1. 程式人生 > >人臉特徵點檢測(一):深度卷積網路級聯


人臉特徵檢測(face feature detection)也稱為 “facial landmark detection”, “facial keypoint detection” and “face alignment”,是在人臉檢測的基礎上,對人臉上的特徵點例如眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴等進行定位。 


(1)Facial feature detection improves face recognize(面部特徵檢測改善面部識別)

人臉特徵點可以用來將人臉對齊到平均人臉(mean face shape),這樣在對齊之後所有影象中的人臉特徵點位置幾乎相同。有論文驗證了用對齊後的影象訓練的人臉識別演算法更加有效。

(2)Head pose estimation(頭部姿勢估計)


(3)Face Morphing(人臉變形)


(4)Virtual Makeover(虛擬化妝)


(5)Face Replacement(人臉交換)


卷積神經網路可以用於分類和迴歸任務,做分類任務時最後一個全連線層的輸出維度為類別數,接著Softmax層採用Softmax Loss計算損失函式,而如果做迴歸任務,最後一個全連線層的輸出維度則是要回歸的座標值的個數,採用的是歐幾裡何損失Euclidean Loss。

這裡基於《Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection》論文進行講述,連結地址








#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# coding: utf-8
    This file convert dataset from http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/archive/CNN_FacePoint.htm
    We convert data for LEVEL-1 training data.
    all data are formated as (data, landmark), and landmark is ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)...)

import os
import time
import math
from os.path import join, exists
import cv2
import numpy as np
import h5py
from common import shuffle_in_unison_scary, logger, createDir, processImage
from common import getDataFromTxt
from utils import show_landmark, flip, rotate

TRAIN = 'dataset/train'
OUTPUT = 'train'
if not exists(OUTPUT): os.mkdir(OUTPUT)
assert(exists(TRAIN) and exists(OUTPUT))

def generate_hdf5(ftxt, output, fname, argument=False):

    data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt)	#從txt檔案中生成資料    return [(img_path, bbox, landmark)]
															   #bbox: [left, right, top, bottom]
															   #landmark: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]
    F_imgs = []
    F_landmarks = []
    EN_imgs = []
    EN_landmarks = []
    NM_imgs = []
    NM_landmarks = []

    for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data:
        img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
        assert(img is not None)
        logger("process %s" % imgPath)
        # F
        f_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05)  
        f_face = img[f_bbox.top:f_bbox.bottom+1,f_bbox.left:f_bbox.right+1]   #人臉框影象

        ## data argument
        if argument and np.random.rand() > -1:		#argument=false時,不做資料增廣
            ### flip#人臉映象
            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(f_face, landmarkGt)	#將人臉框影象和關鍵點座標同時映象
            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))	#人臉框影象縮放到統一大小,預設雙線性插值
            F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))	#opencv讀取的影象shape為(h,w,c),轉變為(c,h,w)
            F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10))	 #將5x2的標籤reshape成一維
            ### rotation  ##對人臉框做兩組隨機的小角度旋轉,但最後對特徵點位置預測的準確性並沒有多大提高。
            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \
                    bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), 5)	#採用相對座標,促進模型收斂,避免網路訓練時發散
                landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated)  ##在做資料增廣時,對應的特徵點座標要轉化為相對座標
                face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39))
                F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39)))
                ### flip with rotation
                face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated)
                face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))
                F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))
            ### rotation
            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:
                face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \
                    bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), -5)
                landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated)
                face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39))
                F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39)))
                ### flip with rotation
                face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated)
                face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))
                F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))

        f_face = cv2.resize(f_face, (39, 39))
        en_face = f_face[:31, :]
        nm_face = f_face[8:, :]

        f_face = f_face.reshape((1, 39, 39))
        f_landmark = landmarkGt.reshape((10))

        # EN
        # en_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.04, 0.84)
        # en_face = img[en_bbox.top:en_bbox.bottom+1,en_bbox.left:en_bbox.right+1]

        ## data argument
        if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5:
            ### flip
            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(en_face, landmarkGt)
            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))
            landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[:3, :].reshape((6))

        en_face = cv2.resize(en_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))
        en_landmark = landmarkGt[:3, :].reshape((6))

        # NM
        # nm_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, 0.18, 1.05)
        # nm_face = img[nm_bbox.top:nm_bbox.bottom+1,nm_bbox.left:nm_bbox.right+1]

        ## data argument
        if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5:
            ### flip
            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(nm_face, landmarkGt)
            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))
            landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[2:, :].reshape((6))

        nm_face = cv2.resize(nm_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))
        nm_landmark = landmarkGt[2:, :].reshape((6))

