1. 程式人生 > >CodeForces 1107 - G Vasya and Maximum Profit 線段樹

CodeForces 1107 - G Vasya and Maximum Profit 線段樹

圖片 nod ref ans play 節點 ret tar spl



枚舉 r 的位置。



1. sum(a-ci)

2.gap(l, r)





code by: zstu wxk
time: 2019/01/31
namespace std; #define Fopen freopen("_in.txt","r",stdin); freopen("_out.txt","w",stdout); #define LL long long #define ULL unsigned LL #define fi first #define se second #define pb push_back #define lson l,m,rt<<1 #define rson m+1,r,rt<<1|1 #define lch(x) tr[x].son[0] #define rch(x) tr[x].son[1] #define
max3(a,b,c) max(a,max(b,c)) #define min3(a,b,c) min(a,min(b,c)) typedef pair<int,int> pll; const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; const int _inf = 0xc0c0c0c0; const LL INF = 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f; const LL _INF = 0xc0c0c0c0c0c0c0c0; const LL mod = (int)1e9+7; const int N = 3e5 + 100; int Wa(){return rand()%2;} void Hack(int
n){srand(time(0));int hack = 0;for(int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)hack += Wa();if(hack == n)puts("OH No!");} int n, a; int c[N], d[N]; LL Mx[N<<2], lz[N<<2]; void PushDown(int rt){ if(lz[rt]){ Mx[rt<<1] += lz[rt]; Mx[rt<<1|1] += lz[rt]; lz[rt<<1] += lz[rt]; lz[rt<<1|1] += lz[rt]; lz[rt] = 0; } } void PushUp(int rt){ Mx[rt] = max(Mx[rt<<1], Mx[rt<<1|1]); } void Update(int L, int R, LL C, int l, int r, int rt){ if(L <= l && r <= R){ Mx[rt] += C; lz[rt] += C; return ; } int m = l+r >> 1; PushDown(rt); if(L <= m) Update(L, R, C, lson); if(m < R) Update(L, R, C, rson); PushUp(rt); } struct Node{ int l, r; LL v; }B[N]; stack<int> id; void Ac(){ for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i){ scanf("%d%d", &d[i], &c[i]); c[i] = a - c[i]; } LL ans = max(0, c[1]); Update(1,1,c[1],1,n,1); for(int i = 2; i <= n; ++i){ Update(1,i,c[i],1,n,1); B[i].l = B[i].r = i-1; B[i].v = 1ll * (d[i] - d[i-1]) * (d[i] - d[i-1]); while(!id.empty() && B[id.top()].v < B[i].v){ int x = id.top(); id.pop(); Update(B[x].l, B[x].r, B[x].v, 1, n, 1); B[i].l = B[x].l; } Update(B[i].l, B[i].r, -B[i].v, 1, n, 1); id.push(i); ans = max(ans, Mx[1]); } printf("%I64d\n", ans); } int main(){ while(~scanf("%d%d", &n, &a)){ Ac(); } return 0; }
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CodeForces 1107 - G Vasya and Maximum Profit 線段樹