1. 程式人生 > >HDU -- 數塔(ACM Step: 3.2.7)

HDU -- 數塔(ACM Step: 3.2.7)


1. 問題描述


圖1.1  5層的數塔

2. 問題連結

3. 問題截圖

圖1.12 問題截圖


一個n層的數塔,一共\frac{\left ( n+1 \right )\times n }{2}個節點,並且通過分析可以知道,問題的解需要從每一層中取得一個節點構成。


a_{i}\in \left \{ a_{i-1}+i-1,a_{i-1}+i \right \},i=2,3,...,n



      2  3

    4  5  6

  7  8  9  10



因此演算法從最後一層節點開始計算,他們對應的最大權值就是他們本身的權值,然後根據上述公式:a_{i}\in \left \{ a_{i-1}+i-1,a_{i-1}+i \right \},i=2,3,...,n,可以構造出上層的權值最大值。


#include <iostream>    // for cin, cout, endl

using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

const int MAXSIZE = ((1+100)*100)/2;    // max of the number of elements of digit tower
unsigned int data[MAXSIZE];    // store the input data
unsigned int ans[MAXSIZE];    // ans for answer, the data structure that construct the result, ans[0] is always the result

int input();    // for input data
unsigned calculate(int);    // for calculate result
void print(unsigned);    // for print result

int main()
    int T, n;
    unsigned m;

    cin >> T;

    for(int i=0; i<T; i++){
        n = input();

        m = calculate(n);

    return 0;

// read input data, return the depth of digit tower
int input()
    int ret, n;

    cin >> ret;

    n = ((ret+1)*ret)/2;    // total input data

    for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
        cin >> data[i];

    return ret;

// calculate the result, n indicate the depth of digit tower, return the result of depth of n
unsigned calculate(int n)
    int ele_num = ((1+n)*n)/2;    // the actual number of elements in digit tower
    int i, j, k;

    // calculate the max value of the elements of last layer,
    // max value is itself because they do not have next layer element when they be treated as the first node of digit tower
    for (i=ele_num-1, j=n; j>0; i--, j--)
        ans[i] = data[i];

    // i indicate the node that it is currently calculated for max value
    // j indicate the layer of node i
    // k keep track of the num of node of layer j, when k reach 0, j incicate the prior layer
    for (j=n-1, k=j; i>=0; i--, k--){
        if(k == 0)
            k = --j;
        // the next layer node that related with i is node i+j and i+j+1
        if(ans[i+j] < ans[i+j+1])
            ans[i] = ans[i+j+1]+data[i];
            ans[i] = ans[i+j]+data[i];
    return ans[0];

// print the result
void print(unsigned n)
    cout << n << endl;