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How to Use Reaction Buttons to Improve Your Service by Analyzing Users’ Emotion

How to Use Reaction Buttons to Improve Your Service by Analyzing Users’ Emotion

In an age where likes and shares are some of the most important metrics that a piece of content has truly “made it”, we are sorely behind when it comes to leveraging that information.

Sure, we can create similar pieces of content if a certain topic ignites discussion or goes viral — but that’s only scratching the surface. Suffice it to say that with all the advancements and shifts social media has brought to our lives, it’s still very, very difficult to measure customer sentiment based on comments and discussions alone.

? Feelings Take on an Increased Importance in Today’s Society

If you’ve gone to the doctor recently, you may already be familiar with the “pain scale” — the illustration of faces in varying degrees of distress to identify the severity of pain. Originally developed for use with young children, the scale has been used by doctors to formulate an appropriate treatment plan for those who are unable to properly or fully communicate how they feel.

But what does this have to do with creating better content?

It means that, as content marketers, we should not only be analyzing things like likes and shares, but also our customers’ and readers’ emotional reactions to the content we product.

Easier said than done, right? How do you know how a customer feels about a particular piece of content, if you can’t actually see their reaction?

Well, what if you could…in a way?

? Analyzing and Interacting with Content on an Emotional Level

Emojics Reaction Buttons, a company that specializes in analytics that measure customer sentiment through emojis and reaction buttons is leading the charge when it comes to better understanding how users react to content, and formulate content marketing strategies accordingly.

But they also go beyond simply tracking reactions, and leverage what they call “Inbound Reaction Feedback”. This method not only accurately measures how a user feels about a piece of content, but allows the content marketer to control what happens after they click the emoji itself.

Using Inbound Reaction Feedback, bloggers and content marketers can understand which pieces of content resonate with their audience and craft more content along the same lines. Do your visitors prefer videos? Articles? Infographics? Emojics can tell you with data-driven certainty.

Not only that, but you can assign different campaigns to different emojis. If someone loves a recent video you created, you can easily ask for their email address to let them know when similar content has been added. If they didn’t care much for your content, you can prompt them to leave a comment with more detailed feedback on how you can improve it.

But the ability to create better content goes well beyond pure emotional reactions.

?Testing the Waters with Emotion-Based Feedback

Every facet of your page can open up a wealth of feedback. Do customers feel like your pricing is fair for the value they get from your product or service? Did they have a truly seamless shopping experience or are there areas for improvement?

The best time to gather that feedback is in the moment, not hours or days later. Reaction Buttons allows you to gauge precisely how well-received your website features are. If there are parts that can be improved, the option for customers to leave their feedback will show you precisely where and how improvements can be made.

✍️ Add Greater Customization to Your Blog

Another little-known, but nevertheless important facet of using emojis to measure customer sentiment about your content marketing, is just how customizable they are. By default, many new blogs are saddled with the same bland, boring icons. But Emojics allows you to customize your emoji designs so that they fit within your brand’s color scheme, style and focus, creating a new layer of interactivity that meshes perfectly with your blog.

? Reap the Benefits of Inbound Marketing

Perhaps one of the most crucial issues of content marketing that Emojics addresses is one of the core tenets of inbound marketing itself: know your prospects.

Whereas outbound marketing concerns itself with low ROI, high-effort-intensive campaigns such as media buys and cold-calling, inbound marketing helps you zero in on engaged, ready-to-act customers who are in various stages of the sales cycle — from simply gathering information, to comparison shopping, to ultimately making a purchase.

Through the use of analytics based on emotion, you can craft content that more closely matches precisely what type of content your prospect is interested in, whether it’s a whitepaper to help nudge the needle in favor of your product, or a detailed feature chart showing cost savings and

features that present a much higher perceived value of your service versus your competition.

When prospects relate how they feel about a given piece of content, it not only allows you to create more content in a similar vein, but it helps scratch all those itches from any pre-sales questions they may have. Through the use of Emojics, you’ll learn what works, what doesn’t, and be able to tie measurable, data-driven actions to those emotions.

Segmenting Your Mailings Based on Customer Reactions ? ? ? ??

Another core area where content managers and marketers can improve upon their existing strategies is through segmentation. Many popular email marketing platforms allow you to segment offers to different customers based on things like their purchase history, special holidays or events, and so on.

But what if you could segment your mailings based on how customers reacted to the content you’re producing? One of Emojics’ reaction buttons newest features is the ability to hook into popular email marketing systems, like MailChimp, to allow companies to segment content based on customer sentiments.

Beyond email marketing, Emojics also works with other popular content management systems such as Wordpress, Tumblr, Shopify and SquareSpace. You can further customize the widget to float or appear inline within the content itself, giving you unprecedented flexibility in making the system work within your existing design.

? Reactions Matter — Are You Using Them to the Fullest?

Until now, we’ve only begun to understand the scope of how customer sentiment fits in with an overall content marketing plan. Many content marketing initiatives are rightly concerned with the raw data, and metrics like clicks and conversions.

But this doesn’t mean we should ignore the emotional aspect of content marketing either. It’s important to remember that emotion is the core motivator behind the purchases we make. We then justify those purchases with logic. If you’re not tapping into the emotional aspect of your analytics, you could be missing out on the very sparks that set your conversion rate ablaze!

Are you measuring your visitors’ reactions to your content? What have you learned from it? We’d love to hear your triumphs and success stories — share them with us in the comments below! And if you haven’t given much thought to the analytics of emojis through Emojics reaction buttons, it’s possible that this article has opened your eyes to their potential. We’d love to hear from you, too!