1. 程式人生 > >洛谷 P3659 [USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I G

洛谷 P3659 [USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I G

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Why did the cow cross the road? Well, one reason is that Farmer John‘s farm simply has a lot of roads, making it impossible for his cows to travel around without crossing many of them.


FJ‘s farm is arranged as an N \times NN×N square grid of fields (3 \leq N \leq 1003N100), with a set of N-1N1 north-south roads and N-1N1 east-west roads running through the interior of the farm serving as dividers between the fields. A tall fence runs around the external perimeter, preventing cows from leaving the farm. Bessie the cow can move freely from any field to any other adjacent field (north, east, south, or west), as long as she carefully looks both ways before crossing the road separating the two fields. It takes her TT units of time to cross a road (0 \leq T \leq 1,000,0000T1,000,000).

FJ的牧場可以看作是一塊 N\times NN×N 的田地(3\le N\le 1003N100),N-1N1 條南北向的道路和 N-1N1 條東西向的道路貫穿整個牧場,同時是每塊田野的分界線。牧場的最外面是一圈高大的柵欄以防止奶牛離開牧場。Bessie只要穿過分離兩塊田野的道路,就可以從任何田野移動到與其相鄰的田野裏去(北,東,南或西)。當然,Bessie穿過每一條馬路都是需要TT 時間的。(0\le T\le 1,000,0000T1,000,000)

One day, FJ invites Bessie to visit his house for a friendly game of chess. Bessie starts out in the north-west corner field and FJ‘s house is in the south-east corner field, so Bessie has quite a walk ahead of her. Since she gets hungry along the way, she stops at every third field she visits to eat grass (not including her starting field, but including possibly the final field in which FJ‘s house resides). Some fields are grassier than others, so the amount of time required for stopping to eat depends on the field in which she stops.


Please help Bessie determine the minimum amount of time it will take to reach FJ‘s house.




The first line of input contains NN and TT. The next NN lines each contain NN positive integers (each at most 100,000) describing the amount of time required to eat grass in each field. The first number of the first line is the north-west corner.

接下來 NN 行,每行 NN 個數表示每塊田野Bessie需要停留的時間(每塊最多不超過100,000100,000),第一行的第一塊田野是牧場的西北角


Print the minimum amount of time required for Bessie to travel to FJ‘s house.



輸入樣例#1: 復制
4 2
30 92 36 10
38 85 60 16
41 13 5 68
20 97 13 80
輸出樣例#1: 復制


The optimal solution for this example involves moving east 3 squares (eating the "10"), then moving south twice and west once (eating the "5"), and finally moving south and east to the goal.


感謝@jzqjzq 提供翻譯


例: 1 ——2——3







 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstdio>
 3 #include<cstring>
 4 #include<cstdlib>
 5 #include<queue>
 6 using namespace std;
 7 int n,v[110][110];
 8 long long dis[110][110],t;
 9 bool vis[110][110];
10 struct node
11 {
12     int x,y;
13 };
14 int dx[]={0,0,3,-3,1,1,2,2,-1,-1,-2,-2,0,0,1,-1};
15 int dy[]={3,-3,0,0,2,-2,1,-1,2,-2,1,-1,1,-1,0,0};
16 void spfa(int x,int y)
17 {
18     queue<node>q;
19     q.push((node){x,y});
20     memset(dis,0x7f,sizeof(dis));
21     dis[x][y]=0; vis[x][y]=1;
22     do
23     {
24     node u=q.front();q.pop();
25         vis[u.x][u.y]=0;
26         for(int i=0;i<16;i++)
27         {    int tx=u.x+dx[i],ty=u.y+dy[i];
28             if(tx>=1&&tx<=n&&ty>=1&&ty<=n)
29             {
30              if(dis[tx][ty]>dis[u.x][u.y]+v[tx][ty]+t*3)
31             {    
32                 dis[tx][ty]=dis[u.x][u.y]+v[tx][ty]+t*3;
33                 if(!vis[tx][ty])
34                 {
35                     vis[tx][ty]=1;q.push((node){tx,ty});
36                     }
37                 }
38             }
39         }
40     }while(q.size()!=0);
41 }
42 int main()
43 {    ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
44     cin>>n>>t;
45     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
46         for(int j=1;j<=n;j++)
47             cin>>v[i][j];
48     spfa(1,1);
49     long long ans;
50     ans=dis[n][n];//參照題解:牛不可能直接到達,所以得枚舉終點3步之內的所有點的值+位移的時間; 
51     ans=min(ans,dis[n][n-1]+t);
52     ans=min(ans,dis[n-1][n]+t);
53     ans=min(ans,dis[n][n-2]+t*2);
54     ans=min(ans,dis[n-2][n]+t*2);
55     ans=min(ans,dis[n-1][n-1]+t*2);
56     printf("%lld",ans);
57     return 0;
58 }

洛谷 P3659 [USACO17FEB]Why Did the Cow Cross the Road I G