1. 程式人生 > >用小於等於n元去買100只雞,大雞5元/只,小雞3元/只,還有一種1/3元/只得小雞,分別記為下,x,y,z只,程式設計求解x,y,z所有可能解


copyright (C), 2014-2015, Lighting Studio. Co.,     Ltd. 
File name:
Author:Jerey_Jobs    Version:0.1    Date: 
Funcion List: 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main() { int x = 0,y = 0,z = 0; int money; int flag = 1; int i = 0; int total = 0; while(flag) { printf("Please enter the money (300 - 500): "); scanf("%d",&money); if((money < 300) || (money > 500)) { flag = 1; } else
{ flag = 0; } } //printf("The money is %d\n",money); //while(total <= money) //{ for(x = 0;x <= 100;x++) { for(y = 0;y <= 100;y++) { for(z = 0;z <= 100;z = z + 3) { if
((x + y + z) == 100) { total = 5 * x + 3 * y + (1 / 3) * z; if(total <= money) { printf("x = %2d\ty = %2d\tz = %2d\t",x,y,z); i++; if((i % 4) == 0) { printf("\n"); } } } } } } //} printf("\nthere are %d kinds of type\n",i); return 0; }