1. 程式人生 > >[Java]一個簡單的計算有向賦權圖最短距離的程式碼













This is a program to calculate the shortest path of a map.
Path=0 3 6 5 



 * Created by Firwood on 14-9-23.
public class Mainclass {
	public static final int PointNum = 7;
	public static void main(String[] args){
		System.out.println("This is a program to calculate the shortest path of a map.");
		int [][] b = new int[PointNum][PointNum];
		for(int i=0;i<PointNum;i++){
			for(int j=0;j<PointNum;j++){
				b[i][j] = 0;
		int[][] b = {{0,2,0,1,0,0,0},

		Map a = new Map(PointNum);
		PathLen qq = a.getPath(0,5);
		System.out.println("len=" + qq.len + "\nPath=" + qq.path.toString());


//This is a class to calculate a map
//Go througth the map and find the shortest way from a to b
//return the path and give the shortest length
//Write by Firwood
public class Map{
	public final static int MAX = 9999999;
	//saving the numbet of all Point
	int iPointNum;

	//saving the length from start point to [i] 
	int[] rLen;

	//saving the path from start point to [i]
	List[] rList;

	//saving the source length of matrix
	int[][] roads;

	//saving the road of each Point can go to
	List[] RoadListArray;

	//the calculate heap,it's Node is a point number and its 
	//connected point
	PointHeap calcHeap;
	public Map(int num){
		iPointNum = num;
		roads= new int[iPointNum][iPointNum];
		rLen = new int[iPointNum];		
		for(int i = 0; i < iPointNum; i++){
			rLen[i] = MAX;			
		rList = new List[iPointNum];
		RoadListArray = new List[iPointNum];
		for(int i=0;i<iPointNum;i++){
			rList[i] = new List();
			RoadListArray[i] = new List();
		calcHeap = new PointHeap();
	public void init(int[][] matrix){
		//transfer matrix to roads, roads is
		//using to save the length of node[i]
		//to node[j]
		for(int i = 0; i < iPointNum; i++){
			for(int j = 0; j < iPointNum; j++){
				if(matrix[i][j] != 0){
					roads[i][j] = matrix[i][j];
					if(i != j ){
						roads[i][j] = MAX;
						//this means it is a length which is can't
						roads[i][j] = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i< iPointNum; i++){
			for(int j= 0; j < iPointNum; j++){
				if(matrix[i][j] != 0){
	public void CalcPath(int endPoint){
		//the result is saving in the rLen(for length) and rList(for the Path)
			//empty means the heap is out
			//every path from the start point is tried
			//finding path is over!!!
			HeapNode tempHeapNode = calcHeap.last;
				//empty means the last node can't go any other point
				//should pop this point out, try other point
			int tempPoint = tempHeapNode.toPoint.pop();
			HeapNode temp = new HeapNode();
			temp.set(tempPoint, RoadListArray[tempPoint]);
				//means this path is longer than other found path before
				//there is no need to using this point to brith next point
				//you should use the shorter path
				//pop this point out, to find next

	public PathLen getPath(int start, int end){
		//begin method for calc the path from start point to the end point
		PathLen thePath = new PathLen();
		if(start == end){
			//if the start point is the end point
			//the answer length is 0, and path is not go
			thePath.len = 0;
			return thePath;

		HeapNode startPoint = new HeapNode();
		startPoint.set(start, RoadListArray[start]);
		//the real calc all path from the start point

		//get the needed path result
		thePath.set(rLen[end], rList[end]);
		return thePath;
	public boolean ShorterPath(){
		//using the "calcHeap" to calc is a new shorter path is found
		//if found a new path , using the rList[] to save the path
		//using the rLen[] to saving the length
		//and return true;
		//if the found path is longer than before return false
		HeapNode index = calcHeap.begin.next;
		int a = index.pNum;
		int b = 0;
		int sum = 0;
		index = index.next;
		while(index != calcHeap.end){
			b = index.pNum;
			sum += roads[a][b];
			a = b;
			index = index.next;
		if(sum < rLen[b]){
			rLen[b] = sum;
			rList[b] = calcHeap.getList();
			return true;
		return false;
class PathLen{
	List path;
	int len;
	public PathLen(){
		path = new List();
		len = 0;
	public void set(int num, List setList){
		len = num;
		path = setList.clone();


//Write by Firwood
public class List{
	ListNode begin;
	ListNode end;
	public List(){
		begin = new ListNode();
		end = new ListNode();
		begin.next = end;
		end.prev = begin;
	public void push(int num){
		ListNode last = end.prev;

		ListNode temp = new ListNode(num);
		temp.prev = last;
		temp.next = end;

		last.next = temp;
		end.prev = temp;
	public int pop(){
		if(isEmpty()) return 0;
		ListNode temp = end.prev;
		int t = temp.key;
		temp.prev.next = end;
		end.prev = temp.prev;
		return t;
	public boolean isEmpty(){
		return (end.prev == begin);
	public List clone(){
		List temp = new List();
		ListNode p = begin.next;
		while(p != end){
			p = p.next;
		return temp;
	public String toString(){
		String str="";
		ListNode index = begin.next;
		while(index != end){
			str += index.key+" ";
			index = index.next;
		return str;
class ListNode{
	int key;
	ListNode prev;
	ListNode next;
	public void init(){
		key = 0;
		prev = null;
		next = null;
	public ListNode(){
	public ListNode(int a){
		key = a;


//Write by Firwood
public class PointHeap{
	HeapNode begin;
	HeapNode end;

	//the last Node of this list,
	//if the list is empty last is the begin
	HeapNode last;

	public PointHeap(){
		begin = new HeapNode();
		last = begin;
		end = new HeapNode();
		begin.next = end;
		end.prev = begin;
	public void push(HeapNode tNode){
		last.next = tNode;
		tNode.prev = last;
		tNode.next = end;
		end.prev = tNode;
		last = tNode;
	public HeapNode pop(){
		if(isEmpty()) return begin;
		HeapNode tNode = last;
		last.prev.next = end;
		end.prev = last.prev;
		last = end.prev;
		return tNode;
	public boolean isEmpty(){
		return (end.prev == begin);
	public List getList(){
		//return a path list from begin point to end point
		List tempList = new List();
		HeapNode a = begin.next;
		while(a != end){
			a = a.next;
		return tempList;

class HeapNode{
	int pNum;
	List toPoint;
	HeapNode prev;
	HeapNode next;
	public void init(){
		pNum = 0;
		toPoint = new List();
		prev = null;
		next = null;
	public HeapNode(){
	public void set(int num, List ilist){
		pNum = num;
		toPoint = ilist.clone();