1. 程式人生 > >fs4412開發板學習筆記(二十一)



setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200
setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200

make uImage
make dtbs
cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /tftpboot/uImage_3.14.29
cp arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-fs4412.dtb /tftpboot/

setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200
setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200

cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /tftpboot/zImage tftp 41000000 zImage movi write kernel 41000000 從flash上啟動根檔案系統,再用命令掛接NFS ifconfig eth0 mount -t nfs -o nolock,vers=2 tftp -gr madplay setenv bootcmd tftp 41000000 uImage\;tftp 42000000 exynos4412-fs4412.dtb\;bootm 41000000 - 42000000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 setenv bootcmd movi read kernel 40008000 \;movi read rootfs 40d00000 100000\;bootm 40008000 40d00000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 init=/init console=ttySAC2,115200 save setenv bootcmd tftp 40800000 uImage_3.0_a\;bootm 40800000 setenv bootcmd movi read kernel 40008000 \;bootm 40008000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 使用3.0核心,linux製作的跟檔案系統 setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 setenv bootcmd movi read kernel 40008000\;tftp 41000000 ramdisk.img\;bootm 40008000 41000000 tftp 41000000 ramdisk.img movi write rootfs 41000000 300000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 setenv bootcmd movi read kernel 40008000\;movi read rootfs 41000000\;bootm 40008000 41000000 tftp 41000000 ramdisk_1.img setenv bootcmd movi read kernel 40008000\;bootm 40008000 41000000 movi erase rootfs tftp 41000000 ramdisk.img movi write rootfs 41000000 4000000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 setenv bootcmd tftp 41000000 uImage_3.14.29\;tftp 42000000 exynos4412-fs4412.dtb\;tftp 43000000 ramdisk.img\;bootm 41000000 43000000 42000000 movi - movi - sd/mmc r/w sub system for SMDK board Usage: movi init - Initialize moviNAND and show
card info movi read {u-boot | kernel} {addr} - Read data from sd/mmc movi write {fwbl1 | u-boot | kernel} {addr} - Write data to sd/mmc movi read rootfs {addr} [bytes(hex)] - Read rootfs data from sd/mmc by size movi write rootfs {addr} [bytes(hex)] - Write rootfs data to sd/mmc by size movi read {sector#} {bytes(hex)} {addr} - instead of
this, you can use "mmc read" movi write {sector#} {bytes(hex)} {addr} - instead of this, you can use "mmc write" mount -o remount rw / ========================================= Linux3.14.29核心和根檔案系統燒寫: make uImage make dtbs cp arch/arm/boot/uImage /tftpboot/uImage_3.14.29 cp arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos4412-fs4412.dtb /tftpboot/ tftp 40008000 u-boot2013_me.bin movi write u-boot 40008000 tftp 41000000 uImage_3.14.29 movi write kernel 41000000 tftp 41000000 exynos4412-fs4412.dtb movi write dtb 41000000 tftp 41000000 rootfs_ram.bin tftp 41000000 ramdisk.img 下載完出現: done Bytes transferred = 41809899 (12c56a1 hex) 2.5M 300000 50M 5000000 movi write rootfs 41000000 5000000 movi write rootfs 41000000 2000000 大小(十六進位制,填上面的大小:12c56a1) 本地啟動命令: setenv bootargs root=/dev/mtdblock2 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 set bootcmd movi read kernel 41000000\;
movi read dtb 42000000\;bootm 41000000 - 42000000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 set bootcmd movi read kernel 41000000\;movi read dtb 42000000\;movi read rootfs 43000000 5000000\;bootm 41000000 43000000 42000000 掛載nfs,下載核心啟動命令: setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 setenv bootcmd tftp 41000000 uImage_3.14.29\;tftp 42000000 exynos4412-fs4412.dtb\;tftp 43000000 ramdisk.img\;bootm 41000000 43000000 42000000 setenv bootcmd tftp 41000000 uImage_3.14.29\;tftp 42000000 exynos4412-fs4412.dtb\;bootm 41000000 - 42000000 setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs nfsroot= rw ip= init=/linuxrc console=ttySAC2,115200 遠端監控:在火狐瀏覽器輸入http://,來實時監控監控 ============================ Linux3.0核心和根檔案系統燒寫: