1. 程式人生 > >Nova(project version:2017-5 版)原始碼初步閱讀(1)

Nova(project version:2017-5 版)原始碼初步閱讀(1)



看一下作者怎麼說:Managers are responsible for a certain aspect of the system. It is a logical grouping of code relating to a portion of the system. In general other components should be using the manager to make changes to the components that it is responsible for.



(1)nova.Manager檔案中的ManagerMeta類: python 元類,用來追蹤包裝類的public方法,使用時,必須在類中新增屬性: trace_args,該屬性為一個字典型別,至少包涵一個key為name,value=該類的action。

class ManagerMeta(profiler.get_traced_meta(), type(PeriodicTasks)):
    """Metaclass to trace all children of a specific class.


class Manager(base.Base, PeriodicTasks):
    __trace_args__ = {"name": "rpc"}

    def __init__(self, host=None, db_driver=None, service_name='undefined'):
        if not host:
            host = CONF.host
        self.host = host
        self.backdoor_port = None
        self.service_name = service_name
        self.notifier = rpc.get_notifier(self.service_name, self.host)
        self.additional_endpoints = []
        super(Manager, self).__init__(db_driver)

    def periodic_tasks(self, context, raise_on_error=False):
        """Tasks to be run at a periodic interval."""
        return self.run_periodic_tasks(context, raise_on_error=raise_on_error)

    def init_host(self):
        """Hook to do additional manager initialization when one requests
        the service be started.  This is called before any service record
        is created.

        Child classes should override this method.

    def cleanup_host(self):
        """Hook to do cleanup work when the service shuts down.

        Child classes should override this method.

    def pre_start_hook(self):
        """Hook to provide the manager the ability to do additional
        start-up work before any RPC queues/consumers are created. This is
        called after other initialization has succeeded and a service
        record is created.

        Child classes should override this method.

    def post_start_hook(self):
        """Hook to provide the manager the ability to do additional
        start-up work immediately after a service creates RPC consumers
        and starts 'running'.

        Child classes should override this method.

    def reset(self):
        """Hook called on SIGHUP to signal the manager to re-read any
        dynamic configuration or do any reconfiguration tasks.

(3)Nova.schedule.manager檔案:只包含一個類,SchedulerManager(manager.Manager),該類代表Scheduler Service,基類為上面的nova.manager.Manager類.       該類的主要功能就是選擇一個host執行你的示例。但是和schedule相關的工作實際的實現者都是該類繫結的driver,由driver去具體操作,該SchedulerManager主要作用感覺是規範了一下介面。 方法舉例:

    def select_destinations(self, ctxt,
                            request_spec=None, filter_properties=None,
        """Returns destinations(s) best suited for this RequestSpec.

        The result should be a list of dicts with 'host', 'nodename' and
        'limits' as keys.

        # TODO(sbauza): Change the method signature to only accept a spec_obj
        # argument once API v5 is provided.
        if spec_obj is self._sentinel:
            spec_obj = objects.RequestSpec.from_primitives(ctxt,
        dests = self.driver.select_destinations(ctxt, spec_obj)
        return jsonutils.to_primitive(dests)
 def update_aggregates(self, ctxt, aggregates):
        """Updates HostManager internal aggregates information.

        :param aggregates: Aggregate(s) to update
        :type aggregates: :class:`nova.objects.Aggregate`
                          or :class:`nova.objects.AggregateList`
        # NOTE(sbauza): We're dropping the user context now as we don't need it

    def delete_aggregate(self, ctxt, aggregate):
        """Deletes HostManager internal information about a specific aggregate.

        :param aggregate: Aggregate to delete
        :type aggregate: :class:`nova.objects.Aggregate`
        # NOTE(sbauza): We're dropping the user context now as we don't need it

    def update_instance_info(self, context, host_name, instance_info):
        """Receives information about changes to a host's instances, and
        updates the driver's HostManager with that information.
        self.driver.host_manager.update_instance_info(context, host_name,

    def delete_instance_info(self, context, host_name, instance_uuid):
        """Receives information about the deletion of one of a host's
        instances, and updates the driver's HostManager with that information.
        self.driver.host_manager.delete_instance_info(context, host_name,


(1)Manager中的方法如果能在本地執行,則直接呼叫,否則,應該採用RPC方式執行. (2)Manager應用負責大部分的資料庫訪問(實現時,不要只實現特定資料相關的訪問,而是資料庫訪問的通用方法)。任何和非通用的工作應該交給Driver處理。