1. 程式人生 > >CSharpGL(56)[譯]Vulkan入門





Background 背景

You've probably heard by now quite a bit about Vulkan, the new Graphics API from Khronos (the non profit organization responsible for the development of OpenGL).


Vulkan was announced in Feb-2016 and after 24 years with OpenGL it is a completely new standard and a departure from the current model.


I won't go into many details about the various features of Vulkan only to say that in comparison to OpenGL it is much more low level and provides a lot of power and performance opportunities for the developer.


But with great power comes great responsibility.


The developer has to take charge of various aspects such as command buffer, synchronization and memory management that were previously the sole responsibility of the driver.


Through the unique knowledge that the developer has about the way the application is structured, the usage of the Vulkan API can be tailored in a way to increase the overall performance of the system.

基於開發者對應用程式結構的知識,他可以調整Vulkan API的用法,獲得更高的系統性能。


The thing that surprises people the most, IMHO, about Vulkan is the amount of code that must be written only to get the first triangle on the screen.


Comparing this to the few lines we had to write in OpenGL in the first few tutorials this is a major change and becomes a challenge when one tries to write a tutorial about it.


Therefore, as always with OGLDEV, I'll try to present the material step by step.


We will develop our first triangle demo in a few tutorials, making additional progress in each one.


In addition, instead of laying out the dozens of APIs in one long piece of code I'll present a simple software design that I hope will make it simpler for you to understand without imposing too much restrictions on your future apps.


Consider this an educational design which you are free to throw away later.



We will study the core components of Vulkan one by one as we make progress through the code so at this point I just want to present a diagram of the general picture:




This diagram is by all means not a complete representation.


It includes only the major components that will probably be present in most applications.


The connectors between the objects represent the dependencies between them at creation or enumeration time.


For example, in order to create a surface you need an instance object and when you enumerate the physical devices on your system you also need an instance.


The two colors roughly describe the software design that we will use.


The dark red objects will go into something I call the "core" and the light green objects will go into the "app".


We will later see why this makes sense.


The application code that you will write will actually inherit from "app" and all of its members will be available for you for further use.


I hope this design will provide a solid base to develop future Vulkan tutorials.



System Setup 系統安裝

The first thing we need to do is to make sure your system supports Vulkan and get everything ready for development.


You need to verify that your graphics card supports Vulkan and install the latest drivers for it.


Since Vulkan is still new it's best to check for drivers updates often because hardware vendors will probably fix a lot of bugs before everything stabilizes.


Since there are many GPUs available I can't provide much help here.


Updating/installing the driver on Windows should be fairly simple.


On Linux the process may be a bit more involved.


My main development system is Linux Fedora and I have a GT710 card by NVIDIA.


NVIDIA provide a binary run file which can only be installed from the command line.


Other vendors have their own processes.


On Linux you can use the 'lspci' to scan your system for devices and see what GPU you have.


You can use the '-v', '-vv' and '-vvv' options to get increasingly more info on your devices.



The second thing we need is the Vulkan SDK by Khronos, available here.

第二件事,我們需要Khronos的Vulkan SDK,可在此下載。

The SDK includes the headers and libraries we need as well as many samples that you can use to get more info beyond what this tutorial provides.


At the time of writing this the latest version is and I urge you to update often because the SDK is in active development.


That version number will be used throughout the next few sections so make sure you change it according to the version you have.




Khronos provides a package only for Ubuntu in the form of an executable run file.


Executing this file should install everything for you but on Fedora I encoutered some difficulties so I used the following procedure (which is also forward looking in terms of writing the code later):


  • bash$ chmod +x vulkansdk-linux-x86_64-
  • base$ ./vulkansdk-linux-x86_64- --target VulkanSDK- --noexec
  • base$ ln -s ~/VulkanSDK-1.0.30/ ~/VulkanSDK

The above commands extract the contents of the package without running its internal scripts.


After extraction the directory VulkanSDK- will contain a directory called where the actual content of the package will be located.


Let's assume I ran the above commands in my home directory (a.k.a in bash as '~') so we should end up with a '~/VulkanSDK' symbolic link to the directory with the actual content (directories such as 'source', 'samples', etc).


This link makes it easier to switch your development environment to newer versions of the SDK.


It points to the location of the headers and libraries that we need.


We will see later how to connect them to the rest of the system. Now do the following:


  • bash$ cd VulkanSDK/
  • bash$ ./build_examples.sh

If everything went well the examples were built into 'examples/build'.


To run the examples you must first cd into that directory.


