1. 程式人生 > >【opencv】雙目匹配程式碼分析







static void findStereoCorrespondence( const Mat& left, const Mat& right,
                            Mat& disp, Mat& cost, const
CvStereoBMState& state, uchar* buf, int _dy0, int _dy1 )
  1. 建立查詢表tab
for( x = 0; x < TABSZ; x++ )
        tab[x] = (uchar)std::abs(x - ftzero);

得到tab(0:255) = (31:0, 1:224)

  1. 初始化第一列的搜尋窗
for( x = -wsz2-1; x < wsz2; x++ )
        hsad = hsad0 - dy0*ndisp;
        cbuf = cbuf0 + (x + wsz2 + 1
)*cstep - dy0*ndisp; // 最大視差比搜尋窗大很多的情況下,不需要判斷邊界 lptr = lptr0 + x - dy0*sstep;//std::min(std::max(x, -lofs), width-lofs-1) - dy0*sstep;// rptr = rptr0 + x - dy0*sstep;//std::min(std::max(x, -rofs), width-rofs-1) - dy0*sstep;// //int val; for( y = -dy0; y < height + dy1; y++, hsad += ndisp, cbuf += ndisp, lptr += sstep, rptr += sstep ) { // 左邊減去右邊差的絕對值,在最大視差範圍內計算
int lval = lptr[0]; for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ ) { int diff = std::abs(lval - rptr[d]); //cbuf[dy0+height+dy1][ndisp] cbuf[d] = (uchar)diff; // 每一列,當前畫素與對應畫素差值 hsad[d] = (int)(hsad[d] + diff);//搜尋窗裡sad } htext[y] += tab[lval]; // 計算一個搜尋窗裡左影象素-31的絕對值之和 //val = lval; } }


for x = -wsz2-1:wsz2
    cbuf(x, -dy0:height+dy1, 0:disp-1) = abs(tab(Left(x, -dy0:height+dy1))-tab(right(x:x+disp, -dy0:height+dy1)))

先cbuf初始一個搜尋窗的殘差值,一共(wsz, H, disp)

hsad[0] = \sum_{n=-wsz2-1}^{wsz2}abs(tab(left(n))-tab(right(n)))
hsad[1] = \sum_{n=-wsz2-1}^{wsz2}abs(tab(left(n))-tab(right(n+1)))
hsad[disp-1] = \sum_{n=-wsz2-1}^{wsz2}abs(tab(left(n))-tab(right(n+disp-1)))


htext[i] = \sum_{n=-wsz2-1}^{wsz2}tab(left(n))

3. 初始化邊界

// initialize the left and right borders of the disparity map
    for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        for( x = 0; x < lofs; x++ )
            dptr[y*dstep + x] = FILTERED;
        for( x = lofs + width1; x < width; x++ )
            dptr[y*dstep + x] = FILTERED;

disp[0:maxDisp-1, :] = -16
disp[W-maxDisp:W, :] = -16

  1. 在搜尋窗裡計算sad
// 計算每列sad值,左影象素-右圖0到最大視差偏移畫素
        for( y = -dy0; y < height + dy1; y++,
                        cbuf += ndisp, cbuf_sub += ndisp,
                         hsad += ndisp, lptr += sstep,
                         lptr_sub += sstep, rptr += sstep )
            int lval = lptr[0];
            for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
                int diff = std::abs(lval - rptr[d]);
                cbuf[d] = (uchar)diff;
                hsad[d] = hsad[d] + diff - cbuf_sub[d];
            htext[y] += tab[lval] - tab[lptr_sub[0]];


  1. 填充分界
        // fill borders
        for( y = dy1; y <= wsz2; y++ )
            htext[height+y] = htext[height+dy1-1];
        for( y = -wsz2-1; y < -dy0; y++ )
            htext[y] = htext[-dy0];

