1. 程式人生 > >菜鳥入門_Python_機器學習(3)_迴歸


《Neural Networks and Learning Machines(Third Edition)》- Simon Haykin;
《Machine Learning in Action》- Peter Harrington;
《Building Machine Learning Systems with Python》- Wili Richert;



•Prove: Bayesian or MAP estimation for linear regression is equivalent to regularization of MSE
•We will give you a dataset RegData2D, use whatever you have learnt to find the best relationship between x and y. Write a report, and specifically pay attention to underfittingand overfitting and how you come up with your best solutions.




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
math #Each point on the generating curve x = np.arange(-3,3,0.1) def least_square_color1(y,order,error_x,error_y): #The offset of each point on the generated curve i=0 xa=[] ya=[] for xx in x: yy=y[i] d_x=np.random.normal(0,error_x) d_y=np.random.normal(0,error_y) i+=1 xa.append(xx+d_x) ya.append(yy+d_y) plt.plot(xa,ya,color='m',linestyle='',marker='.') #Curve fitting matA=[] for i in range(0,order+1+1): matA1=[] for j in range(0,order+1+1): tx=0.0 for k in range(0,len(xa)): dx=1.0 for l in range(0,j+i): dx=dx*xa[k] tx+=dx matA1.append(tx) matA.append(matA1) matA=np.array(matA) matB=[] for i in range(0,order+1+1): ty=0.0 for k in range(0,len(xa)): dy=1.0 for l in range(0,i): dy=dy*xa[k] ty+=ya[k]*dy matB.append(ty) matB=np.array(matB) matAA=np.linalg.solve(matA,matB) #Draw the curve fitting xxa= np.arange(-3,3,0.01) yya=[] for i in range(0,len(xxa)): yy=0.0 for j in range(0,order+1+1): dy=1.0 for k in range(0,j): dy*=xxa[i] dy*=matAA[j] yy+=dy yya.append(yy) plt.plot(xxa,yya,color='r',linestyle='-',marker='') def least_square_color2(y,order,error_x,error_y): #The offset of each point on the generated curve i=0 xa=[] ya=[] for xx in x: yy=y[i] d_x=np.random.normal(0,error_x) d_y=np.random.normal(0,error_y) i+=1 xa.append(xx+d_x) ya.append(yy+d_y) plt.plot(xa,ya,color='b',linestyle='',marker='.') #Curve fitting matA=[] for i in range(0,order+1+1): matA1=[] for j in range(0,order+1+1): tx=0.0 for k in range(0,len(xa)): dx=1.0 for l in range(0,j+i): dx=dx*xa[k] tx+=dx matA1.append(tx) matA.append(matA1) matA=np.array(matA) matB=[] for i in range(0,order+1+1): ty=0.0 for k in range(0,len(xa)): dy=1.0 for l in range(0,i): dy=dy*xa[k] ty+=ya[k]*dy matB.append(ty) matB=np.array(matB) matAA=np.linalg.solve(matA,matB) #Draw the curve fitting xxa= np.arange(-3,3,0.01) yya=[] for i in range(0,len(xxa)): yy=0.0 for j in range(0,order+1+1): dy=1.0 for k in range(0,j): dy*=xxa[i] dy*=matAA[j] yy+=dy yya.append(yy) plt.plot(xxa,yya,color='g',linestyle='-',marker='') order=[1,2,3] error_y=1 error_x_mat=[0.1,0.2] ''' x with noise 0~0.1: pink dots, red lines x with noise 0~0.2: blue dots, green lines ''' for order in range(len(order)): for error_x in error_x_mat: plt.subplot(330+order+1) plt.ylabel('order={}'.format(order+1)) plt.title('y=2x+1',fontsize=10) y = [2*a+1 for a in x] if error_x==0.1: least_square_color1(y,order,error_x,error_y) else: least_square_color2(y,order,error_x,error_y) plt.subplot(333+order+1) plt.ylabel('order={}'.format(order+1)) plt.title('$y=0.01x^{2}+2x+1$',fontsize=10) y = [0.01*a*a+2*a+1 for a in x] if error_x==0.1: least_square_color1(y,order,error_x,error_y) else: least_square_color2(y,order,error_x,error_y) plt.subplot(336+order+1) plt.ylabel('order={}'.format(order+1)) plt.title('$y=0.1e^{0.1x}+2x+1$',fontsize=10) y = [0.1*(math.e**(0.1*a))+2*a+1 for a in x] if error_x==0.1: least_square_color1(y,order,error_x,error_y) else: least_square_color2(y,order,error_x,error_y) plt.legend() plt.show()






