1. 程式人生 > >corosync+pacemaker+crm實現drbd高可用


drbd.not configured corosync packmaker crm pcs

系統:Centos 7.2 內核3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 # 內核需要高於2.6.32

Drbd : /mydeta : node2

Mysql_vip: #下章實現

# 需要的軟件包:




yum 需要安裝的軟件 pcs, ansible, crmsh, libxslt

# drbd是基於主機名通信的在/etc/hosts中增加

# 以本地ip地址如192.168.8.111 node1這樣的方式添加一個地址一行、 不要填uname -n的名稱

# 安裝crmsh yum源如下 [[email protected] ~]# vim /etc/yum.repos.d/ha.repo


name=Stable High Availability/Clustering packages (CentOS_CentOS-7)






# 安裝crmsh 單臺主機安裝就行

yum -y install crmsh libxslt ansible pcs

# 主機互信

[[email protected] ~]# ssh-keygen

[[email protected] ~]# cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub > .ssh/authorized_keys

[[email protected] ~]# chmod go= .ssh/authorized_keys

[[email protected] ~]# scp -p .ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/authorized_keys

# 出現以下錯誤

scp: /root/.ssh/: No such file or directory

# 解決方案

連接node2創建.ssh mkdir /root/.ssh

# drbd配置段

# 安裝drbd前先準備兩塊硬盤 node1 跟node2 同樣配置

rpm -ivh http://elrepo.reloumirrors.net/elrepo/el7/x86_64/RPMS/drbd84-utils-8.9.1-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm

yum -y install http://elrepo.reloumirrors.net/elrepo/el7/x86_64/RPMS/kmod-drbd84-8.4.6-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64.rpm

[[email protected] drbd-8.4.8-1]# modprobe drbd

[[email protected] drbd-8.4.8-1]# lsmod | grep drbd

drbd 405537 0

libcrc32c 12644 2 xfs,drbd

# 將新建的磁盤分區

[[email protected] sbin]# fdisk /dev/sdb# 自己新建就成、兩邊大小保持一致跟raid1一樣

# 配置drbd

[[email protected] sbin]#

# drbd配置: http://502245466.blog.51cto.com/7559397/1298945

# drbd常見錯誤: http://www.j3j5.com/post-128.html

[[email protected] drbd.d]# vim global_common.conf

global {

usage-count no;


common {

protocol C;

handlers {

pri-on-incon-degr "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-on-incon-degr.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; reboot -f";

pri-lost-after-sb "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-pri-lost-after-sb.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-reboot.sh; echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; reboot -f";

local-io-error "/usr/lib/drbd/notify-io-error.sh; /usr/lib/drbd/notify-emergency-shutdown.sh; echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";


startup {


options {


disk {

on-io-error detach;


net {

cram-hmac-alg "sha1";

shared-secret "xiong123";


syncer {

rate 1024M;



[[email protected] drbd.d]# vim mydrbd.res

resource mydrbd {

device /dev/drbd0;

disk /dev/sdb1;

meta-disk internal;

on node1{on為開啟,node1為節點名稱



on node2{




[[email protected] drbd.d]# scp mydrbd.res global_common.conf node2:/usr/local/drbd/etc/drbd.d/


[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbdadm create-md mydrbd

initializing activity log

NOT initializing bitmap

Writing meta data...

New drbd meta data block successfully created

# 配置啟動否則corosync ocf無法直接定義drbd啟動

[[email protected] sbin]# systemctl enable drbd.service

# 此處為測試drbd是否完整 兩邊都得同時啟動

[[email protected] sbin]# systemctl start drbd.service

[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbdadm primary --force mydrbd # 將主機強制成為主節點

[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbd-overview

0:mydrbd/0 Connected Primary/Secondary UpToDate/UpToDate# Primary/Secondary 主從,另一端是Secondary/Primary


[[email protected] drbd.d]# mkfs.ext4 /dev/drbd0

# 掛載 兩個節點都需要創建 /mydata/

[[email protected] drbd.d]# mount /dev/drbd0 /mydata/

[[email protected] drbd.d]# df -Th

/dev/drbd0 ext4 4.8G 20M 4.6G 1% /mydata


[[email protected] ~]# umount /mydata/

[[email protected] ~]# drbdadm secondary mydrbd

[[email protected] ~]# drbd-overview

0:mydrbd/0 Connected Secondary/Secondary UpToDate/Diskless

# 節點2操作配置 無需格式化/dev/drbd0

[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbdadm primary mydrbd

[[email protected] drbd.d]# mkdir /mydata

[[email protected] drbd.d]# mount /dev/drbd0 /mydata/

[[email protected] drbd.d]# cd /mydata/

[[email protected] mydata]# ls

issue lost+found

# 最後將drbd服務都停止

[[email protected] /]# umount /mydata/

[[email protected] /]# systemctl stop drbd

[[email protected] /]# systemctl stop drbd


# pcs配置drbd高可用

# 安裝

# 安裝pcs軟件如果報/sbin/xxx命令的名字將crmsh.repo先改成crmsh.repo.bak 再安裝

[[email protected] sbin]# ansible ha -m yum -a "name=pcs state=installed"

# pcs認證需要

[[email protected] sbin]# ansible ha -m shell -a ‘echo "xiong" | passwd --stdin hacluster‘