6. 初始化sad,方便後面判斷

        // initialize sums
        for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
            sad[d] = (int)(hsad0[d-ndisp*dy0]*(wsz2 + 2 - dy0));

        hsad = hsad0 + (1 - dy0)*ndisp;
        for( y = 1 - dy0; y < wsz2; y++, hsad += ndisp )
            for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
                sad[d] = (int)(sad[d] + hsad[d]);


sad(0:ndisp-1) = \sum_{i=1-dy0}^{wsz2}hsad(i)(0:ndisp)
  1. 初始化tsum
int tsum = 0;
        for( y = -wsz2-1; y < wsz2; y++ )
            tsum += htext[y];
tsum = \sum_{i=-wsz2-1}^{wsz2}htext[i]


  1. 匹配,找到合適的匹配視窗,計算出偏移大小
// finally, start the real processing
        for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
            int minsad = INT_MAX, mind = -1;
            hsad = hsad0 + MIN(y + wsz2, height+dy1-1)*ndisp;
            hsad_sub = hsad0 + MAX(y - wsz2 - 1, -dy0)*ndisp;

            for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
                int currsad = sad[d] + hsad[d] - hsad_sub[d];
                sad[d] = currsad;
                if( currsad < minsad )
                    minsad = currsad;
                    mind = d;
            tsum += htext[y + wsz2] - htext[y - wsz2 - 1];
            // 紋理閾值,在21x21裡計算左影象素與31差值的sad
            // 值太小,容易出現誤匹配;值太大,匹配點變少
            if( tsum < textureThreshold )
                dptr[y*dstep] = FILTERED;

            // 唯一性判斷,次小值不能太小
            if( uniquenessRatio > 0 )
                int thresh = minsad + (minsad * uniquenessRatio/100);
                for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
                    if( sad[d] <= thresh && (d < mind-1 || d > mind+1))
                if( d < ndisp )
                    dptr[y*dstep] = FILTERED;

            sad[-1] = sad[1];
            sad[ndisp] = sad[ndisp-2];
            int p = sad[mind+1], n = sad[mind-1];
            d = 0;//p + n - 2*sad[mind] + std::abs(p - n);
            // 輸出值為16bit short型別,原值先乘265再加上一個修正值,最後除16,
            // 最終擴大了16倍, 修正值在正負16之間(擴大了16倍)
            dptr[y*dstep] = (short)(((ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp)*256 + (d != 0 ? (p-n)*256/d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
            costptr[y*coststep] = sad[mind];


  • 計算最小sad
for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
    int currsad = sad[d] + hsad[d] - hsad_sub[d];
    sad[d] = currsad;
    if( currsad < minsad )
        minsad = currsad;
        mind = d;
mind = \sum_{i=0:ndisp-1}^{ndisp}sad(i)
  • 計算當前視窗的紋理值
tsum += htext[y + wsz2] - htext[y - wsz2 - 1];
// 紋理閾值,在21x21裡計算左影象素與31差值的sad
// 值太小,容易出現誤匹配;值太大,匹配點變少
if( tsum < textureThreshold )
    dptr[y*dstep] = FILTERED;


  • 唯一性判斷,次小值不能太小
// 唯一性判斷,次小值不能太小
            if( uniquenessRatio > 0 )
                int thresh = minsad + (minsad * uniquenessRatio/100);
                for( d = 0; d < ndisp; d++ )
                    if( sad[d] <= thresh && (d < mind-1 || d > mind+1))
                if( d < ndisp )
                    dptr[y*dstep] = FILTERED;


  • 輸出,增加修正值,修正值對資料大小影響不大,主要是為了增加一些紋理區別
            sad[-1] = sad[1];
            sad[ndisp] = sad[ndisp-2];
            int p = sad[mind+1], n = sad[mind-1];
            d = 0;//p + n - 2*sad[mind] + std::abs(p - n);
            // 輸出值為16bit short型別,原值先乘265再加上一個修正值,最後除16,
            // 最終擴大了16倍, 修正值在正負16之間(擴大了16倍)
            dptr[y*dstep] = (short)(((ndisp - mind - 1 + mindisp)*256 + (d != 0 ? (p-n)*256/d : 0) + 15) >> 4);
            costptr[y*coststep] = sad[mind];