1. 程式人生 > >PHP讀取docx文件內容



客戶需求, 需要從docx文件讀取內容並且做簡單格式化, 難點就在於如何讀取docx格式並且轉換為php可以識別的字串形式, 慣例先貼程式碼.


 * Class Docx2Text
 * Docx => String
class Docx2Text
    const SEPARATOR_TAB = "\t";

     * object zipArchive
     * @var string
     * @access private
    private $docx;

     * object domDocument from document.xml
     * @var
string * @access private */
private $domDocument; /** * xml from document.xml * * @var string * @access private */ private $_document; /** * xml from numbering.xml * * @var string * @access private */ private $_numbering; /** * xml from footnote * * @var
string * @access private */
private $_footnote; /** * xml from endnote * * @var string * @access private */ private $_endnote; /** * array of all the endnotes of the document * * @var string * @access private */ private $endnotes
; /** * array of all the footnotes of the document * * @var string * @access private */ private $footnotes; /** * array of all the relations of the document * * @var string * @access private */ private $relations; /** * array of characters to insert like a list * * @var string * @access private */ private $numberingList; /** * the text content that will be exported * * @var string * @access private */ private $textOuput; /** * boolean variable to know if a chart will be transformed to text * * @var string * @access private */ private $chart2text; /** * boolean variable to know if a table will be transformed to text * * @var string * @access private */ private $table2text; /** * boolean variable to know if a list will be transformed to text * * @var string * @access private */ private $list2text; /** * boolean variable to know if a paragraph will be transformed to text * * @var string * @access private */ private $paragraph2text; /** * boolean variable to know if footnotes will be extracteded * * @var string * @access private */ private $footnote2text; /** * boolean variable to know if endnotes will be extracted * * @var string * @access private */ private $endnote2text; /** * Construct * * @param $boolTransforms array of boolean values of which elements should be transformed or not * @access public */ public function __construct($boolTransforms = array()) { //table,list, paragraph, footnote, endnote, chart if (isset($boolTransforms['table'])) { $this->table2text = $boolTransforms['table']; } else { $this->table2text = true; } if (isset($boolTransforms['list'])) { $this->list2text = $boolTransforms['list']; } else { $this->list2text = true; } if (isset($boolTransforms['paragraph'])) { $this->paragraph2text = $boolTransforms['paragraph']; } else { $this->paragraph2text = true; } if (isset($boolTransforms['footnote'])) { $this->footnote2text = $boolTransforms['footnote']; } else { $this->footnote2text = true; } if (isset($boolTransforms['endnote'])) { $this->endnote2text = $boolTransforms['endnote']; } else { $this->endnote2text = true; } if (isset($boolTransforms['chart'])) { $this->chart2text = $boolTransforms['chart']; } else { $this->chart2text = true; } $this->textOuput = ''; $this->docx = null; $this->_numbering = ''; $this->numberingList = array(); $this->endnotes = array(); $this->footnotes = array(); $this->relations = array(); } /** * * Extract the content of a word document and create a text file if the name is given * * @access public * @param string $filename of the word document. * * @return string */ public function extract($filename = '') { if (empty($this->_document)) { //xml content from document.xml is not got exit('There is no content'); } $this->domDocument = new DomDocument(); $this->domDocument->loadXML($this->_document); //get the body node to check the content from all his children $bodyNode = $this->domDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main', 'body'); //We get the body node. it is known that there is only one body tag $bodyNode = $bodyNode->item(0); foreach ($bodyNode->childNodes as $child) { //the children can be a table, a paragraph or a section. We only implement the 2 first option said. if ($this->table2text && $child->tagName == 'w:tbl') { //this node is a table and the content is split with tabs if the variable table2text from the class is true $this->textOuput .= $this->table($child) . $this->separator(); } else { //this node is a paragraph $this->textOuput .= $this->printWP($child) . ($this->paragraph2text ? $this->separator() : ''); } } if (!empty($filename)) { $this->writeFile($filename, $this->textOuput); } else { return $this->textOuput; } } /** * Setter * * @access public * @param $filename */ public function setDocx($filename) { $this->docx = new ZipArchive(); $ret = $this->docx->open($filename); if ($ret === true) { $this->_document = $this->docx->getFromName('word/document.xml'); } else { exit('failed'); } } /** * extract the content to an array from endnote.xml * * @access private */ private function loadEndNote() { if (empty($this->endnotes)) { if (empty($this->_endnote)) { $this->_endnote = $this->docx->getFromName('word/endnotes.xml'); } if (!empty($this->_endnote)) { $domDocument = new DomDocument(); $domDocument->loadXML($this->_endnote); $endnotes = $domDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main', 'endnote'); foreach ($endnotes as $endnote) { $xml = $endnote->ownerDocument->saveXML($endnote); $this->endnotes[$endnote->getAttribute('w:id')] = trim(strip_tags($xml)); } } } } /** * Extract the content to an array from footnote.xml * * @access private */ private function loadFootNote() { if (empty($this->footnotes)) { if (empty($this->_footnote)) { $this->_footnote = $this->docx->getFromName('word/footnotes.xml'); } if (!empty($this->_footnote)) { $domDocument = new DomDocument(); $domDocument->loadXML($this->_footnote); $footnotes = $domDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main', 'footnote'); foreach ($footnotes as $footnote) { $xml = $footnote->ownerDocument->saveXML($footnote); $this->footnotes[$footnote->getAttribute('w:id')] = trim(strip_tags($xml)); } } } } /** * Extract the styles of the list to an array * * @access private */ private function listNumbering() { $ids = array(); $nums = array(); //get the xml code from the zip archive $this->_numbering = $this->docx->getFromName('word/numbering.xml'); if (!empty($this->_numbering)) { //we use the domdocument to iterate the children of the numbering tag $domDocument = new DomDocument(); $domDocument->loadXML($this->_numbering); $numberings = $domDocument->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main', 'numbering'); //there is only one numbering tag in the numbering.xml $numberings = $numberings->item(0); foreach ($numberings->childNodes as $child) { $flag = true;//boolean variable to know if the node is the first style of the list foreach ($child->childNodes as $son) { if ($child->tagName == 'w:abstractNum' && $son->tagName == 'w:lvl') { foreach ($son->childNodes as $daughter) { if ($daughter->tagName == 'w:numFmt' && $flag) { $nums[$child->getAttribute('w:abstractNumId')] = $daughter->getAttribute('w:val');//set the key with internal index for the listand the value it is the type of bullet $flag = false; } } } elseif ($child->tagName == 'w:num' && $son->tagName == 'w:abstractNumId') { $ids[$son->getAttribute('w:val')] = $child->getAttribute('w:numId');//$ids is the index of the list } } } //once we know what kind of list there is in the documents, is prepared the bullet that the library will use foreach ($ids as $ind => $id) { if ($nums[$ind] == 'decimal') { //if the type is decimal it means that the bullet will be numbers $this->numberingList[$id][0] = range(1, 10); $this->numberingList[$id][1] = range(1, 10); $this->numberingList[$id][2] = range(1, 10); $this->numberingList[$id][3] = range(1, 10); } else { //otherwise is *, and other characters $this->numberingList[$id][0] = array('*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*'); $this->numberingList[$id][1] = array(chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175), chr(175)); $this->numberingList[$id][2] = array(chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237), chr(237)); $this->numberingList[$id][3] = array(chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248), chr(248)); } } } } /** * Extract the content of a w:p tag * * @access private * @param $node object * @return string */ private function printWP($node) { $ilvl = $numId = -1; if ($this->list2text) {//transform the list in ooxml to formatted list with tabs and bullets if (empty($this->numberingList)) {//check if numbering.xml is extracted from the zip archive $this->listNumbering(); } //use the xpath to get expecific children from a node $xpath = new DOMXPath($this->domDocument); $query = 'w:pPr/w:numPr'; $xmlLists = $xpath->query($query, $node); $xmlLists = $xmlLists->item(0); //if ($xmlLists->tagName == 'w:numPr') { // if ($xmlLists->hasChildNodes()) { // foreach ($xmlLists->childNodes as $child) { // if ($child->tagName == 'w:ilvl') { // $ilvl = $child->getAttribute('w:val'); // }elseif ($child->tagName == 'w:numId') { // $numId = $child->getAttribute('w:val'); // } // } // } //} //if (($ilvl != -1) && ($numId != -1)) { // //if is founded the style index of the list in the document and the kind of list // $ret = ''; // for($i=-1; $i < $ilvl; $i++) { // if(self::DEBUG) { // $ret .= self::SEPARATOR_TAB_DEBUG; // } // else { // $ret .= self::SEPARATOR_TAB; // } // } // $ret .= array_shift($this->numberingList[$numId][$ilvl]) . ' ' . $this->toText($node); //print the bullet //} else { $ret = $this->toText($node); //} } else { //if dont want to formatted lists, we strip from html tags $ret = $this->toText($node); } //get the data from the charts if ($this->chart2text) { $query = 'w:r/w:drawing/wp:inline'; $xmlChart = $xpath->query($query, $node); //get the relation id from the document, to get the name of the xml chart file from the relations to extract the xml code. foreach ($xmlChart as $chart) { foreach ($chart->childNodes as $child) { foreach ($child->childNodes as $child2) { foreach ($child2->childNodes as $child3) { $rid = $child3->getAttribute('r:id'); } } } } //if (!empty($rid)) { // if (empty($this->relations)) { // $this->loadRelations(); // } // //get the name of the chart xml file from the relations docuemnt // $dataChart = new getDataFromXmlChart($this->docx->getFromName('word/' . $this->relations[$rid]['file'])); // if (in_array($this->chart2text, array(2, 'table'))) { // $ret .= $this->printChartDataTable($dataChart);//formatted print of the chart data // } else { // $ret .= $this->printChartDataArray($dataChart);//formatted print of the chart data // } //} } //extract the expecific endnote to insert with the text content if ($this->endnote2text) { if (empty($this->endnotes)) { $this->loadEndNote(); } $query = 'w:r/w:endnoteReference'; $xmlEndNote = $xpath->query($query, $node); foreach ($xmlEndNote as $note) { $ret .= '[' . $this->endnotes[$note->getAttribute('w:id')] . '] '; } } //extract the expecific footnote to insert with the text content if ($this->footnote2text) { if (empty($this->footnotes)) { $this->loadFootNote(); } $query = 'w:r/w:footnoteReference'; $xmlFootNote = $xpath->query($query, $node); foreach ($xmlFootNote as $note) { $ret .= '[' . $this->footnotes[$note->getAttribute('w:id')] . '] '; } } if ((($ilvl != -1) && ($numId != -1)) || (1)) { $ret .= $this->separator(); } return $ret; } /** * return a text end of line * * @access private */ private function separator() { return "\r\n"; } /** * * Extract the content of a table node from the document.xml and return a text content * * @access private * @param $node object * * @return string */ private function table($node) { $output = ''; if ($node->hasChildNodes()) { foreach ($node->childNodes as $child) { //start a new line of the table if ($child->tagName == 'w:tr') { foreach ($child->childNodes as $cell) { //start a new cell if ($cell->tagName == 'w:tc') { if ($cell->hasChildNodes()) { // foreach ($cell->childNodes as $p) { $output .= $this->printWP($p); } $output .= self::SEPARATOR_TAB; } } } } $output .= $this->separator(); } } return $output; } /** * * Extract the content of a node from the document.xml and return only the text content and. stripping the html tags * * @access private * @param $node object * * @return string */ private function toText($node) { $xml = $node->ownerDocument->saveXML($node); return trim(strip_tags($xml)); } } // 例項化 $text = new Docx2Text(); // 載入docx檔案 $text->setDocx('./1.docx'); // 將內容存入$docx變數中 $docx = $text->extract(); // 除錯輸出 var_dump($docx);

