1. 程式人生 > >C語言 - Hush查詢演算法(簡易)

C語言 - Hush查詢演算法(簡易)




☆原始碼 (Hush_Search.cpp):

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
typedef int DataType;
using namespace std;

typedef struct node
	DataType number;
	struct node *link;

typedef struct head
	int address;
	Node *link;

Head InsertData(Head h,int data)
	if (h.link == NULL)
		Node *n;
		n = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		n->number = data;
		n->link = NULL;
		h.link = n;	
		Node *m;
		m = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
		m->number = data;
		m->link = h.link;
		h.link = m;
	return h;

bool Search(Node *p,int search_number)    //send node not the head point(head[i].link)
	if (p == NULL)
		return false;
	else if (p->number == search_number)
		return true;
	while (p->number != search_number)
		p = p->link;
		if (p == NULL)
			return false;
		else if (p->number == search_number)
			return true;

int main()
	int random_number[20];
	Head head[10];
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		head[i].address = i;
		head[i].link = NULL;
	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
		random_number[i] = rand() % 100;
		cout << random_number[i] << " ";
		head[random_number[i] % 10] = InsertData(head[random_number[i]%10],random_number[i]);
	cout << endl << endl;
	cout << endl;
	cout << "Please enter the search_number: ";
	int search_number;
	cin >> search_number;
	Node *p = head[search_number % 10].link;
	bool result = Search(p, search_number);
	if (result)
		cout << "Find it: " << search_number << endl;
		cout << "Not find it: " << search_number << endl;
	return 0;
