1. 程式人生 > >故人的一份連連看程式碼,c語言版本


// MyLinkup.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
//grid's intial size
const int nSize = 8;
struct Point{
int x;
int y;
  this->x = INT_MAX;
  this->y = INT_MAX;
bool operator==
(Point x){ return this->x==x.x && this->y==x.y; } }; //grid point struct GridPoint{ Point c; int Len; int Cross; //Cross is definitely ascending order, how about Len? //Dijkstra algorithm GridPoint(){ this->Len = INT_MAX; this->Cross = INT_MAX; } int operator<(GridPoint item)
{ if(this->Cross < item.Cross) return true; if(this->Cross > item.Cross) return false; //== return this->Len < item.Len; } int operator>(GridPoint item){ if(this->Cross > item.Cross) return true; if(this->Cross < item.Cross) return false; //== return
this->Len > item.Len; } }; //ms solution, keep to backtrack struct MinPoint{ int MinCross; double MinLen; MinPoint(){ this->MinCross = INT_MAX; this->MinLen = DBL_MAX; } }; //implementation int** Intial(int** grid, const int type, const int count, vector<Point>& _pre); void Linkup(int** grid, vector<Point>& _pre, const int type, const int count); bool FindPath(int** grid, const int type, const int count, Point start, Point end); void PrintOut(int** grid); double dis(int x, int y, int x1, int y1){ return abs( x - x1 ) + abs( y - y1 ); } int** Intial(int** grid, const int type, const int count, vector<Point>& _pre){ int* v = new int[type](); for(int i = 0; i < type; i++) v = count; //rand() for select abitrary type srand((unsigned)time(0)); int RANGE_MIN = 0, RANGE_MAX = type;//end can't reach int POINT_MIN = 0, POINT_MAX = nSize; for(int total = count * type; total > 0; ){ //select the type int ctype = 0; for(ctype = ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) * RANGE_MAX + RANGE_MIN;;){ if(v[ctype] != 0) break; else{ ctype = ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) * RANGE_MAX + RANGE_MIN; } } //for[j] Point n; n.x = ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) * POINT_MAX + POINT_MIN; n.y = ( (double)rand() / (double)RAND_MAX ) * POINT_MAX + POINT_MIN; if(find(_pre.begin(), _pre.end(), n)==_pre.end()){ //can't find grid[n.x][n.y] = ctype + 1; v[ctype]--; total--; _pre.push_back(n); } } return grid; } void Linkup(int** grid, vector<Point>& _pre, const int type, const int count){ while(_pre.size() > 0){ //enter the logic int pair = 0, x = 0, y = 0; Point start, end; cout<<endl; while((pair += scanf("%d,%d", &x, &y)) <= 4){ fflush(stdin); if(x>-1&&x<nSize&&y>-1&&y<nSize&&grid[x][y]){ if(pair==2){ start.x = x; start.y = y; } else{ if(start.x != x || start.y != y){ end.x = x; end.y = y; break; } else{ pair -= 2; cout<<" start mustn't be equal with end"<<endl; } } } else{ pair -= 2; cout<<" invalid"<<endl; } } //get valid start and end position if(grid[start.x][start.y] == grid[end.x][end.y]){ //check if find the found or not if(FindPath(grid, type, count, start, end)){ //erase i and j vector<Point>::iterator i = find(_pre.begin(), _pre.end(), start); if(i!=_pre.end()) _pre.erase(i); vector<Point>::iterator j = find(_pre.begin(), _pre.end(), end); if(j!=_pre.end()) _pre.erase(j); //erase the current point grid[start.x][start.y] = 0; grid[end.x][end.y] = 0; PrintOut(grid); } else cout<<" no path to reach"<<endl; } else cout<<" not equal"<<endl; } } bool FindPath(int** grid, const int type, const int count, Point start, Point end){ //offset Point offset[4]; offset[0].x = -1; offset[0].y = 0; //left offset[1].x = 1; offset[1].y = 0; //right; offset[2].x = 0; offset[2].y = -1; //up offset[3].x = 0; offset[3].y = 1;//down int NumofNbrs = 4; //step information structure GridPoint here, nbr; here.Len = 0; here.c = start; here.Cross = -1; //backtrack array MinPoint** track = new MinPoint*[nSize](); for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) track = new MinPoint[nSize](); track[start.x][start.y].MinCross = -1; track[start.x][start.y].MinLen = 0; //previous step information Point** pre = new Point*[nSize](); for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) pre = new Point[nSize](); pre[start.x][start.y].x = -1; pre[start.x][start.y].y = -1; //if we have step the grid or not? bool** step = new bool*[nSize](); for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) step = new bool[nSize](); MinHeap<GridPoint> Q; Q.Insert(here); while(Q.size() > 0){ here = Q.DeleteMin(); //judge path for(int i = 0 ; i < NumofNbrs; i++){ //offset int x = here.c.x + offset.x; int y = here.c.y + offset.y; for(;x>-1&&x<nSize&&y>-1&&y<nSize; x += offset.x, y += offset.y){ nbr.c.x = x; nbr.c.y = y; if(track[x][y].MinCross > track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinCross + 1 || ( track[x][y].MinCross == track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinCross + 1 && track[x][y].MinLen > track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinLen + dis(x, y, here.c.x, here.c.y) ) ){ //update information track[x][y].MinCross = track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinCross + 1; if(track[x][y].MinLen > track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinLen + dis(x, y, here.c.x, here.c.y)) track[x][y].MinLen = track[here.c.x][here.c.y].MinLen + dis(x, y, here.c.x, here.c.y); pre[x][y].x = here.c.x; pre[x][y].y = here.c.y; } if(grid[x][y]!=0){ //first non-space, break; break; } else{ if(!step[x][y]){ //set the priority information nbr.Cross = track[x][y].MinCross; nbr.Len = track[x][y].MinLen; //set step information step[x][y] = true; Q.Insert(nbr); } } } if(nbr.c == end) break; }//for if(nbr.c == end) break; } cout<<nbr.c.x<<","<<nbr.c.y<<" "<<nbr.Len<<"[Len] "<<nbr.Cross<<"[Cross] "<<endl; if(nbr.c.x == end.x && nbr.c.y == end.y && nbr.Cross <= 3){ //print path cout<<" Path : "; for(int x = nbr.c.x, y = nbr.c.y; x != -1 && y != -1;){ cout<<"("<<x<<","<<y<<")"; int px = pre[x][y].x; int py = pre[x][y].y; x = px; y = py; if(x!=-1&&y!=-1) cout<<" <- "; else break; } cout<<endl; return true; } return false; } void PrintOut(int** grid){ for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < nSize; j++){ if(grid[j]==0) cout<<" "; else cout<<grid[j]<<" "; } cout<<"| x = "<<i<<endl; } } int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { //initialization for grid int** grid = new int*[nSize](); for(int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) grid = new int[nSize](); vector<Point> _pre; //call intial grid = Intial(grid, 5, 4, _pre); PrintOut(grid); Linkup(grid, _pre, 5, 4); QUIT(); return 0; }