1. 程式人生 > >【JavaSE:1.多執行緒】


  1. 最初場景:生產者消費者模式
package multiThread;

public class Ticket implements Runnable {
	int ticket = 100;

	public void run() {
		while (true) {
			if (ticket > 0) {
				try {
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "正在賣票:" + ticket--); } } } }


package multiThread;

public class ThreadDemo {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Ticket ticket = new Ticket();
		Thread t1 = new Thread(ticket, "視窗1");
		Thread t2 = new
Thread(ticket, "視窗2"); Thread t3 = new Thread(ticket, "視窗3"); t1.start(); t2.start(); t3.start(); } }


package multiThread;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

 * @author ziboris
 * @date 2018年11月23日 上午9:15:43

//1.queue的所有操作都會notifyAll 但是目前一定有一個執行緒觸發這個notifyall
//其他執行緒因為還需要甦醒之後排程時間,肯定競爭不過他 //因此基本{產生滿,同一個消費者消費完畢},{},{}.... //---》解決方案 在A出加上sleep程式碼塊 public class ProducerConsumer { public static class Producer extends Thread {// 生產者阻塞時候是判滿 Queue<Integer> queue; int maxSize; public Producer(Queue<Integer> queue, int maxSize, String name) { this.queue = queue; this.maxSize = maxSize; this.setName(name); // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // LinkedBlockingQueue<Integer> bQueue=new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); while (true) { // A try { Thread.sleep(500L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: handle exception } synchronized (queue) { System.out.println(this.getName() + " is in lock"); if (queue.size() == maxSize) { System.out.println("queue is full--" + this.getName() + "--so waiting"); try { queue.wait();// wait在queue這個資源上面 儲存一份阻塞時候的狀態,到時候被喚醒的時候可以直接往下面執行 } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } } int num = (int) (Math.random() * 100); queue.offer(num);// offer在加滿的時候會返回一個false put會一直等待知道出現空位 add會丟擲異常 System.out.println(this.getName() + "-produce a ticket:-" + num);// 執行緒的子類可以用getname獲取到初始化的name或者setname queue.notifyAll();// 因為其他被阻塞的執行緒都等待在queue這個資源上面 System.out.println(" log out a produce"); } } } } public static class Consumer extends Thread { Queue<Integer> queue; int maxSize; public Consumer(Queue<Integer> queue, int maxSize, String name) { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub this.queue = queue; this.maxSize = maxSize; this.setName(name); } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // super.run(); while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(200L); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (queue) { System.out.println(this.getName() + " is in lock"); if (queue.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("queue is empty--" + this.getName() + "--so waiting"); try { queue.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception e.printStackTrace(); } } int num = queue.poll();// queue的remove和poll都是去除第一個元素,空的時候一個是返回exception,null System.out.println(this.getName() + "- consume a ticket-" + num); queue.notifyAll(); System.out.println(this.getName() + " log out a consume"); } } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>(); int maxSize = 10; Producer producer = new Producer(queue, maxSize, "Producer"); Consumer consumer1 = new Consumer(queue, maxSize, "consumer1"); Consumer consumer2 = new Consumer(queue, maxSize, "consumer2"); Consumer consumer3 = new Consumer(queue, maxSize, "consumer3"); producer.start(); consumer1.start(); consumer2.start(); consumer3.start(); } }
  1. 併發和並行
並行 多個cpu例項或者多臺機器同時執行一段處理邏輯,是真正的同時
併發 通過cpu排程演算法,讓使用者看上去同時執行,實際上從cpu操作層面不是真正的同時。
  1. 執行緒狀態與狀態轉換

  2. join
    —Main Thread is finished
    Thread2 begins:Thu Nov 22 20:17:39 CST 2018
    Thread1 begins:Thu Nov 22 20:17:39 CST 2018
    Thread1 has finished: Thu Nov 22 20:17:44 CST 2018
    Thread2 has finished: Thu Nov 22 20:17:44 CST 2018
    Thread2 begins:Thu Nov 22 20:20:02 CST 2018
    Thread1 begins:Thu Nov 22 20:20:02 CST 2018
    Thread2 has finished: Thu Nov 22 20:20:07 CST 2018
    Thread1 has finished: Thu Nov 22 20:20:07 CST 2018
    —Main Thread is finished

package multiThread;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class TestJoin implements Runnable {
	private String name;

	public TestJoin(String name) {
		this.name = name;

	public void run() {
		System.out.printf("%s begins:%s\n", name, new Date());
		try {
		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
			// TODO: handle exception
		System.out.printf("%s has finished: %s\n", name, new Date());

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Thread thread1 = new Thread(new TestJoin("Thread1"));
		Thread thread2 = new Thread(new TestJoin("Thread2"));

//		try {
//			thread1.join();
//			thread2.join();
//		} catch (InterruptedException e) {
//			e.printStackTrace();
//			// TODO: handle exception
//		}

		System.out.println("---Main Thread is finished");
  1. wait notify && notifyall

Causes the current thread to wait until another thread invokes
沉睡自己,知道其他執行緒喚醒自己 notify notifyall


  1. 基本執行緒類 Thread類,Runnable介面,Callable介面
    extends Thread還是implement runnable (二者基本類似 ,區別見下)
    參考博文:java建立執行緒implement runnable 和 extends thread 比較
public static Thread.yield()  
public static Thread.sleep()  
public join()
public interrupte()
  1. synchronized wait notify notifyAll 是任何物件都具有的方法,因為任何物件都是一個資源

synchronized wait notify 必須是針對同一個物件資源

  1. volatile 多執行緒之間實時看見這個變數

volatile的作用是每一次的改變操作都會立馬save回去 因此main中需要交給各個執行緒處理的變數要麼是volatile 要麼是final

  1. 高階多線層控制工具類:java.util.concurrent包裡面since jdk1.5

ThreadLocal 為變數在每個執行緒中都建立了一個副本,那麼每個執行緒可以訪問自己內部的副本變數(如session)(牆裂推薦這個連結)
Atomic***(AtomicInteger AtomicBoolean)


  1. 執行緒優先順序:


  1. 設定執行緒名字和執行緒組名字
    看執行緒出問題 jstack -pid 使用trycatch不行


  1. Thread.currentThread()與this的區別
    this 在類裡面如論如何都指向這個類