1. 程式人生 > >神經網路/自編碼器的實現(向量化Python版本實現)



# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jan  2 17:47:29 2018

@author: lyh
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler

def tanh(x):
    return (np.exp(x) - np.exp(-x)) / (np.exp(x) + np.exp(-x))

#啟用函式 tanh導數
def d_tanh(x):
    return 1 + np.negative(np.square(tanh(x)))

def cost(a,y): return np.negative(y * np.log(a)) + ((1 + np.negative(y)) * np.log(1 + np.negative(a))) #計算dA def da(a,y): return np.negative(y / a) + ((1 + np.negative(y)) / (1 + np.negative(a))) #自定義多層神經網路 def neuralNetwork(l,n,X,y,lr,iterations): """ loss function: -ylogy_hat + (1-y)log(1-y_hat) params: l : The number of layers n : The number of nodes on each layer X : x y : y lr : learning rate iterations : Number of iterations """
A = [X] W,b,Z = [0],[0],[0] dZ,dA,dW,db = [0],[0],[0],[0] m = X.shape[1] loss = 1000 #初始化 for i in range(1,l): W.append(np.random.rand(n[i],n[i-1])) b.append(np.random.rand(n[i]).reshape(n[i],1)) A.append(0) Z.append(0) dZ.append(0) dA.append(0
) dW.append(0) db.append(0) for index in range(iterations): #前饋傳播 for i in range(1,l): Z[i] = np.dot(W[i],A[i-1]) + b[i].reshape(len(b[i]),1) A[i] = tanh(Z[i]) #最後一層dA """ if((np.isnan(np.mean(cost(A[l-1], y)))) | (np.mean(cost(A[l-1], y)) == loss)): print("迭代停止") #break else:""" loss = np.mean(cost(A[l-1], y)) print(index,loss) dA[l-1] = da(A[l-1], y) #反向傳播 for i in range(1,l): layer = l-i dZ[layer] = dA[layer] * d_tanh(Z[layer]) #對應元素相乘 dW[layer] = 1/m * (np.dot(dZ[layer], A[layer-1].T)) db[layer] = 1/m * np.sum(dZ[layer], axis=1, keepdims=True) dA[layer - 1] = np.dot(W[layer].T, dZ[layer]) #更新權值 W[layer] -= lr * dW[layer] b[layer] -= lr * db[layer] return A,W,b #構造自編碼器 def AutoEncoder(X,n,lr,it): """ loss function: -ylogy_hat + (1-y)log(1-y_hat) params: n : The number of nodes on each layer X : x lr : learning rate iterations : Number of iterations """ row = X.shape[0] col = X.shape[1] X = X.reshape(row * col,1) l = len(n) scaler = MinMaxScaler().fit(X) X_scaler = scaler.transform(X) print(X_scaler.shape) print("input ",X) #print("歸一化 ",X) A,W,b = neuralNetwork(l,n,X_scaler,X_scaler,lr,it) print("AutoEncoder output ",scaler.inverse_transform(A[l-1]).reshape(row,col)) #X = np.array([5,5,10,1,5,9,7,4,6,8]) #X = X.reshape(len(X),1) #測試 from sklearn import datasets iris = datasets.load_iris() data = iris["data"] X = data row = X.shape[0] col = X.shape[1] AutoEncoder(X,[row * col,2,row * col],0.05,100)

此版本目前存在一個Bug 在自編碼器中,當對輸入標準化之後,等於或接近零的數值在還原之後變成了負數。 解釋半天找不到原因,有沒有大佬知道是什麼原因的,歡迎指出問題所在,謝謝。