首先是最大似然估計,仿照《Building Machine Learning Systems with Python》- Wili Richert這本書中最開始的例子,發現用自帶庫確實比之前自己寫要高效的多得多:

# -*- coding:gb2312 -*-
from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
a = []
with open('RegData2D.txt', 'r') as f:
    data = f.readlines()
    for line in data:
        odom = line.split()
        numbers_float = map(float, odom)
a = np.array(a)
x_train = []
y_train = []
x_train.append(a[0:500, 0])
y_train.append(a[0:500:, 1])
x_train = np.array(x_train[0])
y_train = np.array(y_train[0])
x_text = []
y_text = []
x_text.append(a[501:, 0])
y_text.append(a[501:, 1])
x_text = np.array(x_text[0])
y_text = np.array(y_text[0])

# draw data
plt.scatter(x_train, y_train, s=5)
def error(f, x, y):
    return sp.sum((f(x) - y) ** 2)
# 多項式擬合

# 1次
fp1, res1, rank1, sv1, rcond1 = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, 1, full=True)
f1 = sp.poly1d(fp1)
# print f1
# 2次
fp2, res2, rank2, sv2, rcond2 = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, 2, full=True)
f2 = sp.poly1d(fp2)
# print f2
# 3次
fp3, res3, rank3, sv3, rcond3 = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, 3, full=True)
f3 = sp.poly1d(fp3)
# print f3
# 10次
fp10, res10, rank10, sv10, rcond10 = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, 10, full=True)
f10 = sp.poly1d(fp10)
# print f10
# 100次
fp100, res100, rank100, sv100, rcond100 = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, 100, full=True)
f100 = sp.poly1d(fp100)
# print f100

fx = sp.linspace(-1, 5, 1000)
plt.plot(fx, f1(fx), linewidth=1)
#plt.legend("%d" % f1.order, loc="upper left")
plt.plot(fx, f2(fx), linewidth=1)
#plt.legend("d= %d" % f2.order, loc="upper left")
plt.plot(fx, f3(fx), linewidth=1)
#plt.legend("d= %d" % f3.order, loc="upper left")
plt.plot(fx, f10(fx), linewidth=1)
#plt.legend("d= %d" % f10.order, loc="upper left")
plt.plot(fx, f100(fx), linewidth=1)
#plt.legend("d= %d" % f100.order, loc="upper left")

# 畫出error曲線
error_train = []
error_text = []
order = []
for i in range(3):
    order.append(i + 1)
for j in order:
    fp, res, rank, sv, rcond = sp.polyfit(x_train, y_train, j, full=True)
    f = sp.poly1d(fp)
    #print("Train Error of the model:", {j}, error(f, x_train, y_train))
    print("Text Error of the model:", {j}, error(f, x_text, y_text))
    error_numtrain = error(f, x_train, y_train)
    error_numtext = error(f, x_text, y_text)
plt.plot(order, error_train, 'r--')
plt.plot(order, error_text, 'g-')
plt.title("Red for train error. Green for text error")



[1]. Underfitting的情況,當多項式階數取1時:



由於RegData2D資料集的規律性,只有當order = 1時迴歸曲線Underfitting的情況十分明顯,之後階數增加,迴歸曲線的變化並不明顯,當order > 100時Overfitting變得比較明顯,下圖中可以明顯看出,order = 2,3,10的迴歸曲線幾乎是重合在一起的:

[2]. 取RegData2D資料集中前500個樣本做train_data,後500做text_data,多項式階數從1取至100,分別畫出誤差變化曲線:

可以明顯看出,僅在order = 1時,均方誤差很大,之後變化不明顯,測試誤差大於訓練誤差。當階數取值更高時,可以看出從order = 2起訓練誤差逐漸降低,測試誤差逐漸升高:

