1. 程式人生 > >Mackbook pro通過BootCamp安裝Windows 10 後羅技藍芽滑鼠連線不上的解決方法

Mackbook pro通過BootCamp安裝Windows 10 後羅技藍芽滑鼠連線不上的解決方法

15年中的Mackbook pro需要安裝使用Only Windows的程式,於是BootCamp雙系統是最佳解決方案,安裝好win10後,其他沒有問題,除了藍芽滑鼠配對不上,第一次點連線後就一直停留在正在連線狀態或者提示無效配對碼,只有重啟後才能再次搜尋到藍芽滑鼠,我用的滑鼠型號是羅技M336,在Mac OS X系統上用的一直很好。其實這個不是羅技滑鼠的問題,微軟的滑鼠也可能出現這種在雙系統環境下的連線問題。

Resolving issues with Windows when using Apple Magic Mouse or Apple Wireless Keyboard
Your Magic Mouse or Apple Wireless Keyboard (Late 2009) may become unpaired when using Boot Camp to run Windows on your Mac.
This article has been archived and is no longer updated by Apple.

Follow these steps if your Magic Mouse or Apple Wireless Keyboard no longer responds when using Boot Camp to run Windows.
1、Shut down Windows.
2、Restart your computer using Mac OS X.
3、Re-pair the mouse and re-pair the keyboard.
4、Restart the computer using Windows; the mouse and keyboard should return to full operation.
If you have recently applied a Windows update, your wireless keyboard may not wake your computer from sleep. Clicking the Magic Mouse should always wake your computer up. The next time you restart, your keyboard should return to normal operation.
Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute Apple’s recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Published Date: Apr 22, 2014
2、進入Mac OS X,在Mac OS X裡重新配對藍芽滑鼠,成功後再移除

其中紅色框為新增藍芽滑鼠後新增的,在此需要強調的是BootCamp或者驅動精靈安裝的藍芽驅動是沒有問題的,可以使用的。不需要自己從他處下載,也不需要什麼手動安裝。藍芽滑鼠連線了Mac OS X後需要在OS X 裡移除,這才是在windows10裡連線成功的關鍵。