1. 程式人生 > >Petalinux基礎系列——編寫字元裝置驅動4路PWM控制器


#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>

#include <linux/of_address.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
#include <linux/of_platform.h>

#define PWM_MOUDLE_PHY_ADDR 0x43C00000 //This Address is based Vivado #define PWM_CHANNEL 4 MODULE_AUTHOR("Xilinx XUP"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("PWM moudle dirver"); MODULE_VERSION("v1.0"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); static int pwm_driver_major; static struct class* pwm_driver_class = NULL; struct pwm_dev { dev_t devt;
struct device *device; unsigned long freq_addr; unsigned long duty_addr; }; static struct pwm_dev pwm_dev[PWM_CHANNEL]; static long frequency=0; static struct file_operations pwm_driver_fops = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, }; static ssize_t sys_pwm_frequency_set(struct device* dev, struct
device_attribute* attr, const char* buf, size_t count) { long value = 0; int i; frequency=0; iowrite32(value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].freq_addr); //close pwm moudle before we modfiy the frequency for (i = 0; i < count-1; i++){ frequency *= 10; frequency += buf[i] - '0'; } if(value>100000000) value=100000000; value=100000000/frequency; // 100Mhz/frequency 100Mhz is set by Vivado iowrite32(value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].freq_addr); printk("CH%d freq:%ld, address:%x\n",MINOR(dev->devt), value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].freq_addr); return count; } static ssize_t sys_pwm_duty_set (struct device* dev, struct device_attribute* attr, const char* buf, size_t count) //duty cycle { long value = 0; int i; iowrite32(value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].duty_addr); //close pwm moudle before we modfiy the duty cycle for (i = 0; i < count-1; i++){ value *= 10; value += buf[i] - '0'; } if (value>100) value=100; value = 100000000 / frequency * value / 100; iowrite32(value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].duty_addr); printk("CH%d duty:%ld, address:%x\n",MINOR(dev->devt), value, pwm_dev[MINOR(dev->devt)].duty_addr); return count; } static DEVICE_ATTR(frequency, S_IWUSR, NULL, sys_pwm_frequency_set); static DEVICE_ATTR(duty, S_IWUSR, NULL, sys_pwm_duty_set); static int __init pwm_driver_module_init(void) { int i,ret; char name[4]; pwm_driver_major=register_chrdev(0, DEVICE_NAME, &pwm_driver_fops); if (pwm_driver_major < 0){ printk("failed to register device.\n"); return -1; } pwm_driver_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "pwm"); if (IS_ERR(pwm_driver_class)){ printk("failed to create pwm class.\n"); unregister_chrdev(pwm_driver_major, DEVICE_NAME); return -1; } for(i=0;i<PWM_CHANNEL;i++ ) { pwm_dev[i].devt=MKDEV(pwm_driver_major, i); pwm_dev[i].device = device_create(pwm_driver_class, NULL, pwm_dev[i].devt, NULL, "CH%d", MINOR(pwm_dev[i].devt)); if (IS_ERR(pwm_dev[i].device)){ printk("failed to create pwm CH%d.\n",MINOR(pwm_dev[i].devt)); unregister_chrdev(pwm_driver_major, DEVICE_NAME); return -1; } pwm_dev[i].freq_addr = (unsigned long)ioremap(PWM_MOUDLE_PHY_ADDR, 64)+i*8; pwm_dev[i].duty_addr = (unsigned long)ioremap(PWM_MOUDLE_PHY_ADDR, 64)+i*8+4; printk("pwm channel %d freq_addr : %x, duty_addr : %x\r\n", i,pwm_dev[i].freq_addr,pwm_dev[i].duty_addr); ret = device_create_file(pwm_dev[i].device , &dev_attr_frequency); if (ret < 0) printk("failed to create pwm_frequency endpoint\n"); ret = device_create_file(pwm_dev[i].device , &dev_attr_duty); if (ret < 0) printk("failed to create pwm_duty endpoint\n"); } printk(" pwm driver initial successfully!\n"); return 0; } static void __exit pwm_driver_module_exit(void) { int i=0; for(i=0;i<PWM_CHANNEL;i++ ) { device_remove_file(pwm_dev[i].device, &dev_attr_frequency); device_remove_file(pwm_dev[i].device, &dev_attr_duty); } device_destroy(pwm_driver_class, MKDEV(pwm_driver_major, 0)); class_unregister(pwm_driver_class); class_destroy(pwm_driver_class); unregister_chrdev(pwm_driver_major, DEVICE_NAME); printk("pwm module exit.\n"); } module_init(pwm_driver_module_init); module_exit(pwm_driver_module_exit);