結論:order = 2時得到最優迴歸曲線:y = 0.5581 x^2 - 1.056 x - 0.9284

接下來在最大似然估計的基礎上加入後驗資訊:w = (X^T * X + a*I)^(-1) * X^T * y,發現只要在我們一開始的最小二乘法上加一點東西就好,對a取任意值,找到使訓練誤差最小的a值:

# -*- coding:gb2312 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

class regression(object):

    def __init__(self, data_x, data_y, data_z, order, x_left_limit, x_right_limit, a):
        self.data_x = data_x
        self.data_y = data_y
        self.data_z = data_z
        self.order = order
        self.x_left_limit = x_left_limit
        self.x_right_limit = x_right_limit
        self.a = a

    # 嶺迴歸
    def least_square(self):
        matA = []
        for i in range(0, self.order + 1):
            matA1 = []
            for j in range(0, self.order + 1):
                tx = 0.0
                for k in range(0, len(self.data_x)):
                    dx = 1.0
                    for l in range(0, j + i):
                        dx = dx * self.data_x[k]
                    tx += dx
        matA = np.array(matA)

        # print matA.shape

        matB = []
        for i in range(0, self.order + 1):
            ty = 0.0
            for k in range(0, len(self.data_x)):
                dy = 1.0
                for l in range(0, i):
                    dy = dy * self.data_x[k]
                ty += self.data_y[k] * dy
        matB = np.array(matB)

        I = np.identity(self.order + 1)

        matAA = np.linalg.solve(matA + self.a * I, matB)
        # print matAA

        def error(f, x, y):
            return sp.sum((f(x) - y) ** 2)
        matAAlist = list(matAA)
        matAAuse = np.array(matAAlist)
        f = sp.poly1d(matAAuse)
        print("Train Error of the model:", {self.a}, error(f, self.data_x, self.data_y))

        # Draw the curve fitting
        xxa = np.arange(self.x_left_limit, self.x_right_limit, 0.01)
        yya = []
        for i in range(0, len(xxa)):
            yy = 0.0
            for j in range(0, self.order + 1):
                dy = 1.0
                for k in range(0, j):
                    dy *= xxa[i]
                dy *= matAA[j]
                yy += dy
        # plt.plot(xxa, yya, 'r-', linewidth = 2.0)

        return matAA, xxa, yya, error(f, self.data_x, self.data_y)
# -*- coding:gb2312 -*-
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from class_regression import *

# 打印出RegData2D資料集中的隨機樣本
def print_RegData2D():
    data = sp.genfromtxt("RegData2D.txt")
    RegData2D_x = data[:, 0]
    RegData2D_y = data[:, 1]
    plt.scatter(RegData2D_x, RegData2D_y)
    x_min = min(RegData2D_x)
    x_max = max(RegData2D_x)

    return RegData2D_x, RegData2D_y, x_min, x_max

# 最小二乘法
x, y, x_min, x_max = print_RegData2D()

a = []
for i in range(1):
error_a = []
for j in range(len(a)):
    RegData2D = regression(x, y, [], 1, x_min, x_max, a[j])
    pra, fx, fy, error = RegData2D.least_square()

    plt.plot(fx, fy, 'r-', linewidth = 2)

plt.plot(a, error_a, 'r-')
    if order[i] == 2:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'k-', linewidth = 1.0)

for i in range(len(order)):
    RegData2D = regression(x, y, [], order[i], x_min, x_max, 100)
    pra, fx, fy = RegData2D.least_square()
    if order[i] == 1:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'r-', linewidth = 1.0)
    elif order[i] == 2:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'r-', linewidth = 1.0)
    elif order[i] == 3:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'g-', linewidth = 2.0)
    elif order[i] == 5:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'y-', linewidth = 2.0)
    elif order[i] == 10:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'k-', linewidth = 2.0)

    elif order[i] == 100:
        plt.plot(fx, fy, 'w-', linewidth = 2.0)

取RegData2D資料集全部作為訓練集,取order = 2,a = [0, 100],可以看出a的取值對迴歸曲線的影響不大:

迴歸曲線幾乎重合在一起,訓練集的誤差曲線見下圖,a = 0時即最大似然估計:

結論:對於RegData2D資料集,order = 2,a = 0時得到最優的迴歸曲線。