You can now run './cube' and './vulkaninfo' to make sure Vulkan runs on your system and get some useful information on the driver.


Hopefully everything is OK so far so we want to create some symbolic links that will make the files we need for development easily accessible from our working environment.


Change to the root user (by executing 'su' and entering the root password) and execute the following:


  • bash# ln -s /home/<your username>/VulkanSDK/x86_x64/include/vulkan /usr/include
  • base# ln -s /home/<your username>/VulkanSDK/x86_x64/lib/libvulkan.so.1 /usr/lib64
  • base# ln -s /usr/lib64/libvulkan.so.1 /usr/lib64/libvulkan.so

What we did in the above three commands is to create a symbolic link from /usr/include to the vulkan header directory.


We also created a couple of symbolic links to the shared object files against which we are going to link our executables.


From now one whenever we download a new version of the SDK we just need to change the symbolic link '~/VulkanSDK' to the new location in order to keep the entire system up to date.


To emphasis: the procedure as the root user must only be executed once.


When you get a newer version of the SDK you will only need to extract it and update the symbolic link from your home directory.


You are free to place that link anywhere you want but the code I provide will assume it is in the home directory so you will need to fix that.




Installation on Windows is simpler than on Linux.


You just need to get the latest version from here, double click the executable installer and after agreeing to the license agreement and selecting the target directory you are done.


I suggest you install the SDK under c:\VulkanSDK to make it compatible with the Visual Studio solution that I provide, but it is not a must. If you install it somewhere else make sure you update the include and link directories in the project files.

我建議將SDK按照到資料夾c:\VulkanSDK,這樣和我提供的Visual Studio解決方案相容,但不是必須這樣。如果你把它安裝到其他位置,確保你更新了專案檔案中的include和link資料夾。

See details in the next section.


Building and Running 建設和執行


My main development environment on Linux is Netbeans.


The source code that accompanies all my tutorials contains project files which can be used with the C/C++ Netbeans download bundle.


If you followed the above system setup procedure then these projects should work out of the box for you (and please let me know if there are any problems).

如果你遵循上述系統建設步驟,那麼, 這些專案應該立即可用了(如果有困難請聯絡我)。

If you are using a different build system you need to make sure to add the following:


  • To the compile command: -I<path to VulkanSDK/>
  • 加入編譯命令:-I<path to VulkanSDK/>
  • To the link command: -L<path to VulkanSDK/> -lxcb -lvulkan'
  • 加入連結命令:-L<path to VulkanSDK/> -lxcb -lvulkan'

Even if you don't use Netbeans I suggest you go into 'ogldev/tutorial50' after you unzip the tutorial source package and run 'make'.

即使你不使用Netbeans,我也建議你解壓tutorial source package後,開啟資料夾'ogldev/tutorial50',執行'make'。

I provide the makefiles that Netbeans generates so you can check whether your system is able to build them or something is missing.


If everything was ok you can now run 'dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/tutorial50' from within 'ogldev/tutorial50'.

如果一切順利, 現在你可以執行資料夾'ogldev/tutorial50'下的'dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/tutorial50'。


If you installed the SDK under 'c:\VulkanSDK' then the Visual Studio project files I supply should work out of the box.

如果你將SDK安裝在資料夾'c:\VulkanSDK',那麼我提供的Visual Studio專案檔案就已經可用了。

If you haven't or you want to setup a Visual Studio project from scratch then follow the steps below.

如果不是,或者你想從零開始設定Visual Studio專案,那麼遵循以下步驟。


To update the include directory right click on the project in the solution explorer, go to 'Properties' and then to 'Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General'.

更新include資料夾:在solution explorer面板的專案上右鍵,點選'Properties',選擇'Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General'。

Now you must add 'c:\VulkanSDK\<version>\Include' to 'Additional Include Directories'.

現在,必須將'c:\VulkanSDK\<version>\Include'新增到'Additional Include Directories'。

See example below:



To update the link directory right click on the project in the solution explorer, go to 'Properties' and then to 'Configuration Properties -> Link -> General'.

更新link資料夾:在solution explorer面板的專案上右鍵,點選'Properties',選擇'Configuration Properties -> Link -> General'。

Now you must add 'c:\VulkanSDK\<version>\Bin32' to 'Additional Library Directories'.

現在,必須將'c:\VulkanSDK\<version>\Bin32'新增到'Additional Library Directories'。

See example below:



While you are still in the linker settings go to 'Input' (just one below 'General') and add 'vulkan-1.lib' to 'Additional Dependencies".

