1. 程式人生 > >[poj] 2074 Line of Sight || 直線相交求交點

[poj] 2074 Line of Sight || 直線相交求交點

bool -c opera namespace int oid logs 最大 pos




using namespace std;
double a,b,c,l,lmx,ans;
int n,pos;
struct point
    double x,y;
    bool operator < (const
point &b) const { if (x==b.x) return y<b.y; return x<b.x; } bool operator == (const point &b) const { return x==b.x && y==b.y; } }p1,p2,p3,p4; struct hhh { point left,right; void init(double a,double b,double c) { left.x=a; right.x=b; left.y=right.y=c; } bool
operator < (const hhh &b) const { if (left==b.left) return right<b.right; return left<b.left; } }house,surplus[110],line; double max(double x,double y) { return x>y?x:y; } double min(double x,double y) { return x<y?x:y; } double find(point a,point b,point c,point d) { double
tmp=((a.x-c.x)*(c.y-d.y)-(a.y-c.y)*(c.x-d.x))/((a.x-b.x)*(c.y-d.y)-(a.y-b.y)*(c.x-d.x)); return (b.x-a.x)*tmp+a.x; } int main() { while (~scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c)) { if (a==0 && b==0 && c==0) break; house.init(a,b,c); scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c); line.init(a,b,c); scanf("%d",&n); for (int i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%lf%lf%lf",&a,&b,&c); surplus[i].init(a,b,c); } sort(surplus+1,surplus+n+1); lmx=ans=-1; p3=line.left; p4=line.right; for (int i=1;i<=n+1;i++) { double l,r; if (surplus[i].left.y>=house.left.y) continue; if (i==1) l=line.left.x; else { p1=house.left; p2=surplus[i-1].right; l=find(p1,p2,p3,p4); } if (i==n+1) r=line.right.x; else { p1=house.right; p2=surplus[i].left; r=find(p1,p2,p3,p4); } l=max(l,line.left.x); r=min(r,line.right.x); l=max(l,lmx); lmx=max(lmx,l); ans=max(ans,r-l); } if (ans<=0) printf("No View\n"); else printf("%.2f\n",ans); } return 0; }

[poj] 2074 Line of Sight || 直線相交求交點