1. 程式人生 > >MP4中提取H.264碼流



從圖中可以發現,packet中的資料起始處沒有分隔符(0x00000001), 也不是0x65、0x67、0x68、0x41等位元組,所以可以肯定這不是標準的nalu。





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  1. //h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c
  2. static int h264_mp4toannexb_filter(AVBitStreamFilterContext *bsfc,
  3. AVCodecContext *avctx, const char *args,
  4. uint8_t **poutbuf, int *poutbuf_size,
  5. const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size,
  6. int keyframe) {
  7. H264BSFContext *ctx = bsfc->priv_data;
  8. uint8_t unit_type;
  9. int32_t nal_size;
  10. uint32_t cumul_size = 0;
  11. const uint8_t *buf_end = buf + buf_size;
  12. if (!avctx->extradata || avctx->extradata_size < 6) {
  13. *poutbuf = (uint8_t*) buf;
  14. *poutbuf_size = buf_size;
  15. return 0;
  16. }
  17. //
  18. //從extradata中分析出SPS、PPS
  19. //
  20. if (!ctx->extradata_parsed) {
  21. uint16_t unit_size;
  22. uint64_t total_size = 0;
  23. uint8_t *out = NULL, unit_nb, sps_done = 0, sps_seen = 0, pps_seen = 0;
  24. const uint8_t *extradata = avctx->extradata+4; //跳過前4個位元組
  25. static const uint8_t nalu_header[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
  26. ctx->length_size = (*extradata++ & 0x3) + 1; //用於指示表示編碼資料長度所需位元組數
  27. if (ctx->length_size == 3)
  28. return AVERROR(EINVAL);
  29. unit_nb = *extradata++ & 0x1f;
  30. if (!unit_nb) {
  31. goto pps;
  32. } else {
  33. sps_seen = 1;
  34. }
  35. while (unit_nb--) {
  36. void *tmp;
  37. unit_size = AV_RB16(extradata);
  38. total_size += unit_size+4;
  39. if (total_size > INT_MAX - FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE ||
  40. extradata+2+unit_size > avctx->extradata+avctx->extradata_size) {
  41. av_free(out);
  42. return AVERROR(EINVAL);
  43. }
  44. tmp = av_realloc(out, total_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
  45. if (!tmp) {
  46. av_free(out);
  47. return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
  48. }
  49. out = tmp;
  50. memcpy(out+total_size-unit_size-4, nalu_header, 4);
  51. memcpy(out+total_size-unit_size, extradata+2, unit_size);
  52. extradata += 2+unit_size;
  53. pps:
  54. if (!unit_nb && !sps_done++) {
  55. unit_nb = *extradata++;
  56. if (unit_nb)
  57. pps_seen = 1;
  58. }
  59. }
  60. if(out)
  61. memset(out + total_size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE);
  62. if (!sps_seen)
  63. av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: SPS NALU missing or invalid. The resulting stream may not play.\n");
  64. if (!pps_seen)
  65. av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: PPS NALU missing or invalid. The resulting stream may not play.\n");
  66. av_free(avctx->extradata);
  67. avctx->extradata = out;
  68. avctx->extradata_size = total_size;
  69. ctx->first_idr = 1;
  70. ctx->extradata_parsed = 1;
  71. }
  72. *poutbuf_size = 0;
  73. *poutbuf = NULL;
  74. do {
  75. if (buf + ctx->length_size > buf_end)
  76. goto fail; //buf為NULL時,以下程式碼將不再執行
  77. //
  78. //用於儲存資料長度的位元組數,是在分析原extradata計算出來的
  79. //
  80. if (ctx->length_size == 1) {
  81. nal_size = buf[0];
  82. } else if (ctx->length_size == 2) {
  83. nal_size = AV_RB16(buf);
  84. } else
  85. nal_size = AV_RB32(buf);
  86. buf += ctx->length_size;
  87. unit_type = *buf & 0x1f;
  88. if (buf + nal_size > buf_end || nal_size < 0)
  89. goto fail;
  90. if (ctx->first_idr && unit_type == 5) {
  91. //
  92. //copy IDR 幀時,需要將sps及pps一同拷貝
  93. //
  94. if (alloc_and_copy(poutbuf, poutbuf_size,
  95. avctx->extradata, avctx->extradata_size,
  96. buf, nal_size) < 0)
  97. goto fail;
  98. ctx->first_idr = 0;
  99. } else {
  100. //
  101. //非IDR幀,沒有sps及pps
  102. if (alloc_and_copy(poutbuf, poutbuf_size,
  103. NULL, 0,
  104. buf, nal_size) < 0)
  105. goto fail;
  106. if (!ctx->first_idr && unit_type == 1)
  107. ctx->first_idr = 1;
  108. }
  109. buf += nal_size;
  110. cumul_size += nal_size + ctx->length_size;
  111. } while (cumul_size < buf_size);
  112. return 1;
  113. fail:
  114. av_freep(poutbuf);
  115. *poutbuf_size = 0;
  116. return AVERROR(EINVAL);
  117. }
//h264_mp4toannexb_bsf.c static int h264_mp4toannexb_filter(AVBitStreamFilterContext<wbr> *bsfc, AVCodecContext *avctx, const char *args, uint8_t **poutbuf, int *poutbuf_size, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int keyframe) { H264BSFContext *ctx = bsfc->priv_data; uint8_t unit_type; int32_t nal_size; uint32_t cumul_size = 0; const uint8_t *buf_end = buf + buf_size; if (!avctx->extradata || avctx->extradata_size < 6) { *poutbuf = (uint8_t*) buf; *poutbuf_size = buf_size; return 0; } // //從extradata中分析出SPS、PPS // if (!ctx->extradata_parsed) { uint16_t unit_size; uint64_t total_size = 0; uint8_t *out = NULL, unit_nb, sps_done = 0, sps_seen = 0, pps_seen = 0; const uint8_t *extradata = avctx->extradata+4; //跳過前4個位元組 static const uint8_t nalu_header[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; ctx->length_size = (*extradata++ & 0x3) + 1; //用於指示表示編碼資料長度所需位元組數 if (ctx->length_size == 3) return AVERROR(EINVAL); unit_nb = *extradata++ & 0x1f; if (!unit_nb) { goto pps; } else { sps_seen = 1; } while (unit_nb--) { void *tmp; unit_size = AV_RB16(extradata); total_size += unit_size+4; if (total_size > INT_MAX - FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE || extradata+2+unit_size > avctx->extradata+avctx->extradata_size) { av_free(out); return AVERROR(EINVAL); } tmp = av_realloc(out, total_size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!tmp) { av_free(out); return AVERROR(ENOMEM); } out = tmp; memcpy(out+total_size-unit_size-4, nalu_header, 4); memcpy(out+total_size-unit_size, extradata+2, unit_size); extradata += 2+unit_size; pps: if (!unit_nb && !sps_done++) { unit_nb = *extradata++; if (unit_nb) pps_seen = 1; } } if(out) memset(out + total_size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); if (!sps_seen) av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: SPS NALU missing or invalid. The resulting stream may not play.\n"); if (!pps_seen) av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Warning: PPS NALU missing or invalid. The resulting stream may not play.\n"); av_free(avctx->extradata); avctx->extradata = out; avctx->extradata_size = total_size; ctx->first_idr = 1; ctx->extradata_parsed = 1; } *poutbuf_size = 0; *poutbuf = NULL; do { if (buf + ctx->length_size > buf_end) goto fail; //buf為NULL時,以下程式碼將不再執行 // //用於儲存資料長度的位元組數,是在分析原extradata計算出來的 // if (ctx->length_size == 1) { nal_size = buf[0]; } else if (ctx->length_size == 2) { nal_size = AV_RB16(buf); } else nal_size = AV_RB32(buf); buf += ctx->length_size; unit_type = *buf & 0x1f; if (buf + nal_size > buf_end || nal_size < 0) goto fail; if (ctx->first_idr && unit_type == 5) { // //copy IDR 幀時,需要將sps及pps一同拷貝 // if (alloc_and_copy(poutbuf, poutbuf_size, avctx->extradata, avctx->extradata_size, buf, nal_size) < 0) goto fail; ctx->first_idr = 0; } else { // //非IDR幀,沒有sps及pps if (alloc_and_copy(poutbuf, poutbuf_size, NULL, 0, buf, nal_size) < 0) goto fail; if (!ctx->first_idr && unit_type == 1) ctx->first_idr = 1; } buf += nal_size; cumul_size += nal_size + ctx->length_size; } while (cumul_size < buf_size); return 1; fail: av_freep(poutbuf); *poutbuf_size = 0; return AVERROR(EINVAL); }</wbr>