趁你還在連結器設定面板,選擇'Input'(在'General'下面一個),新增'vulkan-1.lib'到'Additional Dependencies"。

General Comments 基礎命令

Before we get going I have a few comments about some of my design choices with regard to Vulkan:


  1. Many Vulkan functions (particularly the ones used to create objects) take a structure as one of the parameters.
    This structure usually serve as a wrapper for most of the parameters the function needs and it helps in keeping the number of parameters to the function low.
    The Vulkan architects decided to place a member called sType as the first member in all these structures.
    This member is of an enum type and every structure has its own code.
    This allows the driver to identify the type of the structure using only its address.
    All of these enum code have a VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_ prefix.
    For example, the code for the structure used in the creation of the instance is called VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO.
    Whenever I declare a variable of one of these structure types the first member I update will be sType.
    To save time I won't comment about it later in the source walkthrough.
  2. Another comment on these Vulkan structures - they contain quite a lot of stuff which we don't need in our first few steps.
    To keep the code as short as possible (as well as the text here...) I always initialize the memory of all structures to zero (using the struct = {} notation) and I will only set and describe the structure members that cannot be zero.
    為了讓程式碼和文字儘可能短,我總是將所有成員初始化為0(使用struct = {}概念),只會描述不能為0的成員。
    I will discuss the stuff that I skipped in future tutorials as they become relevant.
  3. Vulkan functions are either void or they return a VkResult which is the error code.
    The error code is an enum where VK_SUCCESS is zero and everything else is greater than zero.
    錯誤碼是個列舉型別,其中VK_SUCCESS 是0,其他列舉值都大於0。
    When it is possible I check the return value for errors.
    If an error occured I print a message to the console (on Windows there should be a message box) and exit.
    Error handling in real world applications tend to make the code more complex and I want to keep it as simple as possible.
  4. Many Vulkan functions (particularly of creation type) can take a pointer to an allocator function.
    These allocators allow you to control the process of allocating memory that the Vulkan functions need.
    I consider this as an advanced topic and will not discuss it.
    We will pass NULL as the allocators so the driver will use its default.
  5. Vulkan does not guarantee that its functions will be automatically exposed by the implementing library.
    This means that on some platforms you might get a segmentation fault when you call a Vulkan function because it turns out to be a NULL.
    In these cases you have to use vkGetInstanceProcAddr() to get the function address before it is used (remember that with OpenGL we had GLEW to save us from all this hassle).
    My personal experience with my driver was that only vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT() was not available.
    This function is only required for the optional validation layer.
    Therefore, I decided to take a risk and release the tutorial without fetching the addresses for all the functions that I used.
    If readers will report problems on their platforms I will update the code.
  6. Every serious software has to deal with object deallocation or it will eventually run out of memory.
    In this tutorial I'm keeping things simple and not destroying any of the objects that I allocate.
    They are destroyed anyway when the program shuts down.
    I will probably revisit this topic in the future but for now just remember that almost every <vkCreate*() function has a corresponding vkDestroy*() and you need to be careful if you are destroying stuff while the program is running.
    You can find more information about it here.

Code Structure 程式碼結構

Here's a short summary of the files that contain the code that we are going to review.


The path relates to the root of the ogldev software package:


  1. tutorial50/tutorial50.cpp - location of the main() function.
    tutorial50/tutorial50.cpp - main()函式的位置。
  2. include/ogldev_vulkan.h - primary header for all of our Vulkan code.
    include/ogldev_vulkan.h -我們的Vulkan程式碼的主要標頭檔案。
    This is the only place where the Vulkan headers by Khronos are included.
    You can enable the validation layer here by uncommenting ENABLE_DEBUG_LAYERS.
    This file contains a few Vulkan helper functions and macros as well as the definition of the VulkanWindowControl class.
  3. Common/ogldev_vulkan.cpp - implementation of the functions defined in ogldev_vulkan.h
    Common/ogldev_vulkan.cpp – 在ogldev_vulkan.h中定義的函式的實現。
  4. include/ogldev_vulkan_core.h - declaration of the OgldevVulkanCore which is the primary class that we will develop.
    include/ogldev_vulkan_core.h - OgldevVulkanCore的宣告,是我們要開發的主要型別。
  5. Common/ogldev_vulkan_core.cpp - implementation of the OgldevVulkanCore class.
    Common/ogldev_vulkan_core.cpp -型別OgldevVulkanCore的實現。
  6. include/ogldev_xcb_control.h - declaration of the XCBControl class that creates a window surface on Linux.
    include/ogldev_xcb_control.h -在Linux上建立視窗的型別XCBControl的宣告。
  7. Common/ogldev_xcb_control.cpp - implementation of XCBControl.
    Common/ogldev_xcb_control.cpp -型別XCBControl的實現。
  8. include/ogldev_win32_control.h - declaration of the Win32Control class that creates a window surface on Windows.
    include/ogldev_win32_control.h -在Windows上場景視窗表面的型別Win32Control 的宣告。
  9. Common/ogldev_win32_control.cpp - implementation of Win32Control.
    Common/ogldev_win32_control.cpp -型別Win32Control的實現。

Note that on both Netbeans and Visual Studio the files are divided between the 'tutorial50' and 'Common' projects.

