1. 程式人生 > >Wishlist get a 404 error or a blank page

Wishlist get a 404 error or a blank page

Wishlist 安裝完 Wishlist, 收藏完商品後,去點「瀏覽我的收藏」會顯示 404 網址不存在:

I have same problem… sometimes http://example.com/wishlist/view/ZCENHX70PUP1/, sometimes http://www.example.com/wishlist/view/ (404/not found)

外掛的 source code:

 <div class="yith-wcwl-wishlistaddedbrowse hide" style="display:none;">
 <span class="feedback"><?php echo $product_added_text ?></span>
 <a href="<?php echo esc_url( $wishlist_url )?>" rel="nofollow">
 <?php echo apply_filters( 'yith-wcwl-browse-wishlist-label', $browse_wishlist_text )?>



切換一下 「固定網址」裡的設定,按存檔,再設回來,就會變正常。

Does your Wishlist shows a 404 error or a blank page after adding a product to the wishlist or when you open your wishlist page?

Regenerating permalinks solves this issue 90% of the time.

To do that, go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks, then, just click on Save changes

and you’re done.