1. 程式人生 > >windows下PHP的oci和pdo_oci擴充套件安裝


- windows7
- PHP Version 5.6.19
- Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release


Configuring PHP with OCI8

Review the previous Requirements section before configuring OCI8.

To enable the OCI8 extension, configure PHP with the option –with-oci8 .

Before starting the web server, OCI8 typically requires several Oracle environment variables (see below) to locate libraries, point to configuration files, and set some basic properties such as the character set used by Oracle libraries. The variables should be set before any PHP process starts.

PHP should be run with the same, or more recent, major version of Oracle libraries as it was configured with. For example, if you build OCI8 with Oracle 11.2 libraries, then PHP should also be deployed and run with Oracle 11.2 libraries.


Installing OCI8 on Windows

On Windows, uncomment the php.ini line extension=php_oci8.dll when using Oracle 10gR2 client libraries. Uncomment extension=php_oci8_11g.dll when using Oracle 11g client libraries. These two DLLs contain equivalent functionality and only one may be enabled at a time. Make sure extension_dir is set to the directory containing the PHP extension DLLs.

If using Instant Client, set the system PATH environment variable to the Oracle library directory.
翻譯:如果使用Instant Client,設定環境變數指向oralce目錄


  1. 配置php.ini,開啟extension=php_oci8_12c.dll,如果PHP版本非文章中的版本,應該是php_oci8.dll或者php_oci8_11g.dll,這裡要根據你使用的oralce版本來選擇。dll檔案版本高的相容版本低的,版本低的無法相容版本高的。
  2. 安裝oralce Instant Client,下載連線。自己選擇環境版本,不要搞錯作業系統位數就行。
  3. 將自己下載的Instant Client,放到自己的軟體目錄裡。然後在環境變數的PATH裡面加入Instant Client的路徑。重啟電腦使環境變數生效。(不重啟也可,自行baidu)
  4. 測試連線oracle是否成功。