注意,在Netbeans和Visual Studio中這些檔案被分到'tutorial50'和'Common'專案中。

Source walkthru 原始碼瀏覽

I hope that you successfully completed the above procedures and you are now ready to dive into the internals of Vulkan itself.


As I said, we are going to develop our first demo in several steps.


The first step will be to setup four important Vulkan objects: the instance, surface, physical device and logical device.

第一步是建設4個重要的Vulkan物件:instance,surface,physical device和logical device。(譯者注:關鍵名詞我就不翻譯了,這樣反而更便於理解。)

I'm going to describe this by walking through my software design but you are welcomed to throw this away and just follow the Vulkan calls themselves.


The first thing we need to do is to include the Vulkan headers.


I've added ogldev_vulkan.h as the primary Vulkan include file in my projects.


This will be the only place where I will include the Vulkan header files and everything else will just include this file.


Here's the relevant piece of code:


1 #ifdef _WIN32
3 #include "vulkan/vulkan.h"
4 #include "vulkan/vk_sdk_platform.h"
5 #else
7 #include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
8 #include <vulkan/vk_sdk_platform.h>
9 #endif

Note that we define different _PLATFORM_ macros for Windows and Linux.


These macros enable the extensions that support the windowing systems in each OS.


The reason that we include the headers like that is that on Linux they are installed in a system directory ( /usr/include/vulkan ) whereas on Windows they are installed in a standard directory.

我們這樣include標頭檔案的原因,是在Linux上它們位於系統資料夾(/usr/include/vulkan )而在Windows上它們位於標準資料夾。

Let's start by reviewing the class OgldevVulkanCore whose job is to create and maintain the core objects (note that I'm using red in order to mark all Vulkan structs, enums, functions, etc):


class OgldevVulkanCore
    OgldevVulkanCore(const char* pAppName);
    bool Init(VulkanWindowControl* pWindowControl);
    const VkPhysicalDevice& GetPhysDevice() const;
    const VkSurfaceFormatKHR& GetSurfaceFormat() const;
    const VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR GetSurfaceCaps() const;
    const VkSurfaceKHR& GetSurface() const { return m_surface; }
    int GetQueueFamily() const { return m_gfxQueueFamily; }
    VkInstance& GetInstance() { return m_inst; }
    VkDevice& GetDevice() { return m_device; }
    void CreateInstance();
    void CreateSurface();
    void SelectPhysicalDevice();
    void CreateLogicalDevice();

    // Vulkan objects
    VkInstance m_inst;
    VkDevice m_device;
    VkSurfaceKHR m_surface;
    VulkanPhysicalDevices m_physDevices;
    // Internal stuff
    std::string m_appName;
    int m_gfxDevIndex;
    int m_gfxQueueFamily;

This class has three pure Vulkan members (m_inst, surface and m_device) as well as a vector of Vulkan objects called m_physDevices (see the definition below).


In addition, we have members to keep the application name, an index to the physical device we will be using and an index to the queue family.

另外,我們分別用一個成員記錄應用程式名,對physical device的索引和對queue family的索引。

The class also contains a few getter functions and an Init() function that set's everything up.


Let's see what it does.


 1 void OgldevVulkanCore::Init(VulkanWindowControl* pWindowControl)
 2 { 
 3     std::vector<VkExtensionProperties> ExtProps;
 4     VulkanEnumExtProps(ExtProps);
 6     CreateInstance();
 8 #ifdef WIN32
 9     assert(0);
10 #else
11     m_surface = pWindowControl->CreateSurface(m_inst);
12     assert(m_surface);          
13 #endif
14     printf("Surface created\n");
16     VulkanGetPhysicalDevices(m_inst, m_surface, m_physDevices);
17     SelectPhysicalDevice();
18     CreateLogicalDevice();
19 }

This function takes a pointer to a VulkanWindowControl object.


We will review this object later.


