1. 程式人生 > >使用C++(通過Thrift)訪問/操作/讀寫Hbase


#include "HbaseOperate.h" #include "log4cxx/log4cxx.h" #include "log4cxx/propertyconfigurator.h" static log4cxx::LoggerPtr logger(log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("HbaseOperate.cpp")); /**  * Class to operate Hbase.  *  * @author Darran Zhang (codelast.com)  * @version 11-08-24  * @declaration These codes are only for non-commercial use, and are distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  * You must not remove this declaration at any time.  */ using namespace std; CHbaseOperate::CHbaseOperate() : socket((TSocket*)NULL), transport((TBufferedTransport*)NULL), protocol((TBinaryProtocol*)NULL), client(NULL), hbaseServicePort(9090), isConnected(false) { } CHbaseOperate::~CHbaseOperate() {   if (isConnected) {     disconnect();   }   if (NULL != client) {     delete client;     client = NULL;   } } /**  * Connect Hbase.  *  */ bool CHbaseOperate::connect() {   if (isConnected) {     LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Already connected, don't need to connect it again");     return true;   }   try {     socket.reset(new TSocket(hbaseServiceHost, hbaseServicePort));     transport.reset(new TBufferedTransport(socket));     protocol.reset(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));     client = new HbaseClient(protocol);     transport->open();   } catch (const TException &tx) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Connect Hbase error : " << tx.what());     return false;   }   isConnected = true;   return isConnected; } /**  * Connect Hbase.  *  */ bool CHbaseOperate::connect(std::string host, int port) {   hbaseServiceHost = host;   hbaseServicePort = port;   return connect(); } /**  * Disconnect from Hbase.  *  */ bool CHbaseOperate::disconnect() {   if (!isConnected) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Haven't connected to Hbase yet, can't disconnect from it");     return false;   }   if (NULL != transport) {     try {       transport->close();     } catch (const TException &tx) {       LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Disconnect Hbase error : " << tx.what());       return false;     }   } else {     return false;   }   isConnected = false;   return true; } /**  * Put a row to Hbase.  *  * @param tableName   [IN] The table name.  * @param rowKey      [IN] The row key.  * @param column      [IN] The "column family : qualifier".  * @param rowValue    [IN] The row value.  * @return True for successfully put the row, false otherwise.  */ bool CHbaseOperate::putRow(const string &tableName, const string &rowKey, const string &column, const string &rowValue) {   if (!isConnected) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Haven't connected to Hbase yet, can't put row");     return false;   }   try {     std::vector<Mutation> mutations;     mutations.push_back(Mutation());     mutations.back().column = column;     mutations.back().value = rowValue;     client->mutateRow(tableName, rowKey, mutations);   } catch (const TException &tx) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Operate Hbase error : " << tx.what());     return false;   }   return true; } /**  * Get a Hbase row.  *  * @param result      [OUT] The object which contains the returned data.  * @param tableName   [IN] The Hbase table name, e.g. "MyTable".  * @param rowKey      [IN] The Hbase row key, e.g. "kdr23790".  * @param columnName  [IN] The "column family : qualifier".  * @return True for successfully get the row, false otherwise.  */ bool CHbaseOperate::getRow(hbaseRet &result, const std::string &tableName, const std::string &rowKey, const std::string &columnName) {   if (!isConnected) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Haven't connected to Hbase yet, can't read data from it");     return false;   }   std::vector<std::string> columnNames;   columnNames.push_back(columnName);   std::vector<TRowResult> rowResult;   try {     client->getRowWithColumns(rowResult, tableName, rowKey, columnNames);   } catch (const TException &tx) {     LOG4CXX_ERROR(logger, "Operate Hbase error : " << tx.what());     return false;   }   if (0 == rowResult.size()) {     LOG4CXX_WARN(logger, "Got no record with the key : [" << rowKey << "]");     return false;   }   std::map<std::string, TCell>::const_iterator it = rowResult[rowResult.size() -1].columns.begin();   result.rowValue = it->second.value;   result.ts = it->second.timestamp;   return true; }