;
		adj = g.getNeighbors(x);
		for(i = 0; i < adj.length; ++i){
			y = adj[i];
			if(0 == dfn[y]){
				low[x] = Math.min(low[x], low[y]);
			}else if((dfn[y] < dfn[x]) && (0 == comp[y])){
				low[x] = Math.min(low[x], dfn[y]);

		if(low[x] == dfn[x]){
			System.out.printf("SCC(%d): ", compTag);
				y = stk[--stp];
				comp[y] = compTag;
				System.out.printf("%d:(%d,%d), ", y, dfn[y], low[y]);
			}while(y != x);

	public void BCC()
		int i;

		Arrays.fill(dfn, 0);
		Arrays.fill(low, 0);
		stk = new int[4*n]; stp = 0; 
		cut = new int[n]; 
		beginVertex = 0; son = 0;
		index = 0;
		biConnect(beginVertex, -1);
		if(son > 1)cut[beginVertex] = 1;
		System.out.printf("Cut: ");
		for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)if(cut[i] > 0)System.out.printf("%d, ", i);

		stk = null;
		cut = null;

	void biConnect(int x, int father)
		int i, y, x1, y1;
		int[] nei;

		dfn[x] = low[x] = ++index;
		nei = g.getNeighbors(x);
		for(i = 0; i < nei.length; ++i){
			y = nei[i];
			if(y == father)continue;

			if(0 == dfn[y]){
				stk[stp++] = x; stk[stp++] = y;
				low[x] = Math.min(low[x], low[y]);

				if(low[y] >= dfn[x]){
					System.out.printf("BCC(%d,%d): ", x, y);
						y1 = stk[--stp]; x1 = stk[--stp];
						System.out.printf("<%d:(%d,%d),%d:(%d,%d)>, ", x1, dfn[x1], low[x1], y1, dfn[y1], low[y1]);
					}while(dfn[x1] >= dfn[y]);


				if(x == beginVertex)++son;
				if(x != beginVertex && low[y] >= dfn[x])cut[x] = 1;
				if(low[y] > dfn[x])System.out.printf("Bridge <%d %d> %n", x, y);
			}else if(dfn[y] < dfn[x]){
				stk[stp++] = x; stk[stp++] = y;
				low[x] = Math.min(low[x], dfn[y]);


class Test
	public static void main (String[] arg) throws IOException
		int n, m;
		byte[] color; /*for dfs: 0--white, 1--gray, 2--black*/
		LinkedList<Integer> out = new LinkedList<Integer>();

		Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
		n = in.nextInt();
		m = in.nextInt();
		color = new byte[n];

		Graph g = new Graph(n, m,  in);
		in = null;

		Arrays.fill(color, (byte)0);
		g.dfs(0, color, out);
		System.out.println("dfs: " + out);
		g.bfs(0, color, out);
		System.out.println("bfs: " + out);

		g.topoSort(color, out);
		System.out.println("topoSort: " + out);
		color = null;
		out = null;

		Tarjan t = new Tarjan(g);



[email protected] ~/java
$ cat in.txt
8 14
0 1
1 2 1 4 1 5
2 3 2 6
3 2 3 7
4 0 4 5
5 6
6 5 6 7
7 7

[email protected] ~/java
$ javac -encoding UTF-8 Graph.java  && cat in.txt | java Test
dfs: [0, 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 3, 7]
bfs: [0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 4, 2, 3]
topoSort: [0, 1, 4, 2, 6, 5, 3, 7]
SCC(1): 7:(5,5),
SCC(2): 5:(7,6), 6:(6,6),
SCC(3): 3:(4,3), 2:(3,3),
SCC(4): 4:(8,1), 1:(2,1), 0:(1,1),
BCC(3,7): <3:(4,4),7:(5,5)>,
Bridge <3 7>
BCC(2,3): <2:(3,3),3:(4,4)>,
Bridge <2 3>
BCC(6,5): <6:(6,6),5:(7,7)>,
Bridge <6 5>
BCC(2,6): <6:(6,5),7:(5,5)>, <2:(3,3),6:(6,5)>,
Bridge <2 6>
BCC(1,2): <1:(2,2),2:(3,3)>,
Bridge <1 2>
BCC(0,1): <4:(8,1),5:(7,7)>, <4:(8,1),0:(1,1)>, <1:(2,1),4:(8,1)>, <0:(1,1),1:(2,1)>,
Cut: 1, 2, 3, 6,


5 10
0 1 0 4
1 0 1 2 
2 1 2 3 2 4 
3 2 
4 0 4 2

$ javac -encoding UTF-8 Graph.java  && cat in.txt | java Test
dfs: [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]
bfs: [0, 4, 2, 3, 1, 1]
topoSort: [0, 1, 2, 4, 3]
SCC(1): 4:(5,1), 3:(4,3), 2:(3,1), 1:(2,1), 0:(1,1),
BCC(2,3): <2:(3,3),3:(4,4)>,
Bridge <2 3>
BCC(0,1): <4:(5,1),0:(1,1)>, <2:(3,1),4:(5,1)>, <1:(2,1),2:(3,1)>, <0:(1,1),1:(2,1)>,
Cut: 2,

[1] R. Tarjan Depth-First Search and Linear Graph Algorithms.
[2] 淺談強連通分量與拓撲排序的應用 http://3y.uu456.com/bp-01a8sfefsef7ba0d4a733b3e-1.html.
[3] 標識強連通分量的入口和出口的技術 http://www.google.com/patents/CN102279738A?cl=zh
[4] 點連通度與邊連通度 https://www.byvoid.com/blog/biconnect/


c2java 7 連通分量關節點

圖的連通分量,關節點和橋 ==== 對於有向圖,我們稱其一個子圖是強連通分量,是指任意兩點u,v, 都有兩條路徑u到v和v到u。對於連通無向圖,我門稱其一個子圖是雙連通分量,是指任意兩點u,v,存在一個圈包含u,v。與無向圖相關聯的還有關節點x,是指去掉x,圖不連通;橋(u

R學習筆記 :函數分支循環

匿名 操作數 play 控制 als layers null 操作 str 變量用於臨時存儲數據,而函數用於操作數據,實現代碼的重復使用。在R中,函數只是另一種數據類型的變量,可以被分配,操作,甚至把函數作為參數傳遞給其他函數。分支控制和循環控制,和通用編程語言的風格很相似


part str stack void div prev this 沒有 2-sat 一、dfs框架: 1 vector<int>G[maxn]; //存圖 2 int vis[maxn]; //節點訪問標記 3 void dfs(int u


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上一篇:ThreadLocal詳解:https://blog.csdn.net/pcwl1206/article/details/84859661 其實在Java虛擬機器的學習中,我們或多或少都已經接觸過了有關Java記憶體模型的相關概念(點選檢視),只不過在Java虛擬機器中講的不夠詳細,因此