For now it suffices to say that this is an OS specific class whose job is to create a window surface where rendering will take place.


As in OpenGL, the Vulkan core spec does not include windowing.


This task is left to extensions and we have windowing extensions for all major operating systems.


An extension is simply an addition to Vulkan which is not part of the core spec.


Members of Khronos can publish their own extensions and add them to the registry.


Driver vendors can decide which extension they want to implement.


The developer can then query for the list of available extensions during runtime and proceed accordingly.



We start by enumerating all these extensions.


This is done in the following wrapper function:


 1 void VulkanEnumExtProps(std::vector& ExtProps)
 2 {
 3     uint NumExt = 0;
 4     VkResult res = vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(NULL, &NumExt, NULL);
 5     CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties error %d\n", res);
 7     printf("Found %d extensions\n", NumExt);
 9     ExtProps.resize(NumExt);
11     res = vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(NULL, &NumExt, &ExtProps[0]);
12     CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties error %d\n", res);        
14     for (uint i = 0 ; i < NumExt ; i++) {
15         printf("Instance extension %d - %s\n", i, ExtProps[i].extensionName);
16     }
17 }

The above function is a wrapper to the Vulkan API vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties() which returns the extensions available on the system.


The way we use this function is very common in Vulkan.


The first call returns the number of extensions which we use to resize the extension vector.


The second call retrieves the extensions themselves.


The first parameter can be used to select a specific layer.


Vulkan is structured in a way that allows vendors to add logic layers that do stuff like validation, extra logging, etc.


You can decide at runtime which layer you want to enable.


For example, while developing your application you can enable the validation layer and when distributing it to your users - disable it.


Since we are interested in all the extensions we use NULL as the layer.



Once we get the extension list we just print it.


If you want to do some additional logic on the extension list you can do it here.


The reason that we print it is to make sure the extensions we enable in the next function are included.


Next in the initialization process is the creation of the Vulkan instance:


 1 void OgldevVulkanCore::CreateInstance()
 2 {
 3     VkApplicationInfo appInfo = {};       
 5     appInfo.pApplicationName = m_appName.c_str();
 6     appInfo.engineVersion = 1;
 7     appInfo.apiVersion = VK_API_VERSION_1_0;
 9     const char* pInstExt[] = {
12 #endif        
14 #ifdef _WIN32    
16 #else    
18 #endif            
19     };
22     const char* pInstLayers[] = {
23         "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"
24     };
25 #endif    
27     VkInstanceCreateInfo instInfo = {};
29     instInfo.pApplicationInfo = &appInfo;
31     instInfo.enabledLayerCount = ARRAY_SIZE_IN_ELEMENTS(pInstLayers);
32     instInfo.ppEnabledLayerNames = pInstLayers;
33 #endif    
34     instInfo.enabledExtensionCount = ARRAY_SIZE_IN_ELEMENTS(pInstExt);
35     instInfo.ppEnabledExtensionNames = pInstExt;         
37     VkResult res = vkCreateInstance(&instInfo, NULL, &m_inst);
38     CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkCreateInstance %d\n", res);
41     // Get the address to the vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT function
42     my_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT = reinterpret_cast(vkGetInstanceProcAddr(m_inst, "vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT"));
44     // Register the debug callback
45     VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT callbackCreateInfo;
46     callbackCreateInfo.sType       = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEBUG_REPORT_CREATE_INFO_EXT;
47     callbackCreateInfo.pNext       = NULL;
48     callbackCreateInfo.flags       = VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT |
49                                      VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT |
50                                      VK_DEBUG_REPORT_PERFORMANCE_WARNING_BIT_EXT;
51     callbackCreateInfo.pfnCallback = &MyDebugReportCallback;
52     callbackCreateInfo.pUserData   = NULL;
54     VkDebugReportCallbackEXT callback;
55     res = my_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT(m_inst, &callbackCreateInfo, NULL, &callback);
56     CheckVulkanError("my_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT error %d\n", res);
57 #endif    
58 }

In order to initialize the Vulkan library we must create an VkInstance object.


This object carries all the state of the application.


The function that creates it is called vkCreateInstance() and it takes most of its parameters in a VkInstanceCreateInfo structure.

建立它的函式是vkCreateInstance(),此函式的引數大部分都在VkInstanceCreateInfo 這個struct裡。

The parameters that we are interested in are the extensions and (optionally) the layers we want to enable.


The extensions are the generic surface extension and the OS specific surface extension.


The extensions and layers are identified by their name strings and for some of them the Khronos SDK provides a macro. 


