1. 程式人生 > >【Pandas-Cookbook】07:資料清洗


# -*-coding:utf-8-*-

#  by kevinelstri
#  2017.2.17

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

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# Chapter 7 - Cleaning up messy data.ipynb  清理垃圾資料
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requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv')
# print requests.head()
''' 7.1 How do we know if it's messy? ''' zip = requests['Incident Zip'].unique() # unique()用於檢視所有的值 # print zip ''' zip中存在的問題: 1、資料型別問題,有些是字串型,有些是浮點型 2、有一些值不存在nan 3、有些值不正確 83 29616-0759 4、有N/A值,pandas不能夠識別,'N/A','NO CLUE' 處理方法: 1、使'N/A','NO CLUE'變成規則的nan 2、使所有格式都變成字串 '''
''' 7.3 Fixing the nan values and string/float confusion ''' na_value = ['N/A', 'NO CLUE', 'O', 'nan'] requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv', na_values=na_value, dtype={'Incident Zip': str}) # 讀取csv檔案時,將異常值設定為空值,將資料型別全部轉換為字串型別 zip = requests['Incident Zip'].copy() # print zip.unique()
''' 7.4 What's up with the dashes? 處理數字之間的橫槓29616-0759 ''' row_with_dashs = requests['Incident Zip'].str.contains('-').fillna(False) # 將帶橫槓的全部提取出來 # print len(requests[row_with_dashs]) # print requests[row_with_dashs] requests['Incident Zip'][row_with_dashs] = np.nan # 將帶橫槓的全部轉換為空值 # print requests['Incident Zip'].unique() long_zip_codes = requests['Incident Zip'].str.len() > 5 # print requests['Incident Zip'][long_zip_codes].unique() requests['Incident Zip'] = requests['Incident Zip'].str.slice(0, 5) # slice()獲取字串的指定長度 # requests['Incident Zip'] = requests['Incident Zip'].str[0:5] # print requests['Incident Zip'].unique() # requests[requests['Incident Zip']] == '00000' zero_zips = requests['Incident Zip'] == '00000' requests.loc[zero_zips, 'Incident Zip'] = np.nan unique_zips = requests['Incident Zip'].unique() unique_zips.sort() # 排序 print unique_zips zips = requests['Incident Zip'] is_close = zips.str.startswith('0') | zips.str.startswith('1') # zip以0或1開頭 is_far = ~(is_close) & zips.notnull() print zips[is_far] print requests[is_far][['Incident Zip', 'Descriptor', 'City']].sort('Incident Zip') print requests['City'].str.upper().value_counts() # 城市名轉換為大寫的,並且統計城市的數量 ''' 7.5 Putting it together ''' # 異常值處理及csv檔案的讀取 na_values = ['NO CLUE', 'N/A', '0'] requests = pd.read_csv('../data/311-service-requests.csv', na_values=na_values, dtype={'Incident Zip': str}) # 將郵政編碼的位數固定為5位 def fix_zip_codes(zips): zips = zips.str.slice(0, 5) zero_zips = zips == '00000' zips[zero_zips] = np.nan return zips requests['Incident Zip'] = fix_zip_codes(requests['Incident Zip']) print requests['Incident Zip'].unique()