# 啟動pcs服務

[[email protected] sbin]# ansible ha -m service -a "name=pcsd state=started enabled=yes"

# 認證集群服務

[[email protected] sbin]# pcs cluster auth node1 node2

Username: hacluster


node1: Authorized

node2: Authorized

# 添加一個集群名為myha 並設置組播地址為235.35.32.24

[[email protected] sbin]# pcs cluster setup --name myha node1 node2 --mcast0

# 檢查集群服務是否正常

[[email protected] sbin]# corosync-cmapctl | grep mem

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_commit_token_rx (u64) = 4

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_commit_token_tx (u64) = 4

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_join_rx (u64) = 5

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_join_tx (u64) = 3

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_merge_detect_rx (u64) = 332

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.memb_merge_detect_tx (u64) = 332

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.config_version (u64) = 0

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.ip (str) = r(0) ip(

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.join_count (u32) = 1

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.status (str) = joined

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.config_version (u64) = 0

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.ip (str) = r(0) ip(

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.join_count (u32) = 1

runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.status (str) = joined

# 檢查狀態

[[email protected] sbin]# pcs status

Cluster name: myha

WARNING: no stonith devices and stonith-enabled is not false

Stack: corosync

Current DC: node1 (version 1.1.13-10.el7-44eb2dd) - partition with quorum

2 nodes and 0 resources configured

Online: [ node1 node2 ]

# 配置高可用

crm(live)configure# primitive mydrbd ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="mystore" op monitor role="Master" interval=30s timeout=30s op monitor role="Slave" timeout=30s op start timeout=240s op stop timeout=100s


primitive mydatas ocf:linbit:drbd \

params drbd_resource=mystore \

op monitor role=Master interval=10s timeout=20s \

op monitor role=Slave interval=20s timeout=20s \

op start timeout=240s interval=0 \

op stop timeout=100s interval=0


crm(live)configure# ms mydrbd_master mydrbd meta clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1

crm(live)configure# verify #檢查是否成功

crm(live)# status

Online: [ node73 node74 ]

Master/Slave Set: ms_mydatas [mydatas]

Masters: [ node73 ]

Slaves: [ node74 ]

# 配置文件掛載目錄

crm(live)configure# primitive mount ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/mydata" fstype="ext4" op start timeout=60s op stop timeout=60s

# 定義排序約束 讓mount一直跟著ms_mydatas的主

crm(live)configure# colocation mount_with_ms_mydatas inf: mount ms_mydatas:Master

# 檢查是否成功

[[email protected] ~]# df -Th

/dev/drbd0 ext4 16G 45M 15G 1% /mydata

[[email protected] ~]# drbd-overview

0:mystore/0 Connected Primary/Secondary UpToDate/UpToDate /mydata ext4 16G 45M 15G 1%

####################### drbd主從配置文件###############################

primitive mount Filesystem \

params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/mydata" fstype=ext4 \

op start timeout=60s interval=0 \

op stop timeout=60s interval=0

primitive mydatas ocf:linbit:drbd \

params drbd_resource=mystore \

op monitor role=Master interval=10s timeout=20s \

op monitor role=Slave interval=20s timeout=20s \

op start timeout=240s interval=0 \

op stop timeout=100s interval=0

ms ms_mydatas mydatas \

meta clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 master-max=1 master-node-max=1 notify=true

colocation mount_with_ms_mydatas inf: mount ms_mydatas:Master


# 錯誤整理

1、ERROR: error: unpack_resources:Resource start-up disabled since no STONITH resources have been defined

error: unpack_resources:Either configure some or disable STONITH with the stonith-enabled option

error: unpack_resources:NOTE: Clusters with shared data need STONITH to ensure data integrity

解決:crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=false

# 錯誤

[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbdadm primary mystore

0: State change failed: (-2) Need access to UpToDate data

Command ‘drbdsetup-84 primary 0‘ terminated with exit code 17

# 解決方案

[[email protected] drbd.d]# drbdadm primary mystore --force

# 錯誤

[[email protected] drbd.d]# pcs status

Error: cluster is not currently running on this node

# 解決方案

[[email protected] drbd.d]# pcs cluster start --all

# 啟動主從失敗

Failed Actions:

* mydrbd_stop_0 on node74 ‘not configured‘ (6): call=8, status=complete, exitreason=‘none‘,

last-rc-change=‘Wed May 24 15:27:42 2017‘, queued=0ms, exec=138ms

* mydrbd_stop_0 on node73 ‘not configured‘ (6): call=8, status=complete, exitreason=‘none‘,

last-rc-change=‘Wed May 24 15:27:41 2017‘, queued=0ms, exec=134ms

# 解決方案

設置各種超時時長都加上"s" primitive mydrbd ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="mystore" op monitor role="Master" interval=30s timeout=30s op monitor role="Slave" timeout=30s op start timeout=240s op stop timeout=100s

drbd yum包下載地址:http://elrepo.reloumirrors.net/elrepo/el7/x86_64/RPMS/

配置參閱鏈接: http://blog.csdn.net/qq_21127313/article/details/68210977

本文出自 “xiong” 博客,請務必保留此出處http://xiong51.blog.51cto.com/5239058/1929054