VkInstanceCreateInfo also takes a pointer to a VkApplicationInfo structure.


This structure describes the application and allows the developer to put in the application name and some internal engine version.


An important field of VkApplicationInfo is apiVersion.


This is the Vulkan version that the application is requesting and if the driver doesn't support it the call will fail.


We are requesting version 1.0 so it should be ok.


Once we get the handle of the instance object we can register a function in the validation layer that will print warning and error messages.


We must first get a pointer to a function called vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT, then we populate a VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT structure with flags for the stuff we want the driver to notify us about and a pointer to our debug function.

我們首先必須得到函式vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT的指標,然後傳入結構體VkDebugReportCallbackCreateInfoEXT (標記著我們想要驅動通知我們的內容)和一個除錯函式。

The actual registration is done by calling the function whose pointer we previously acquired.


We define the pointer to vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT and our debug callback as follows:


 1 PFN_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT my_vkCreateDebugReportCallbackEXT = NULL; 
 2 VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL MyDebugReportCallback(
 3     VkDebugReportFlagsEXT       flags,
 4     VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT  objectType,
 5     uint64_t                    object,
 6     size_t                      location,
 7     int32_t                     messageCode,
 8     const char*                 pLayerPrefix,
 9     const char*                 pMessage,
10     void*                       pUserData)
11 {
12     printf("%s\n", pMessage);
13     return VK_FALSE;    // Since we don't want to fail the original call
14 }

The next step is to create a window surface and for that we use the VulkanWindowControl object that the Init() function got as a pointer parameter.


We will review this class later so let's skip it for now (note that we need an instance in order to create a surface so this is why we do stuff in this order).


Once we have an instance and a surface we are ready to get all the information we need on the physical devices on your system.

一旦我們有了instance和surface,我們就可以獲取你的系統上的physical device的所有資訊。

A physical device is either a discrete or an integrated graphics card on the platform.

一個physical device是平臺上的一個獨立顯示卡或繼承顯示卡。

For example, your system may have a couple of NVIDIA cards in a SLI formation and an Intel HD graphics GPU integrated into the CPU.


In this case you have three physical devices.

這樣你就又3個physical device。

The function below retrieves all the physical devices and some of their characteristics and populates the VulkanPhysicalDevices structure.

下面的函式檢索所有的physical device及其特性,還給出VulkanPhysicalDevices結構體。

This structure is essentially a database of physical devices and their properties.

這個結構體本質上是physical device及其屬性的資料庫。

It is made up of several vectors (sometimes vectors of vectors) of various Vulkan objects.


In order to access a specific device you simply go to one of the members and index into that vector using the physical device index.

為了使用某個特定的device,你只需通過physical device索引找到某個成員和向量的索引。

So to get all the information on physical device 2 access m_device[2], m_devProps[2], etc.

即,為得到physical device2的資訊,只需使用m_device[2]、m_devProps[2]等。

The reason I structured it like that (and not a structure per device with all the info inside it) is because it matches the way the Vulkan APIs work.


You provide an array of XYZ and get all the XYZ objects for all physical devices.

你提供XYZ陣列,就得到所有physical device的XYZ物件。

Here's the definition of that database structure:


1 struct VulkanPhysicalDevices {
2     std::vector<VkPhysicalDevice> m_devices;
3     std::vector<VkPhysicalDeviceProperties> m_devProps;
4     std::vector< std::vector<VkQueueFamilyProperties> > m_qFamilyProps;
5     std::vector< std::vector<VkBool32> > m_qSupportsPresent;
6     std::vector< std::vector<VkSurfaceFormatKHR> > m_surfaceFormats;
7     std::vector<VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR> m_surfaceCaps;
8 };

Now let's take a look at the function that populates the database.


The first two parameters are the instance and surface.


The third parameter is where the result will go to.


We will review this function step by step.


1 void VulkanGetPhysicalDevices(const VkInstance& inst, const VkSurfaceKHR& Surface, VulkanPhysicalDevices& PhysDevices)
2 {
3     uint NumDevices = 0;
5     VkResult res = vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(inst, &NumDevices, NULL);
6     CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices error %d\n", res);
7     printf("Num physical devices %d\n", NumDevices);

The first thing we do is get the number of physical devices. Again we see the usage of dual call - first to get the number of items and then to get the items themselves.

