1. 程式人生 > >組合補考的我且先裝個比,競賽圖中求漢密爾頓圈演算法設計



1.Dirac定理:設一個無向圖中有 N 個節點,若所有節點的度數都大於等於 N/2,則漢密爾頓迴路一定存在。

N/2中的除法不是整除,而是實數除法,該條件中的 N/2等價於 “⌈N/2⌉”

證明:首先可以證明圖一定是連通的。設 d(v) 表示節點 v 的度數。對於任意兩個節點 u、 v,若它們不相鄰,則可能和它們相鄰的節點共有 N - 2 個,而 d(u) + d(v)

N/2 + N/2 N,那麼根據鴿巢原理,肯定存在一個節點與 u 和 v 都相鄰。即證,任何兩個節點之間都是連通的。


1. 任意找兩個相鄰的節點 S 和 T,在它們基礎上擴展出一條儘量長的沒有重複節點的路徑。也就是說,如果 S 與節點 v 相鄰,而且 v 不在路徑 S T 上,則可以把該路徑變成 v S T,然後 v 成為新的 S。從 S 和 T 分別向兩頭擴充套件,直到無法擴為止,即所有與 S 或 T 相鄰的節點都在路徑 S T 上。

2. 若 S 與 T 相鄰,則路徑 S T 形成了一個迴路。

3. 若 S 與 T 不相鄰,可以構造出一個迴路。設路徑 S

T 上有 k + 2 個節點,依次為 S、 v1、 v2…… vk 和 T。可以證明存在節點 vi, i [1, k),滿足 vi 與 T 相鄰,且 vi+1與 S 相鄰。證明方法也是根據鴿巢原理,既然與 S 和 T 相鄰的點都在該路徑上,它們分佈的範圍只有 v1 vk 這 k 個點, k N - 2,而 d(S) + d(T) N,那麼可以想像,肯定存在一個與 S 相鄰的點 vi 和一個與 T 相鄰的點 vj, 滿足 j < i。那麼上面的命題也就顯然成立了。找到了滿足條件的節點 vi 以後,就可以把原路徑變成 S vi+1 T vi S,即形成了一個迴路。

4. 現在我們有了一個沒有重複節點的迴路。如果它的長度為 N,則漢密爾頓迴路就找到了。如果迴路的長度小於 N,由於整個圖是連通的,所以在該回路上,一定存在一點與迴路以外的點相鄰。那麼從該點處把迴路斷開,就變回了一條路徑。再按照步驟1的方法儘量擴充套件路徑,則一定有新的節點被加進來。接著回到步驟 2。

    在整個構造過程中,如果說每次到步驟 4 算是一輪的話,那麼由於每一輪當中,至少有一個節點被加入到路徑 S T 中來,所以總的輪數肯定不超過 N 輪。實際上,不難看出該演算法的複雜度就是 O(N^2),因為總共擴充套件了 N 步路徑,每步擴充套件最多列舉所有的節點。







[cpp]view plaincopyprint?

1. #include<iostream>  

2. #include<cstdio>  

3. #include<string>  

4. #include<cstring>  

5. #include<vector>  

6. #include<cmath>  

7. #include<queue>  

8. #include<stack>  

9. #include<map>  

10. #include<set>  

11. #include<algorithm>  

12. using namespace std;  

13. const int maxn=1100;  

14. int N;  

15. int g[maxn][maxn];  

16. int nex[maxn];  

17. bool expend(int st)  

18. {  

19.     for(int i=0;i<N;i++)nex[i]=-1;  

20.     int head=st,tail=head;  

21.     for(int i=0;i<N;i++)  

22.     {  

23.         if(i==st)continue;  

24.         if(g[i][head])nex[i]=head,head=i;  

25.         else  

26.         {  

27.             int x=head,y=nex[head];  

28.             while(y!=-1&&g[y][i])  

29.             {  

30.                 x=y;  

31.                 y=nex[y];  

32.             }  

33.             nex[x]=i;  

34.             nex[i]=y;  

35.             if(y==-1)tail=i;  

36.         }  

37.     }  

38.     if(g[tail][head])  

39.     {  

40.         nex[tail]=head;  

41.         return true;  

42.     }  

43.     return false;  

44. }  

45. bool solve()  

46. {  

47.     for(int i=0;i<N;i++)  

48.         if(expend(i))return true;  

49.     return false;  

50. }  

51. int main()  

52. {  

53.     while(scanf("%d",&N)!=EOF,N)  

54.     {  

55.         for(int i=0;i<N;i++)  

56.             for(int j=0;j<N;j++)  

57.                 scanf("%d",&g[i][j]);  

58.         if(N==1){printf("1\n");continue;}  

59.         if(N==2||!solve())printf("-1\n");  

60.         else  

61.             for(int i=0,j=0;i<N;i++,j=nex[j])  

62.                 printf("%d%c",j+1,i==N-1?'\n':' ');  

63.     }  

64.     return 0;  

65. }  

Problem Description

The city is so crowded that the mayor can't bear any longer. He issued an order to change all the roads into one-way street. The news is terrible for Jack, who is the director of a tourism company, because he has to change the travel route. All tourists want to set out from one scenic spot, then go to every scenic spots once and only once and finally return to the starting spot. They dont care about which spot to start from, but they wont go back to the starting spot before they have visited all other spots. Fortunately, the roads in the city have been perfectly built and any two scenic spots have been connected by ONE road directly. Jack gives the map of the city to you, and your task is to arrange a new travel route around the city which can satisfy the tourists.


Input consists of multiple test cases and ends with a line of 0.

For each test case:

The first line contains a single integer n (0

Then n lines follows, and each line consists of n integers. These n lines make a matrix. If the element in the ith row and the jth column is 1(ij), it means that the direction of the road between spot i and spot j is from spot i to spot j. If that element is 0, it means that the roads direction is from spot j to spot i. The numbers in the main diagonal of the matrix are all 0. (i and j start from 1)


For each test case, print all the spots No. according to the traveling order of the route in one line. If multiple routes exist, just print one of them. If no such route exists, print a -1instead. Because the starting spot is the same as the ending spot, so you dont need to print the ending spot.

This problem needs special judge.

Sample Input


0 0 1 1 1

1 0 1 1 0

0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 1

0 1 1 0 0


0 1

0 0


Sample Output

1 3 4 5 2













const int N = 1000;

bool g[N][N];

int n , next[N];

bool expand( int s )


    for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; next[i++] = -1 );

    int front = s , back = front;

    for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )


        if( i == s )    continue;

        if( g[i][front] )   next[i] = front , front = i;



            int a = front , b = next[front];

            while( b != -1 && g[b][i] )

                a = b , b = next[b];

            next[a] = i;

            next[i] = b;

            if( b == -1 )   back = i;



    if( g[back][front] )


        next[back] = front;

        return true;


    return false;


bool solve()


    for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )

        if( expand(i) )  return true;

    return false;


int main()


    while( scanf("%d",&n) , n )


        for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ )

            for( int j = 0 ; j < n ; j++ )


        if( n == 1 )   puts("1");

        else if( n == 2 || !solve() )    puts("-1");


            for( int i = 0 , j = 0 ; i < n ; i++ , j = next[j] )

                printf("%d%c",j+1,i==n-1?'\n':' ');


    return 0;
