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Google 最新的 Fuchsia OS【科技訊息摘要】

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我似乎已開始就抓到了重點,沒錯,就是 LK 。 LK 是 Travis Geiselbrecht 寫的一個針對 ARM 的嵌入式操作系統,開源的。點擊到它的-> Github。從作者的 ->個人主頁 看,他是早期 iOS 開發者?而且好像在 google 也待蠻久了。 Magenta (Google 還有一個項目也用這個名字,研究機器學習來制作音樂的)是從 LK 出發,提供多進程、安全空間等支持的,針對大型機(有很多 RAM,接口豐富)的內核。然後, LK for embedded + Magenta 就是報道裏提到的 Fuchisa OS 系統了。

不過,粗略看了下,LK 似乎是已經有過應用案例了,代碼倉庫裏還提供了在 qemu 下虛擬運行該系統的解決方案。

但是 Magenta 估計也就處在粗略可用的狀態,比如,可能有開發人員寫過它的貪吃蛇遊戲了。不過,Magenta 的提交貌似挺頻繁的,最近的提交都來自 Brian Swetland。Brian Swetland 也是 android 高級開發人員。


1. LK 和 Magenta

LK is a Kernel designed for small systems typically used in embedded applications. It is good alternative to commercial offerings like FreeRTOS orThreadX. Such systems often have a very limited amount of ram, a fixed set of peripherals and a bounded set of tasks.

On the other hand, Magenta targets modern phones and modern personal computers with fast processors, non-trivial amounts of ram with arbitrary peripherals doing open ended computation.

Magenta inner constructs are based on LK but the layers above are new. For example, Magenta has the concept of a process but LK does not. However, a Magenta process is made of by LK-level constructs such as threads and memory.

More specifically, some the visible differences are:

  • Magenta has first class user-mode support. LK does not.
  • Magenta is an object-handle system. LK does not have either concept.
  • Magenta has a capability-based security model. In LK all code is trusted.

Over time, even the low level constructs will change to accomodate the new requirements and to be a better fit with the rest of the system..

magenta 主頁:https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/magenta/

有人報道,但是沒去證實的:Magenta 的UI層使用的是 Dart 語言開發的 Flutter;渲染器是 Escher;應用程序框架 Mojo。


Google 最新的 Fuchsia OS【科技訊息摘要】