我們要做的第一件事,是獲取physical device的數量。我們再次看到了“先獲取專案數量,再獲取專案內容”的用法。

1     PhysDevices.m_devices.resize(NumDevices);
2     PhysDevices.m_devProps.resize(NumDevices);
3     PhysDevices.m_qFamilyProps.resize(NumDevices);
4     PhysDevices.m_qSupportsPresent.resize(NumDevices);
5     PhysDevices.m_surfaceFormats.resize(NumDevices);
6     PhysDevices.m_surfaceCaps.resize(NumDevices);

We can now resize our database so that we will have enough space to retrieve the info on all devices.


1     res = vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices(inst, &NumDevices, &PhysDevices.m_devices[0]);
2     CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices error %d\n", res);

We do the same call again, this time providing the address of a vector in VkPhysicalDevice as the result.


Using STL vectors is handly because they function the same way as standard arrays, so the address of the first element is the address of the array.


From our point of view VkPhysicalDevice is just a handle that represents the identity of the physical device.

從我們的角度看,VkPhysicalDevice 只是一個代表physical device的控制代碼。

Now we begin a loop over the number of physical devices where we will extract more info for one device at a time.

現在我們開始一個迴圈,對每個physical device,我們提取更多的資訊。

1 for (uint i = 0 ; i < NumDevices ; i++) {
2         const VkPhysicalDevice& PhysDev = PhysDevices.m_devices[i];
3         vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties(PhysDev, &PhysDevices.m_devProps[i]);

We start by getting the properties of the current device.


m_devProps is a vector of VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.


This structure contains information about the device such as a name, versions, IDs, etc.


We print some of these properties in the next couple of printf statements:


1         printf("Device name: %s\n", PhysDevices.m_devProps[i].deviceName);
2         uint32_t apiVer = PhysDevices.m_devProps[i].apiVersion;
3         printf("    API version: %d.%d.%d\n", VK_VERSION_MAJOR(apiVer),
4                                           VK_VERSION_MINOR(apiVer),
5                                           VK_VERSION_PATCH(apiVer));

Next we get the properties of all the queue families that the physical device supports.

下一步,我們得到physical device支援的所有queue family的屬性。

There are four categories of operations that a GPU can perform :


  1. Graphics - 2D/3D rendering (same as OpenGL).
    圖形 - 2D/3D渲染(和OpenGL相同)
  2. Compute - general processing work which is not rendering in nature. This can be scientific calculations that need the parallel power of the GPU but not the 3D pipeline.
    計算 - 通用處理工作,不限於渲染。可以是科學計算(需要GPU的平行計算能力而不需要3D管道)。
  3. Transfer - copying of buffers and images.
    轉移 - 複製快取和影象。
  4. Sparse Memory Management - sparse resources are non continguous. This category includes operations to process them.
    稀疏記憶體管理 - 稀疏資源是不連續的。這類操作用來處理它們。

The work that we send to the device is executed in a queue.


A device exposes one or more queue families and each family contains one or more queues.

一個device暴露一個或多個queue family,每個family包含一個或多個queue。

Each family supports some combination of the four categories above.


The queues in each family all support the family functionality.


For example, my GPU has two families.


The first one contains 16 queues that support all the four categories and the other has just one queue that only supports transfer.


You can take advantage of the specific architecture of the device at runtime in order to tailor the behavior of your app in order to increase performance.


 1         uint NumQFamily = 0;         
 3         vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(PhysDev, &NumQFamily, NULL);
 5         printf("    Num of family queues: %d\n", NumQFamily);
 7         PhysDevices.m_qFamilyProps[i].resize(NumQFamily);
 8         PhysDevices.m_qSupportsPresent[i].resize(NumQFamily);
10         vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties(PhysDev, &NumQFamily, &(PhysDevices.m_qFamilyProps[i][0]));

In the code above we get the number of family properties for the current device, resize m_qFamilyProps and m_qSupportsPresent (note that both are vectors of vectors so we must first index into the current device) and after that we get a vector of properties and store it in the database.


1         for (uint q = 0 ; q < NumQFamily ; q++) {
2             res = vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR(PhysDev, q, Surface, &(PhysDevices.m_qSupportsPresent[i][q]));
3             CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR error %d\n", res);
4         }

While we are still on the queue family subject let's query each family and check whether it supports presentation. 

既然我們孩子討論queu family,我們查詢一下每個family,檢查它是否支援presentation。

vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR() takes a physical device, a surface and a queue family index and returns a boolean value which indicates whether this combination of device and family can present on the specified surface.

