1. 程式人生 > >brain storm 5 July Descendants of the sun

brain storm 5 July Descendants of the sun

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descendants of the sun: from longman: He was a direct descendant of Napoleon Bonaparte.

  -scend descend ascend

    to climb to mount(上來)

      mount (longman): Friends of the Earth are mounting a campaign to monitor the illegal logging of trees.


          technical if a male animal mounts a female animal, he gets up onto her back to have sex

 ascend (etymonline): planets, constellation,

              -stell star constellate: to cluster together, as stars in a constellation

                    the towns and valleys where people constellate (註意和castellated (longman)區分)


cf. scansion (dictionary.com) prosody the mertical analysis of verse

brain storm 5 July Descendants of the sun