1. 程式人生 > >英語流利說 第13天

英語流利說 第13天


Q1: 人工智慧出現了什麼新問題?

Q2: 動詞“deprecate”怎麼理解(輕視,忽視)

Q3: 你對人工智慧有哪些暢想



What's wrong with AI? Try asking a human being 

Amazon has apparently abandoned an AI system aimed at automating its recruitment

process. The system gave job candidates scores ranging from one to five stars, a bit like shoppers rating products on the Amazon website.

The trouble was, the program tended to give five stars to men and one star to women. According to Reuters, it “penalised résumés that included the word ‘women’s’, as in ‘women’s chess club captain’” and marked down

applicants who had attended women-only colleges.

It wasn’t that the programme was malevolently misogynistic. Rather, like all AI programs, it had to be “trained” by being fed data about what constituted good results. Amazon, naturally, fed it with details of its own recruitment programme over the previous 10 years. Most applicants had been men, as had most recruits

. What the program learned was that men, not women, were good candidates.

It’s not the first time AI programs have been shown to exhibit bias. Software  used in the US justice system to assess a criminal defendant’s likelihood of reoffending is more likely to judge black defendants as potential recidivists. Facial recognition software is poor at recognising non-white faces. A Google photo app even labelled African Americans “gorillas”.

All this should teach us three things. First, the issue here is not to do with AI itself, but with social practices. The biases are in real life.

Second, the problem with AI arises when we think of machines as being objective. A machine is only as good as the humans programming it.

And third, while there are many circumstances in which machines are better, especially where speed is paramount, we have a sense of right and wrong and social means of challenging bias and injustice. We should never deprecate that.




這並不是說這個程式患有惡毒的厭女症。相反,正如所有人工智慧程式一樣,它必定被“訓練”過,訓練方式是向其灌輸資料,這些資料表明什麼可以被視為好結果。亞馬遜自然也向它灌輸了過去 10 年裡招聘方案的細節資訊。大多數申請者都是男性,大多數新員工也都是男性。這個程式學到的是:男人,而不是女人,才是好的候選人。



