1. 程式人生 > >Android開發技巧——五分鐘實現二維碼識別


 * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background
 * thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the user place the barcode correctly,
 * shows feedback as the image processing is happening, and then overlays the
 * results when a scan is successful.
 * @author [email protected]
(Daniel Switkin)
* @author Sean Owen */ public final class CaptureActivity extends Activity implements SurfaceHolder.Callback { private static final String TAG = CaptureActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private CameraManager cameraManager; private CaptureActivityHandler handler; private
InactivityTimer inactivityTimer; private BeepManager beepManager; private SurfaceView scanPreview = null; private RelativeLayout scanContainer; private RelativeLayout scanCropView; private ImageView scanLine; private Rect mCropRect = null; private boolean isHasSurface = false;
public Handler getHandler() { return handler; } public CameraManager getCameraManager() { return cameraManager; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { super.onCreate(icicle); Window window = getWindow(); window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); setContentView(R.layout.activity_capture); scanPreview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.capture_preview); scanContainer = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.capture_container); scanCropView = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(R.id.capture_crop_view); scanLine = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.capture_scan_line); inactivityTimer = new InactivityTimer(this); beepManager = new BeepManager(this); TranslateAnimation animation = new TranslateAnimation(Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0.0f, Animation .RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_PARENT, 0.9f); animation.setDuration(4500); animation.setRepeatCount(-1); animation.setRepeatMode(Animation.RESTART); scanLine.startAnimation(animation); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // CameraManager must be initialized here, not in onCreate(). This is // necessary because we don't // want to open the camera driver and measure the screen size if we're // going to show the help on // first launch. That led to bugs where the scanning rectangle was the // wrong size and partially // off screen. cameraManager = new CameraManager(getApplication()); handler = null; if (isHasSurface) { // The activity was paused but not stopped, so the surface still // exists. Therefore // surfaceCreated() won't be called, so init the camera here. initCamera(scanPreview.getHolder()); } else { // Install the callback and wait for surfaceCreated() to init the // camera. scanPreview.getHolder().addCallback(this); } inactivityTimer.onResume(); } @Override protected void onPause() { if (handler != null) { handler.quitSynchronously(); handler = null; } inactivityTimer.onPause(); beepManager.close(); cameraManager.closeDriver(); if (!isHasSurface) { scanPreview.getHolder().removeCallback(this); } super.onPause(); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { inactivityTimer.shutdown(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void surfaceCreated(SurfaceHolder holder) { if (holder == null) { Log.e(TAG, "*** WARNING *** surfaceCreated() gave us a null surface!"); } if (!isHasSurface) { isHasSurface = true; initCamera(holder); } } @Override public void surfaceDestroyed(SurfaceHolder holder) { isHasSurface = false; } @Override public void surfaceChanged(SurfaceHolder holder, int format, int width, int height) { } /** * A valid barcode has been found, so give an indication of success and show * the results. * * @param rawResult The contents of the barcode. * @param bundle The extras */ public void handleDecode(Result rawResult, Bundle bundle) { inactivityTimer.onActivity(); beepManager.playBeepSoundAndVibrate(); Intent resultIntent = new Intent(); bundle.putInt("width", mCropRect.width()); bundle.putInt("height", mCropRect.height()); bundle.putString("result", rawResult.getText()); resultIntent.putExtras(bundle); this.setResult(RESULT_OK, resultIntent); CaptureActivity.this.finish(); } private void initCamera(SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder) { if (surfaceHolder == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No SurfaceHolder provided"); } if (cameraManager.isOpen()) { Log.w(TAG, "initCamera() while already open -- late SurfaceView callback?"); return; } try { cameraManager.openDriver(surfaceHolder); // Creating the handler starts the preview, which can also throw a // RuntimeException. if (handler == null) { handler = new CaptureActivityHandler(this, cameraManager, DecodeThread.ALL_MODE); } initCrop(); } catch (IOException ioe) { Log.w(TAG, ioe); displayFrameworkBugMessageAndExit(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Barcode Scanner has seen crashes in the wild of this variety: // java.?lang.?RuntimeException: Fail to connect to camera service Log.w(TAG, "Unexpected error initializing camera", e); displayFrameworkBugMessageAndExit(); } } private void displayFrameworkBugMessageAndExit() { // camera error AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setTitle(getString(R.string.app_name)); builder.setMessage("Camera error"); builder.setPositiveButton("OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { finish(); } }); builder.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { finish(); } }); builder.show(); } public void restartPreviewAfterDelay(long delayMS) { if (handler != null) { handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(R.id.restart_preview, delayMS); } } public Rect getCropRect() { return mCropRect; } /** * 初始化擷取的矩形區域 */ private void initCrop() { int cameraWidth = cameraManager.getCameraResolution().y; int cameraHeight = cameraManager.getCameraResolution().x; /** 獲取佈局中掃描框的位置資訊 */ int[] location = new int[2]; scanCropView.getLocationInWindow(location); int cropLeft = location[0]; int cropTop = location[1] - getStatusBarHeight(); int cropWidth = scanCropView.getWidth(); int cropHeight = scanCropView.getHeight(); /** 獲取佈局容器的寬高 */ int containerWidth = scanContainer.getWidth(); int containerHeight = scanContainer.getHeight(); /** 計算最終擷取的矩形的左上角頂點x座標 */ int x = cropLeft * cameraWidth / containerWidth; /** 計算最終擷取的矩形的左上角頂點y座標 */ int y = cropTop * cameraHeight / containerHeight; /** 計算最終擷取的矩形的寬度 */ int width = cropWidth * cameraWidth / containerWidth; /** 計算最終擷取的矩形的高度 */ int height = cropHeight * cameraHeight / containerHeight; /** 生成最終的擷取的矩形 */ mCropRect = new Rect(x, y, width + x, height + y); } private int getStatusBarHeight() { try { Class<?> c = Class.forName("com.android.internal.R$dimen"); Object obj = c.newInstance(); Field field = c.getField("status_bar_height"); int x = Integer.parseInt(field.get(obj).toString()); return getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(x); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } }



/** * This activity opens the camera and does the actual scanning on a background * thread. It draws a viewfinder to help the user place the barcode cor


概述: 最近所做的畢設專案正好與之前很火的共享單車相關,共享單車應用中很關鍵的一個部分就是掃碼用車,但我之前沒有做過相關的模組,在參考網上相關實現的教程時發現,基本上所有的二維碼識別模組都是通過客戶端來完成的很少有通過前端技術實現。令我很苦惱。


要根據內容來實現二維碼的生成,這裡需要用到一個第三方的jar包(Google的開源jar包zxing.jar) 下面直接貼上我寫好的最最最簡單的demo public Bitmap setCode(String contents,int width,int height){


前言: 在寫這篇文章之前已經寫過兩篇關於二維碼功能的文章,有興趣的可以看看——》文章1:Android開發之利用ZXing庫實現二維碼的掃描;文章2:Android開發之利用ZXing庫實現二維碼的生成,這兩篇文章中使用到的二維碼生成庫是ZXing,在本篇


前言: 目前二維碼(條形碼)的使用非常廣泛,所以啊,就想去實現以下嘛,最簡單的方法就是選擇開源庫了。 在網上一查開源庫還是很多的,介紹使用最多的就是zxing,所以這裡也就是用zxing了。但是由於zxing開源庫太大了,有很多不是Android要用的,所以

Android 基於google Zxing實現 條形碼掃描,仿微信掃描效果

分享一下我老師大神的人工智慧教程!零基礎,通俗易懂!http://blog.csdn.net/jiangjunshow 也歡迎大家轉載本篇文章。分享知識,造福人民,實現我們中華民族偉大復興!        


一、前言 本文的內容有兩個基礎:ZXing.Net和ZXing.Net.Mobile ZXing.Net:ZXing的C#實現,主要封裝了各種二維碼的編碼、解碼等跨平臺的演算法 ZXing.Net.Mobile:對ZXing.Net在xamarin的應用進行了封裝,主要實現了攝像頭掃描、掃描view、掃

xamarin android 實現帶logo生成效果

MultiFormatWriter writer = new MultiFormatWriter(); Dictionary<EncodeHintType, object> hint = new Dictionary<EncodeHint


簡介 本篇我們對光線暗淡情況下閃光燈的使用做出介紹。 效果 晚上測試時: 開燈後: 未開燈: 實現步驟 1、在activity_scanner.xml介面上加上閃光燈開關按鈕。可以是Button、Checkbox等控制元件。

Android 客戶端掃描網頁端實現登入

->Android +PHP+Swoole+Websocket 客戶端掃描網頁端二維碼實現登入 主要涉及技術和類庫 php phpqrcode 類庫 PHP生成二維碼 php swoole 擴充套件 php redis 擴充套件 j



Android 基於google Zxing實現、條形碼掃描,仿微信掃描效果(現在正做個掃描App、收藏)


Android 使用Zxing實現的生成,掃描

在專案中要使用到二維碼的相關內容,百度(原諒我還在用)之後得知一半都是使用Google的開源庫 Zxing,但是網上多半的使用教程都是比較早的,這裡給出我總結的一些基礎程式碼和使用規則: 首先要一定要先去官網看看: 1. 如何匯入 如果是使用andro


最近看到有人用Dialog來實現QQ的仿ActionSheet的自定義選單,對於自己沒實現過的一些控制元件,看著也想實現一下。於是動手了一下,發現也不難,和大家分享一下。 在這裡我也是用Dialog來實現,程式碼不多,這裡說一下實現的過程。 選單的佈


先在androidstudio上匯入libzing的Module,然後再app上把那個libzing新增上去,這樣我們的app就關聯了那個libzing庫了 然後我們就只在app這個工程下寫程式碼就行了。activity_main.xml佈局如下


簡介 本篇我們對掃碼介面進行優化,並對ZXing近距離無法識別的問題做出優化。 個性化定製 每個APP都有自己的表現形式,實現個性化掃碼介面定製,主要有兩個地方: activity_scanner.xml介面檔案 com.google.zxin


Zxing二維碼庫是相當豐富。但是我們往往只需要裡面的掃碼識別以及生成二維碼的功能就可以了,所以這次用到了已經抽離出核銷程式碼的框架包 compile ‘com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:3.3.0’,來快速整合開發

高仿仿微信介面掃描效果 之 Android 基於google Zxing實現、條形碼掃描

    絕大多數android開發者都是使用google Zxing來實現二維碼、條形碼掃描,但官方和網上很多demo的掃描介面讓人不忍直視,今天我也做了一個,介面和執行效都是高仿微信最新版的掃描效果,執行效果圖如下: 主要是修改了ViewfindView類,我就不多解


前言 要做一個功能,二維碼識別。網上找一堆相關的Demo,但是總不是想要的效果,或者都是多年前的版本,權衡考慮之後,決定親自操刀。不糾結直接選中Zxing框架,https://github.com/zxing/zxing 在網站上直接clone下來,執行,然後就發現問題了.


一、匯入ZXing.jar包 二、建立生成二維碼的方法 public static Bitmap Create2DCode(String str) throws WriterException {Ha