    #imgs, landmarks = process_images(ftxt, output)

    F_imgs, F_landmarks = np.asarray(F_imgs), np.asarray(F_landmarks)
    EN_imgs, EN_landmarks = np.asarray(EN_imgs), np.asarray(EN_landmarks)
    NM_imgs, NM_landmarks = np.asarray(NM_imgs),np.asarray(NM_landmarks)

    F_imgs = processImage(F_imgs)  #影象預處理:去均值、歸一化
    shuffle_in_unison_scary(F_imgs, F_landmarks)	#亂序
    EN_imgs = processImage(EN_imgs)
    shuffle_in_unison_scary(EN_imgs, EN_landmarks)
    NM_imgs = processImage(NM_imgs)
    shuffle_in_unison_scary(NM_imgs, NM_landmarks)

    # full face
    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_F')
    output = join(base, fname) #拼接成h5檔案全路徑
    logger("generate %s" % output)
    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:
        h5['data'] = F_imgs.astype(np.float32)
        h5['landmark'] = F_landmarks.astype(np.float32)

    # eye and nose
    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_EN')
    output = join(base, fname)
    logger("generate %s" % output)
    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:
        h5['data'] = EN_imgs.astype(np.float32)#資料轉換成float32型別,存影象
        h5['landmark'] = EN_landmarks.astype(np.float32) #資料轉換成float32型別,存座標標籤

    # nose and mouth
    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_NM')
    output = join(base, fname)
    logger("generate %s" % output)
    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:
        h5['data'] = NM_imgs.astype(np.float32)
        h5['landmark'] = NM_landmarks.astype(np.float32)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # train data
    train_txt = join(TRAIN, 'trainImageList.txt') #join函式相當於matlab中的fullfile函式,用來連線目錄和檔名,得到完整檔案路徑
    generate_hdf5(train_txt, OUTPUT, 'train.h5', argument=True)	#輸入引數:(原始影象和關鍵點座標標籤文字,h5檔案輸出目錄,h5檔名,是否資料增廣)

    test_txt = join(TRAIN, 'testImageList.txt')
    generate_hdf5(test_txt, OUTPUT, 'test.h5')	#驗證集不需要取大量值,沒有旋轉

    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_F/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_EN/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_NM/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_F/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_EN/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_NM/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:
    # Done


如上圖所示為Deep CNN F1 的卷積網路結構,level1網路的輸入層使用的是39*39的單通道灰色影象,經過四個帶池化層的卷積層,最後經過全連線層,輸出一個維度為10的結果,代表5個特徵點的座標值,,,在最後一層是歐幾里得損失層,計算的是網路預測的座標值與真實值(都是相對值)之間的均值誤差的積累。以下為網路結構

# This file gives the CNN model to predict all landmark in LEVEL-1
name: "landmark_1_F"
layer {
    name: "hdf5_train_data"
    type: "HDF5Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "landmark"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN
    hdf5_data_param {
        source: "train/1_F/train.txt"
        batch_size: 64
layer {
    name: "hdf5_test_data"
    type: "HDF5Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "landmark"
    include {
        phase: TEST
    hdf5_data_param {
        source: "train/1_F/test.txt"
        batch_size: 64
layer {
    name: "conv1"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "data"
    top: "conv1"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 20
        kernel_size: 4
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu1"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "conv1"
layer {
    name: "pool1"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "pool1"
    pooling_param {
        pool: MAX
        kernel_size: 2
        stride: 2
layer {
    name: "conv2"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool1"
    top: "conv2"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 40
        kernel_size: 3
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu2"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "conv2"
layer {
    name: "pool2"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "pool2"
    pooling_param {
        pool: MAX
        kernel_size: 2
        stride: 2
layer {
    name: "conv3"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool2"
    top: "conv3"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 60
        kernel_size: 3
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu3"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv3"
    top: "conv3"
layer {
    name: "pool3"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "conv3"
    top: "pool3"
    pooling_param {
        pool: MAX
        kernel_size: 2
        stride: 2
layer {
    name: "conv4"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool3"
    top: "conv4"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 80
        kernel_size: 2
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu4"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv4"
    top: "conv4"
layer {
    name: "pool3_flat"
    type: "Flatten"
    bottom: "pool3"
    top: "pool3_flat"
layer {
    name: "conv4_flat"
    type: "Flatten"
    bottom: "conv4"
    top: "conv4_flat"
layer {
    name: "concat"
    type: "Concat"
    bottom: "pool3_flat"
    bottom: "conv4_flat"
    top: "faker"
    concat_param {
      concat_dim: 1
layer {
    name: "fc1"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    bottom: "faker"
    top: "fc1"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 120
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu_fc1"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "fc1"
    top: "fc1"
layer {
    name: "fc2"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    bottom: "fc1"
    top: "fc2"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 10
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu_fc2"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "fc2"
    top: "fc2"

