1. 程式人生 > >語義分割中資料樣本的整理標註及調色盤程式碼



程式碼中的關鍵部分在於定義的myquantize函式,如果使用Python PIL庫自帶的quantizetopalette函式的話會導致轉化出的label圖有細小的孔洞,這應該是quantizetopalette的一個bug,具體後面有時間再詳細分析,我程式碼裡面寫上了兩個函式的對比。

圖片中,左側為原始待分割的圖,中間為標註的色彩label圖,最右邊為色彩圖轉的用於訓練的灰度label圖。其中邊緣是由於標註時PS插值導致的雜色,具體使用中可以置0,也可以置為255,作為ignore label。下面四具體的程式碼:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import os
import cv2
import shutil
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

def getpallete(num_cls):
	# this function is to get the colormap for visualizing the segmentation mask
	n = num_cls
	pallete = [0] * (n * 3)
	for j in xrange(0, n):
		lab = j
		pallete[j * 3 + 0] = 0
		pallete[j * 3 + 1] = 0
		pallete[j * 3 + 2] = 0
		i = 0
		while (lab > 0):
			pallete[j * 3 + 0] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7 - i))
			pallete[j * 3 + 1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7 - i))
			pallete[j * 3 + 2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7 - i))
			i = i + 1
			lab >>= 3
	# return pallete
	mypallete = pallete[0*3:1*3]+pallete[249*3:256*3]+pallete[106*3:109*3]+pallete[77*3:80*3]+pallete[1*3:7*3]
	otherpallete = pallete[7*3:77*3]+pallete[80*3:106*3]+pallete[109*3:249*3]

	return mypallete,otherpallete
def quantizetopalette(silf, palette, dither=False):
    """Convert an RGB or L mode image to use a given P image's palette."""


    # use palette from reference image
    if palette.mode != "P":
        raise ValueError("bad mode for palette image")
    if silf.mode != "RGB" and silf.mode != "L":
        raise ValueError(
            "only RGB or L mode images can be quantized to a palette"
    im = silf.im.convert("P", 1 if dither else 0, palette.im)
    # the 0 above means turn OFF dithering
    return silf._new(im)
    # return im

def myquantize(self, colors=256, method=None, kmeans=0, palette=None):
        Convert the image to 'P' mode with the specified number
        of colors.

        :param colors: The desired number of colors, <= 256
        :param method: 0 = median cut
                       1 = maximum coverage
                       2 = fast octree
                       3 = libimagequant
        :param kmeans: Integer
        :param palette: Quantize to the :py:class:`PIL.ImagingPalette` palette.
        :returns: A new image



        if method is None:
            # defaults:
            method = 0
            if self.mode == 'RGBA':
                method = 2

        if self.mode == 'RGBA' and method not in (2, 3):
            # Caller specified an invalid mode.
            raise ValueError(
                'Fast Octree (method == 2) and libimagequant (method == 3) ' +
                'are the only valid methods for quantizing RGBA images')

        if palette:
            # use palette from reference image
            if palette.mode != "P":
                raise ValueError("bad mode for palette image")
            if self.mode != "RGB" and self.mode != "L":
                raise ValueError(
                    "only RGB or L mode images can be quantized to a palette"
            # im = self.im.convert("P", 1, palette.im)
            im = self.im.convert("P", 1 if dither else 0, palette.im)
    		# the 0 above means turn OFF dithering
            return self._new(im)

        return self._new(self.im.quantize(colors, method, kmeans))

def run_automatting_file(inputfile,outputfile):
	mypallete,otherpallete = getpallete(256)
	# allpallete = mypallete + otherpallete
	allpallete = mypallete + otherpallete
	if not inputfile.endswith('.png') and not inputfile.endswith('.PNG'):
	print 'process image : ' + inputfile
	img = cv2.imread(inputfile,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

	row = img.shape[0]
	col = img.shape[1]
	# img_label = np.zeros((row, col, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
	alpha = np.zeros((row, col), dtype=np.uint8)
	alpha[:, :] = img[:, :, 3]
	img[alpha < 128] = 0
	img_bgr = img[:,:,0:3]
	# Rearrange channels to form BGR
	img_rgb = img_bgr[:,:,::-1]

	pil_im = Image.fromarray(img_rgb)

	palimage = Image.new('P', (16, 16))

	pil_im_p = quantizetopalette(pil_im, palimage, dither=False)

	cv_im = np.array(pil_im_p)
	cv_im = resizeImage(cv_im,1000,Image.NEAREST)
	# print np.unique(cv_im)
	cv_im_new = cv2.erode(cv_im,None)
	cv_im_new[cv_im_new > 19] = 0
	# print np.unique(cv_im_new)

def resizeImage(image,resize_dim,resize_flag):
	# if (resize_flag != Image.NEAREST) or (resize_flag != Image.BILINEAR):
	# 	print "resize_flag should = Image.NEAREST or Image.BILINEAR!"
		# retu
	width = image.shape[0]
	height = image.shape[1]
	maxDim = max(width,height)
	# max_resize_dim = 321.0
	max_resize_dim = float(resize_dim)
	if maxDim>max_resize_dim:
		if height>width:
			ratio = float(max_resize_dim/height)
			ratio = float(max_resize_dim/width)
			# print max_resize_dim,"height=",height,"ratio=",ratio
		image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(image))
		image = image.resize((int(height*ratio), int(width*ratio)),resample=resize_flag)
		# image = image.resize((300, 450),resample=PILImage.BILINEAR)
		image = np.array(image)
	return image

def main(argv):

	if 1 == len(argv):
		inputfile = argv[0]
		outputfile = "testout.png"
		print 'Input file is "', inputfile
	elif 2 == len(argv):
		inputfiledir = argv[0]
		outputfiledir = argv[1]
		print 'Input dir is "', inputfiledir
		print 'Output dir is "', outputfiledir
		for name in sorted(os.listdir(inputfiledir)):
			if not name.endswith('.png') and not name.endswith('.PNG'):
			# print 'process image : ' + name
			pngpath = inputfiledir + '/' + name
			jpgname = name.split('.')[0] + '.jpg'
			jpgpath = inputfiledir + '/' + jpgname
			if not os.path.isfile (jpgpath): 
				print jpgpath, "is not exist!"
			jpgoutpath = outputfiledir + '/' + jpgname
			shutil.copy (jpgpath, jpgoutpath)
			outpath = outputfiledir + '/' + name
		print "format err : please imput: inputfiledir [outputfiledir]"

if __name__ == "__main__":