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TensorFlow GPU版安裝

0x00 前言




  1. Python
  2. NVIDIA Cuda
  3. cuDNN
  4. TensorFlow
  5. 測試

0x01 安裝Python


  • 安裝基本的Python環境,需要什麼再繼續安裝。
  • 安裝Anaconda,基本上能用到的包都有包含。



apt-get install python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv 

0x02 安裝NVIDIA Cuda


  • 確認電腦的顯示卡支援cuda
  • 確認Linux版本是否支援cuda
  • 確認gcc是否安裝
  • 確認kernel版本
  • 禁用開源驅動
  • 關閉x server
  • 下載cuda
  • 安裝cuda



1. 驗證安裝環境



  • 確認電腦的顯示卡支援cuda
  • 確認Linux版本是否支援cuda
  • 確認gcc是否安裝
  • 確認kernel版本
2.1. Verify You Have a CUDA-Capable GPU
To verify that your GPU is CUDA-capable, go to your distribution's equivalent of System Properties, or, from the command line, enter:

$ lspci | grep -i nvidia
If you do not
see any settings, update the PCI hardware database that Linux maintains by entering update-pciids (generally found in /sbin) at the command line and rerun the previous lspci command. If your graphics card is from NVIDIA and it is listed in http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus, your GPU is CUDA-capable. The Release Notes for the CUDA Toolkit also contain a list of supported products. 2.2. Verify You Have a Supported Version of Linux The CUDA Development Tools are only supported on some specific distributions of Linux. These are listed in the CUDA Toolkit release notes. To determine which distribution and release number you're running, type the following at the command line: $ uname -m && cat /etc/*release You should see output similar to the following, modified for your particular system: x86_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.0 (Santiago) The x86_64 line indicates you are running on a 64-bit system. The remainder gives information about your distribution. 2.3. Verify the System Has gcc Installed The gcc compiler is required for development using the CUDA Toolkit. It is not required for running CUDA applications. It is generally installed as part of the Linux installation, and in most cases the version of gcc installed with a supported version of Linux will work correctly. To verify the version of gcc installed on your system, type the following on the command line: $ gcc --version If an error message displays, you need to install the development tools from your Linux distribution or obtain a version of gcc and its accompanying toolchain from the Web. 2.4. Verify the System has the Correct Kernel Headers and Development Packages Installed The CUDA Driver requires that the kernel headers and development packages for the running version of the kernel be installed at the time of the driver installation, as well whenever the driver is rebuilt. For example, if your system is running kernel version 3.17.4-301, the 3.17.4-301 kernel headers and development packages must also be installed. While the Runfile installation performs no package validation, the RPM and Deb installations of the driver will make an attempt to install the kernel header and development packages if no version of these packages is currently installed. However, it will install the latest version of these packages, which may or may not match the version of the kernel your system is using. Therefore, it is best to manually ensure the correct version of the kernel headers and development packages are installed prior to installing the CUDA Drivers, as well as whenever you change the kernel version. The version of the kernel your system is running can be found by running the following command: $ uname -r This is the version of the kernel headers and development packages that must be installed prior to installing the CUDA Drivers. This command will be used multiple times below to specify the version of the packages to install. Note that below are the common-case scenarios for kernel usage. More advanced cases, such as custom kernel branches, should ensure that their kernel headers and sources match the kernel build they are running. RHEL/CentOS The kernel headers and development packages for the currently running kernel can be installed with: $ sudo yum install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r) Fedora The kernel headers and development packages for the currently running kernel can be installed with: $ sudo dnf install kernel-devel-$(uname -r) kernel-headers-$(uname -r) OpenSUSE/SLES Use the output of the uname command to determine the running kernel's version and variant: $ uname -r 3.16.6-2-default In this example, the version is 3.16.6-2 and the variant is default. The kernel headers and development packages can then be installed with the following command, replacing <variant> and <version> with the variant and version discovered from the previous uname command: $ sudo zypper install kernel-<variant>-devel=<version> Ubuntu The kernel headers and development packages for the currently running kernel can be installed with: $ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) Read more at: http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#ixzz4b1TabLmw Follow us: @GPUComputing on Twitter | NVIDIA on Facebook

2. 禁用開源驅動



vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf


blacklist nouveau
options nouveau modeset=0


sudo update-initramfs -u

3. 關閉X server

當我們安裝 NVIDIA 的驅動程式時,需要先關閉 X server,關閉的方式有兩種:

  • 關閉gdm
  • 關閉lightdm

第一種不行時,嘗試用第二種。 本文使用的是第二種關閉方式。

sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm status
sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop
sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm status

注意:後面顯示卡驅動程式安裝完畢後,應首先重啟 gdm 或者 lightdm。

4. 下載cuda


5. 安裝cuda




顯示卡驅動程式安裝完畢後,應首先重啟 gdm 或者 lightdm。

6. 新增環境變數


$ sudo vim ~/.bash_profile

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/usr/local/cuda/extras/CUPTI/lib64"
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda

0x03 安裝cuDNN

下面是下載地址,需要提前註冊。 註冊一下就好。


下載下來的檔案就deb包,直接dpkg -i 安裝即可。

0x04 安裝TensorFlow


pip install tensorflow


$ conda create -n tensorflow

$ source activate tensorflow
 (tensorflow)$  # Your prompt should change 

 (tensorflow)$ pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade \

0x05 驗證安裝


$ python
Then, enter the following short program inside the python interactive shell:

>>> import tensorflow as tf
>>> hello = tf.constant('Hello, TensorFlow!')
>>> sess = tf.Session()
>>> print(sess.run(hello))
If the system outputs the following, then you are ready to begin running TensorFlow programs:

Hello, TensorFlow!