layer {
    name: "error"
    type: "EuclideanLoss"
    bottom: "fc2"
    bottom: "landmark"
    top: "error"
    include {
        phase: TEST
layer {
    name: "loss"
    type: "EuclideanLoss"
    bottom: "fc2"
    bottom: "landmark"
    top: "loss"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN


net: "prototxt/1_F_train.prototxt"

test_iter: 25
test_interval: 1000

base_lr: 0.01
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005

lr_policy: "inv"
gamma: 0.0001
power: 0.75

#lr_policy: "step"
#gamma: 0.1
#stepsize: 50000

display: 200

max_iter: 1000000

snapshot: 50000
snapshot_prefix: "model/1_F/"

test_compute_loss: true

solver_mode: CPU



#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# coding: utf-8
    This file convert dataset from http://mmlab.ie.cuhk.edu.hk/archive/CNN_FacePoint.htm
    We convert data for LEVEL-2 training data.
    all data are formated as (patch, delta landmark), and delta landmark is ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)...)

import os
from os.path import join, exists
import time
from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import numpy as np
import h5py
from common import logger, createDir, getDataFromTxt, getPatch, processImage
from common import shuffle_in_unison_scary
from utils import randomShift, randomShiftWithArgument

types = [(0, 'LE1', 0.16),
         (0, 'LE2', 0.18),
         (1, 'RE1', 0.16),
         (1, 'RE2', 0.18),
         (2, 'N1', 0.16),
         (2, 'N2', 0.18),
         (3, 'LM1', 0.16),
         (3, 'LM2', 0.18),
         (4, 'RM1', 0.16),
         (4, 'RM2', 0.18),]	#5個關鍵點,兩種padding
for t in types:
    d = 'train/2_%s' % t[1]
    createDir(d)	#建立資料夾存放train和test的txt和h5檔案

def generate(ftxt, mode, argument=False):
        Generate Training Data for LEVEL-2
        mode = train or test
    data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt)	#取得image_path、bbox、landmark

    trainData = defaultdict(lambda: dict(patches=[], landmarks=[]))	#資料字典
    for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data:
        img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
        assert(img is not None)
        logger("process %s" % imgPath)

        landmarkPs = randomShiftWithArgument(landmarkGt, 0.05)  #對關鍵點相對座標的位置做2組隨機平移,得到2組“新的關鍵點”
        if not argument:
            landmarkPs = [landmarkPs[0]]#測試集只做一組隨機平移
        for landmarkP in landmarkPs:	
            for idx, name, padding in types:
                patch, patch_bbox = getPatch(img, bbox, landmarkP[idx], padding)	#根據隨機平移過的關鍵點相對座標和padding得到區域性框影象和區域性框
                patch = cv2.resize(patch, (15, 15))	#區域性框影象縮放到15x15
                patch = patch.reshape((1, 15, 15)) 	#每個patch為c,h,w,append之後就變成了n,c,h,w
                _ = patch_bbox.project(bbox.reproject(landmarkGt[idx])) #‘真’關鍵點 ,再投影到區域性框得到相對區域性框的相對座標

    for idx, name, padding in types:
        logger('writing training data of %s'%name)
        patches = np.asarray(trainData[name]['patches'])	#從資料字典中取出
        landmarks = np.asarray(trainData[name]['landmarks'])
        patches = processImage(patches)	#預處理,去均值、歸一化

        shuffle_in_unison_scary(patches, landmarks)

