1. 程式人生 > >邊緣檢測程序(matlab)


and resize map cte clas 數據 基於 connect text

% Selectmethod:選擇邊緣檢測方法
% Loadnew Image:讀入被選擇的圖像
% Updatethreshctrl:數據更新
% Updatelogs1ze-:更新與LoG濾波器相關的數據
if nargin<l
feval(action, varargin
號88函數 Initializeedgedetection
function Initializeedgedetection()
h= findobj (allchild(0),tag‘‘edgedetectionsoft
) if isempty(h) figure(h(1)) return ena screend= get(0,screendepth)i if screend> 8 grayres=256; else grayres = 128; e Edgedetectionfig= figure( Name,基於差分運算的數字圖像邊緣檢測軟件,numbertitle,off, handlevisibility‘‘ontag,基於差分運算的數字圖像邊緣檢測軟件, Visible,off,resize,off busyaction,queue,interruptible,
off, Color,[.8.8.8] Integer handle,off. doublebufferon, colormap,gray( grayres)) figpos= get( Edgedetectionfig,position) 調節圖像窗口尺寸 figpos(3:4)=[560420]; horizdecorations =10; resize controls, etc vertdecorations=45; s title bar, etc. e- get(0,screens if(so size(3)<=1 No display connected apparentl y d screens1ze(
3:4)=[10000100000]; if(((figpos(3)+ horizdecorations)> screensize(3)) ((figpos(4)+y 窗口尺寸太小 oratio s)> delete( Edgedetectionfig)i creensize(4))) r([s n resolutio on 1s too or text f d are to g) te n dx screensize(3)- figpos(1)- figpos(3)- horizdecorations; s edgesoft1) dy= screensize(4)- figpos(2)- figpos(4)-vertdecorationsi
