1. 程式人生 > >Android開發異常篇:執行工程出現:Connection with adb was interrupted錯誤提示以及解決辦法

Android開發異常篇:執行工程出現:Connection with adb was interrupted錯誤提示以及解決辦法

1.[2012-10-16 10:49:35 - My First App] Android Launch! 2.[2012-10-16 10:49:35 - My First App] Connection with adb was interrupted. 3.[2012-10-16 10:49:35 - My First App] 0 attempts have been made to reconnect.[2012-10-16 10:49:35 - My First App] You may want to manually restart adb from the Devices view.
右鍵工程-->Run As --> Run configurations --> 選擇右側選項卡為target 然後勾選對應的AVD後再點選右下角的“run”按鈕即可。