一般情況下,extradata中包含一個sps、一個pps 的nalu, 從上面的程式碼中容易看出extradata的資料格式。分析後的sps及pps依然儲存在extradata域中,並添加了起始符。從程式碼中還可以看出,上面的函式會將sps、pps及packet中的資料,都copy到poutbuf指示的記憶體中,如果不需要copy到指定記憶體,直接給buf引數傳入空值即可。

流過濾器"h264_mp4toannexb", 在av_register_all()函式中會被註冊。用法示例如下:

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  1. int ParseH264ExtraDataInMp4(int stream_id)
  2. {
  3. uint8_t *dummy = NULL;
  4. int dummy_size;
  5. AVBitStreamFilterContext* bsfc = av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb");
  6. if(bsfc == NULL)
  7. {
  8. return -1;
  9. }
  10. av_bitstream_filter_filter(
  11. bsfc, format_ctx_->streams[stream_id]->codec, NULL, &dummy, &dummy_size, NULL, 0, 0);
int ParseH264ExtraDataInMp4(int stream_id) { uint8_t *dummy = NULL; int dummy_size; AVBitStreamFilterContext<wbr>* bsfc = av_bitstream_filter_init("h264_mp4toannexb"); if(bsfc == NULL) { return -1; } av_bitstream_filter_filter( bsfc, format_ctx_->streams[stream_id]->codec, NULL, &dummy, &dummy_size, NULL, 0, 0);</wbr>

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  1. av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc);
  2. return 0;
  3. }
 av_bitstream_filter_close(bsfc); return 0; }