        with h5py.File('train/2_%s/%s.h5'%(name, mode), 'w') as h5:	 #生成mode.h5(train/test)
            h5['data'] = patches.astype(np.float32)
            h5['landmark'] = landmarks.astype(np.float32)
        with open('train/2_%s/%s.txt'%(name, mode), 'w') as fd:	#生成mode.txt(train/test),寫入h5檔案路徑
            fd.write('train/2_%s/%s.h5'%(name, mode))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    np.random.seed(int(time.time()))	 #seed指定隨機數生成時所用演算法開始的整數值,使隨機值的產生隨時間而變化,而不會每次產生的隨機數都相同    
    # trainImageList.txt
    generate('dataset/train/trainImageList.txt', 'train', argument=True) #生成train.h5和train.txt,訓練集做資料增強(實際上只是多做了一組隨機平移)
    # testImageList.txt
    generate('dataset/train/testImageList.txt', 'test')#生成test.h5和test.txt
    # Done
# This file gives the CNN model to predict landmark in LEVEL-2
name: "landmark_2_LE1"
layer {
    name: "hdf5_train_data"
    type: "HDF5Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "landmark"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN
    hdf5_data_param {
        source: "train/2_LE1/train.txt"
        batch_size: 64
layer {
    name: "hdf5_test_data"
    type: "HDF5Data"
    top: "data"
    top: "landmark"
    include {
        phase: TEST
    hdf5_data_param {
        source: "train/2_LE1/test.txt"
        batch_size: 64
layer {
    name: "conv1"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "data"
    top: "conv1"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 20
        kernel_size: 4
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu1"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "conv1"
layer {
    name: "pool1"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "conv1"
    top: "pool1"
    pooling_param {
        pool: MAX
        kernel_size: 2
        stride: 2
layer {
    name: "conv2"
    type: "Convolution"
    bottom: "pool1"
    top: "conv2"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    convolution_param {
        num_output: 40
        kernel_size: 3
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu2"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "conv2"
layer {
    name: "pool2"
    type: "Pooling"
    bottom: "conv2"
    top: "pool2"
    pooling_param {
        pool: MAX
        kernel_size: 2
        stride: 2
layer {
    name: "fc1"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    bottom: "pool2"
    top: "fc1"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 60
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu_fc1"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "fc1"
    top: "fc1"
layer {
    name: "fc2"
    type: "InnerProduct"
    bottom: "fc1"
    top: "fc2"
    param {
        lr_mult: 1
    param {
        lr_mult: 2
    inner_product_param {
        num_output: 2
        weight_filler {
            type: "xavier"
        bias_filler {
            type: "constant"
layer {
    name: "relu_fc2"
    type: "ReLU"
    bottom: "fc2"
    top: "fc2"
layer {
    name: "error"
    type: "EuclideanLoss"
    bottom: "fc2"
    bottom: "landmark"
    top: "error"
    include {
        phase: TEST
layer {
    name: "loss"
    type: "EuclideanLoss"
    bottom: "fc2"
    bottom: "landmark"
    top: "loss"
    include {
        phase: TRAIN
net: "prototxt/2_LE1_train.prototxt"

test_iter: 25
test_interval: 1000

base_lr: 0.005
momentum: 0.9
weight_decay: 0.0005

lr_policy: "inv"
gamma: 0.0001
power: 0.75

#lr_policy: "step"
#gamma: 0.1
#stepsize: 50000

display: 200

max_iter: 100000

snapshot: 10000
snapshot_prefix: "model/2_LE1/"

test_compute_loss: true

solver_mode: CPU
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# coding: utf-8
    This file train Caffe CNN models

import os, sys
import multiprocessing

pool_on = False

models = [
    ['F', 'EN', 'NM'],
    ['LE1', 'LE2', 'RE1', 'RE2', 'N1', 'N2', 'LM1', 'LM2', 'RM1', 'RM2'],
    ['LE1', 'LE2', 'RE1', 'RE2', 'N1', 'N2', 'LM1', 'LM2', 'RM1', 'RM2'],]

def w(c):
    if c != 0:
        print '\n'
        print ':-('
        print '\n'

def runCommand(cmd):

def train(level=1):
        train caffe model
    cmds = []
    for t in models[level-1]:
        cmd = 'mkdir model/{0}_{1}'.format(level, t)
        cmd = 'caffe train --solver prototxt/{0}_{1}_solver.prototxt'.format(level, t)
        # w(os.system(cmd))
        cmds.append('caffe train --solver prototxt/{0}_{1}_solver.prototxt'.format(level, t))
    # we train level-2 and level-3 with mutilprocess (we may train two level in parallel)
    if level > 1 and pool_on:
        pool_size = 3
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=pool_size, maxtasksperchild=2)
        pool.map(runCommand, cmds)	#map函式,將runcommand函式應用到每個cmds上
        for cmd in cmds:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    argc = len(sys.argv)	#獲得命令列字串的個數
    assert(2 <= argc <= 3)
    if argc == 3:	#如nohup python train/level.py 1 pool_on  只算python的後面三個
        pool_on = True

    level = int(sys.argv[1])	#python後面的第二個
    if 1 <= level <= 3:
        for level in range(1, 4):