1. 程式人生 > >漢諾塔非遞迴演算法分析與實現



// NonRecursionHanoi.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace std;

const int MAX = 64;

struct st
    char name;
    int array[MAX];
    int topIndex;

    int TopData( void )
        if( topIndex == 0 )
0; } else { return array[topIndex-1]; } } int Pop( void ) { int retVal = array[topIndex-1]; --topIndex; array[topIndex] = 0; return retVal; } void Push( int data ) { array[topIndex] = data; ++topIndex; } }; long
int expo( int x, int y ) { long retVal = 1; for( int i = 0; i < y; i++ ) { retVal = retVal * x; } return retVal; } void CreateHanoi( st pillar[], int n ) { pillar[0].name = 'A'; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { pillar[0].array[i] = n - i; } pillar[0].topIndex = n; for( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { pillar[2].array[i] = pillar[1].array[i] = 0; } pillar[2].topIndex = pillar[1].topIndex = 0; if( n%2 == 0 ) { pillar[1].name = 'B'; pillar[2].name = 'C'; } else { pillar[1].name = 'C'; pillar[2].name = 'B'; } } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int n; cout<<"Please input the disk number:"; cin>>n; while ( ( n > 64 ) || ( n < 1 ) ) { cout<<"\r\nInput a New number, must between 1 and 64"<<endl; cin>>n; } st pillar[3]; CreateHanoi( pillar, n ); int max = expo( 2, n ) - 1; // Move n Disks need max steps. int k = 0; // Record the Current move steps. int j = 0; // Record 1st disk's position. while( k < max ) { int temp = pillar[j%3].Pop(); pillar[(j+1)%3].Push(temp); cout<<++k<<" "<<pillar[j%3].name<<"->"<<pillar[(j+1)%3].name<<endl; ++j; int temp1 = pillar[(j-1)%3].TopData(); int temp2 = pillar[(j+1)%3].TopData(); if( k < max ) { if( ( temp2 == 0 ) || ( ( temp1 > 0 ) && ( temp2 > temp1 ) ) ) { temp = pillar[(j-1)%3].Pop(); pillar[(j+1)%3].Push(temp); cout<<++k<<" "<<pillar[(j-1)%3].name<<"->"<<pillar[(j+1)%3].name<<endl; } else { temp = pillar[(j+1)%3].Pop(); pillar[(j-1)%3].Push(temp); cout<<++k<<" "<<pillar[(j+1)%3].name<<"->"<<pillar[(j-1)%3].name<<endl; } } } getchar(); getchar(); return 0; }