1. 程式人生 > >jenkins:實現Jenkinsfile與Json的轉換


### 實現Jenkinsfile與Json的轉換 [TOC] 最近在做個需求,需要支援Jenkinsfile和json的轉換。 ### 方法1:使用現有的jenkins外掛 參考的是[這篇文章](https://www.cnblogs.com/w1570631036/p/11726599.html)。下面介紹一下將外掛打包成映象的步驟: - 本地安裝jdk和maven,jdk建議採用的版本為8(該工程會依賴一個名為`tools.jar`的包,jdk 9之後移除了該包) 如果本地沒有找到`tools.jar`,可以下載一個1.8版本的jdk,然後在`pom.xml`中增加如下依賴 ```xml ``` - clone [pipeline-model-definition-plugin](https://github.com/jenkinsci/pipeline-model-definition-plugin)工程 - 在/root/.m2/目錄下建立`settings.xml`,內容來自[Jenkins官方](https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Plugin+tutorial): ```xml ``` - 執行 `mvn install`進行編譯 - 由於主要用到的是Jenkinsfile和json之間的轉換關係,因此主要用的是如下兩個REST API: - **Conversion to JSON representation from Jenkinsfile** - *URL*: `JENKINS_URL/pipeline-model-converter/toJson` - *Parameters*: `jenkinsfile` - the `Jenkinsfile` contents - *Info*: Takes a `Jenkinsfile` and converts it to the JSON representation for its `pipeline` step. - *Returns*: JSON with a `result` field that will either be `success` or `failure`. If `success`, the JSON representation will be in the `json` field. If `failure`, there'll be an additional array in the `errors` field of the error messages encountered. - **Conversion to Jenkinsfile from JSON representation** - *URL*: `JENKINS_URL/pipeline-model-converter/toJenkinsfile` - *Parameters*: `json` - the JSON representation of the model - *Info*: Takes the JSON representation of the model and converts it to the contents for a `Jenkinsfile` invoking the `pipeline` step. - *Returns*: JSON with a `result` field that will either be `success` or `failure`. If `success`, the `Jenkinsfile` contents will be in the `jenkinsfile` field. If `failure`, there'll be an additional array in the `errors` field of the error messages encountered. 上述兩個API在`pipeline-model-definition-plugin/pipeline-model-definition`目錄下,因此在該目錄下直接執行:`mvn hpi:run -Dhost= -Djetty.port=8080`即可。 - 將json轉換為Jenkinsfile的操作如下: 完整的返回值如下: ```json { "status": "ok", "data": { "result": "success", "json": { "pipeline": { "stages": [ { "name": "Hello", "branches": [ { "name": "default", "steps": [ { "name": "echo", "arguments": [ { "key": "message", "value": { "isLiteral": true, "value": "Hello World" } } ] } ] } ] } ], "agent": { "type": "any" } } } } } ``` - 將Jenkinsfile轉換為json的操作如下
- 製作容器映象時,只需要將本地工程和`/root/.m2`上傳到容器,生成對應的映象即可,下面Dockerfile假設生成的映象為`pipeline-model-definition-plugin:latest` ```dockerfile FROM pipeline-model-definition-plugin:latest WORKDIR /usr/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/pipeline-model-definition ENV PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/maven-3.6.3/bin ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "-c", "mvn hpi:run -Dhost="] ``` 我自己打包了一個映象:`docker pull quay.io/woodliu/pipeline-model-definition-plugin` 需要注意的是,本外掛提供的轉換API toJenkinsfile和toJson並不是萬能的,只能支援jenkins標準的引數[型別](https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/syntax/#parameters),例如對於`gitParameter`這樣的引數就無法解析(擴充套件功能),一種解決方式是獨立解析擴充套件的引數,然後將其插入解析好的標準JenkinsFile中;另外一個方式就是寫一個jenkinsfile的解析器。 #### 參考 - mvn hpi的命令可以參考[官方文件](https://jenkinsci.github.io/maven-hpi-plugin/plugin-info.html) - 可以執行`mvn hpi:hpi`生成對應的`hpi`檔案,如: `/pipeline-model-definition-plugin/pipeline-model-definition/target/pipeline-model-definition.hpi` ### 方法2:解析原生的jenkinsfile檔案 在GitHub上有一個支援jenkinsfile解析的[專案](https://github.com/rtyler/jdp),該專案使用rust的[pest](https://github.com/pest-parser/pest) crate來編寫jenkinsfile的語法,支援對jenkinsfile的格式驗證。Pest官方文件中給出了一個非常好的對json語法的解析[例子](https://pest.rs/book/examples/json.html),主要是使用遞迴的方式來解析語法。 pest官方提供了一個[編輯器](https://pest.rs/#editor),可以使用該編輯器檢視經過pest解析之後的欄位,對了解pest的工作方式非常有用。如,使用jdp專案提供的[pest檔案](https://github.com/rtyler/jdp/blob/main/src/pipeline.pest)解析如下jenkinsfile: ```groovy pipeline { agent { docker { reuseNode true image 'maven:3-alpine' label 'my-defined-label' args '-v /tmp:/tmp' registryUrl 'https://myregistry.com/' registryCredentialsId 'myPredefinedCredentialsInJenkins' } } stages { stage('Build') { steps { sh 'make' } } } } ``` 對應的解析結果如下: ``` - preceeding_junk: "" - opening_brace: "{" - agentDecl > agentBlock - opening_brace: "{" - dockerAgent - opening_brace: "{" - bool: "true" - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "maven:3-alpine" - single_quote: "\'" - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "my-defined-label" - single_quote: "\'" - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "-v /tmp:/tmp" - single_quote: "\'" - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "https://myregistry.com/" - single_quote: "\'" - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "myPredefinedCredentialsInJenkins" - single_quote: "\'" - closing_brace: "}" - closing_brace: "}" - stagesDecl - opening_brace: "{" - stage - string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "Build" - single_quote: "\'" - opening_brace: "{" - stepsDecl - opening_brace: "{" - step > simple_step - IDENT: "sh" - args > string > single_quoted - single_quote: "\'" - inner_single_str: "make" - single_quote: "\'" - closing_brace: "}" - closing_brace: "}" - closing_brace: "}" - closing_brace: "}" - ending_junk: "" - EOI: "" ``` > Pest語法重點標註: > > - 當使用**靜默**規則時,解析結果中將不會出現該規則欄位。當解析下面規則時,解析結果中將不會存在silent,即`parsed.as_rule()` 中不會存在silent > > ``` > silent = _{ ... } > ``` > > - 當使用**原子**語法時,整個規則體將視為一個規則,如double_quoted = ${ (quote ~ inner_double_str ~ quote) },在解析時會將`quote ~ inner_double_str ~ quote`視為一個規則,而不是三個。這有利於獲取一段完整的字串。 > > ``` > atomic = @{ ... } > compound_atomic = ${ ... } > ``` 我嘗試使用該專案解析jenkinsfile,但發現實現起來太過複雜,且jenkinsFile的語法也是一言難盡。如下,當step中帶括號和不帶括號混用時會導致解析錯誤。 ```groovy steps { echo 'test' dir('command') { sh "sh ./saas.sh ${params.channel} ${params.buildType} " } } ``` 有精力的大神可以在此基礎上實現解析JenkinsFile的功能。 #### 參考 - pest[文件](https://pest.rs/book/int