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laughing near after sid 想象 works ted inter against

寫景詩貴在意境,意境潤於修辭。美國詩人C. 麥凱的詩《冬後》,全詩寫景狀物,掉落的樹葉(leaves)、檐(eaves)下的冬鳥、竹林(bamboo grove)、蜜蜂、黑脈風鈴草(black-ribbed blue-bells)……,大多是“我們(we)”眼中尚未見但可想見的景,用toward…where和will seek的句子營造一個想象的草長鶯飛的春色。第二節的一組倒裝表達清新雋永,熱帶喬木在tower,地表徑流在歡快leap,資源昆蟲在嗡嗡work。最後一句描寫小屋旁的空地(glade),空地上的植物,其主從句式,極富韻律感,如莫幹山之疊翠,楠溪江之轉灘。請欣賞。(胡明曉,2017.8.29)

After the Winter

By Claude McKay

Some day, when trees have shed their leaves

And against the morning‘s white

The shivering birds beneath the eaves

Have sheltered for the night,

We‘ll turn our faces southward, love,

Toward the summer isle

Where bamboos spire to shafted grove

And wide-mouthed orchids smile.

And we will seek the quiet hill

Where towers the cotton tree,

And leaps the laughing crystal rill,

And works the droning bee.

And we will build a cottage there

Beside an open glade,

With black-ribbed blue-bells blowing near

And ferns that never fade.
