1. 程式人生 > >【Atcoder - ARC102D/ABC108D】All Your Paths are Different Lengths

【Atcoder - ARC102D/ABC108D】All Your Paths are Different Lengths

@All Your Paths are Different [email protected]

@題目描述 - [email protected]

Time limit : 2sec / Memory limit : 1024MB

Score : 700 points

Problem Statement
You are given an integer L. Construct a directed graph that satisfies the conditions below. The graph may contain multiple edges between the same pair of vertices. It can be proved that such a graph always exists.

The number of vertices, N, is at most 20. The vertices are given ID numbers from 1 to N.
The number of edges, M, is at most 60. Each edge has an integer length between 0 and 10^6 (inclusive).
Every edge is directed from the vertex with the smaller ID to the vertex with the larger ID. That is, 1,2,…,N is one possible topological order of the vertices.

There are exactly L different paths from Vertex 1 to Vertex N. The lengths of these paths are all different, and they are integers between 0 and L−1.
Here, the length of a path is the sum of the lengths of the edges contained in that path, and two paths are considered different when the sets of the edges contained in those paths are different.

L is an integer.

Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

In the first line, print N and M, the number of the vertices and edges in your graph. In the i-th of the following M lines, print three integers ui,vi and wi, representing the starting vertex, the ending vertex and the length of the i-th edge. If there are multiple solutions, any of them will be accepted.

Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
8 10
1 2 0
2 3 0
3 4 0
1 5 0
2 6 0
3 7 0
4 8 0
5 6 1
6 7 1
7 8 1

In the graph represented by the sample output, there are four paths from Vertex 1 to N=8:
1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 8 with length 0
1 → 2 → 3 → 7 → 8 with length 1
1 → 2 → 6 → 7 → 8 with length 2
1 → 5 → 6 → 7 → 8 with length 3
There are other possible solutions.

Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
5 7
1 2 0
2 3 1
3 4 0
4 5 0
2 4 0
1 3 3
3 5 1


構造一個 n 點 m 邊的有向帶權圖,要求邊必須從節點編號小的連向結點編號大的。允許重邊。要使得從結點 1 到結點 n 恰好有 L 條路徑,這 L 條路徑的長度互不相同且在[0,L-1]範圍內。
n<=20, m<=60, L<=10^6

@分析[email protected]

首先觀察資料範圍,發現2^20 = 1048576 ≈ 1000000 = 10^6……

@分析[email protected]

對於2<=i<=19的結點,我們i與i+1之間連兩條邊,一條權值為 0 ,一條權值為 2 20 i 1
這樣,如果1號結點向i號結點連一條權值為w的邊,那麼從1到20就會出現 w + [ 0...2 20 i 1 ] 的所有數。


假設將L轉化成二進位制形式,即令 L = i = 0 2 i b [ i ] L 。一個小於L的數x應該具有什麼特徵呢?如果存在一個p,使得:
1 i = p + 1 2 i b [ i ] L = i = p + 1 2 i b [ i ] x (前面所有數位相同)
2 b [ p ] L > b [ p ] x (當前數位L>x)
兩個條件成立,則x < L。這個時候我們發現如果(2)成立,則 b [ p ] L = 1

i = p + 1 2 i b [ i ] L + 0 + [ 0...2 p 1 ] ( b [ p ] L = 1 ) (前面所有數位相同,當前數位為0,後面的數位隨便選)

構造方法就出來了:如果 b [ p ] L = 1 ,則由1向(20-p)連一條邊權為 i = p + 1 2 i b [ i ] L 的邊。

所以我們必須特判 p = 19 的情況。對於這種情況,我們將1與2之間連兩條邊,邊權為 0 2 18



using namespace std;
struct node{
    int u, v, w;
    node(int _u, int _v, int _w):u(_u), v(_v), w(_w){}
inline int lowbit(int x) {
    return x & -x;
int main() {
    int L;
    scanf("%d", &L);
    for(int i=19;i>1;i--) {
        ans.push_back(node(i, i+1, 0));
        ans.push_back(node(i, i+1, (1<<(20-i-1))));
    while( L ) {
        int p = int(log2(lowbit(L)));
        if( p == 19 ) {
            ans.push_back(node(1, 2, 0));
            ans.push_back(node(1, 2, 1<<18));
        else ans.push_back(node(1, 20-p, L^lowbit(L)));
        L ^= lowbit(L);
    printf("%d %d\n", 20, ans.size());
    for(int i=0;i<ans.size();i++)
        printf("%d %d %d\n", ans[i].u, ans[i].v, ans[i].w);

@[email protected]