函式vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceSupportKHR()接收一個physical device,一個surface和一個queue family索引為引數,返回一個boolean值,表示這個組合是否能表示一個特定的surface。

 1         uint NumFormats = 0;
 2         vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(PhysDev, Surface, &NumFormats, NULL);
 3         assert(NumFormats > 0);
 5         PhysDevices.m_surfaceFormats[i].resize(NumFormats);
 7         res = vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(PhysDev, Surface, &NumFormats, &(PhysDevices.m_surfaceFormats[i][0]));
 8         CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR error %d\n", res);
10         for (uint j = 0 ; j < NumFormats ; j++) {
11             const VkSurfaceFormatKHR& SurfaceFormat = PhysDevices.m_surfaceFormats[i][j];
12             printf("    Format %d color space %d\n", SurfaceFormat.format , SurfaceFormat.colorSpace);
13         }

Next up is the surface format.


Each surface can support one or more formats.


A format is simply the way data is arranged on the surface.


In general, a format specifies the channels in each pixel and the type of each channel (float, int, etc).


For example, VK_FORMAT_R32G32B32_SFLOAT is a surface format with three channels (red, green and blue) of the 32bit floating point type.


The format of the surface is critical because it determines the way data on the surface is converted or interpreted before various operations (e.g. displaying it to the screen).


To get the format we need both the physical device and the surface itself because the devices may not be compatible in terms of the surface formats that they can work with.

為了得到格式,我們需要physical device和surface作為引數,因為device可能不相容surface的格式。

There can be multiple surface formats available which is why again we have a vector of vectors here.


We will need the surface format later which is why it is part of the database. Now we query the surface capabilities:


1         res = vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR(PhysDev, Surface, &(PhysDevices.m_surfaceCaps[i]));
2         CHECK_VULKAN_ERROR("vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR error %d\n", res);
4         VulkanPrintImageUsageFlags(PhysDevices.m_surfaceCaps[i].supportedUsageFlags);
5     }
6 }

The VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR structure describes the capabilities of the physical device when working with a specific surface.

VkSurfaceCapabilitiesKHR 結構體描述了physical device與特定surface合作時的capabilities。

This includes the minimum and maximum images that can be created on the swap chain, the minimum and maximum extents (size of the area that can be rendered), supported rotation, etc.


There is one such structure for each combination of a physical device and surface and we store it in the m_surfaceCaps vector.

每個physical device和surface的組合都有一個這樣的結構體,我們將其儲存到m_surfaceCaps陣列。

We completed getting all the information on the physical devices! (note that some of it is specific to the combination of a device and surface).

我們完全獲取了physical device的所有資訊!(注意,某些是針對特定的device和surface組合的)

The next step in the Init() function is to select one of the physical devices and one of the queues to do the processing.

函式Init()中的下一步是,選擇一個physical device和一個queue。

The following function does exactly that:


 1 void OgldevVulkanCore::SelectPhysicalDevice()
 2 {
 3     for (uint i = 0 ; i < m_physDevices.m_devices.size() ; i++) {
 5         for (uint j = 0 ; j < m_physDevices.m_qFamilyProps[i].size() ; j++) {
 6             VkQueueFamilyProperties& QFamilyProp = m_physDevices.m_qFamilyProps[i][j];
 8             printf("Family %d Num queues: %d\n", j, QFamilyProp.queueCount);
 9             VkQueueFlags flags = QFamilyProp.queueFlags;
10             printf("    GFX %s, Compute %s, Transfer %s, Sparse binding %s\n",
11                     (flags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT) ? "Yes" : "No",
12                     (flags & VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT) ? "Yes" : "No",
13                     (flags & VK_QUEUE_TRANSFER_BIT) ? "Yes" : "No",
14                     (flags & VK_QUEUE_SPARSE_BINDING_BIT) ? "Yes" : "No");
16             if (flags & VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT) {
17                 if (!m_physDevices.m_qSupportsPresent[i][j]) {
18                     printf("Present is not supported\n");
19                     continue;
20                 }
22                 m_gfxDevIndex = i;
23                 m_gfxQueueFamily = j;
24                 printf("Using GFX device %d and queue family %d\n", m_gfxDevIndex, m_gfxQueueFamily);
25                 break;
26             }
27         }
28     }
30     if (m_gfxDevIndex == -1) {
31         printf("No GFX device found!\n");
32         assert(0);
33     }    
34 }

In a more advanced application you can have multiple queues on multiple devices but we are keeping it very simple.


The nested loop in this function traverses the list of devices and the list of queue families for each device.

函式中的巢狀迴圈遍歷device陣列及其每個queue family陣列。

We are searching for a physical device with a queue family that support graphics functionality as well as being able to present on the surface for which the database was initialized.
