1. 程式人生 > >Add a new kernel of jupyter notebook for windows

Add a new kernel of jupyter notebook for windows

when you use the anaconda,It’s significant that you should know the conception of environment.In my standpoint,It’s a very good library manager just like the docker.Once you installed the anaconda,you got a jupyter notebook attaching a base environment.if you want create a new environment with tensorflow. you can use the following code

create conda -n tensorflow python="*.*"
#the tensorflow can be any names,it just a name of enviroment
activate tensorflow
conda install tensorflow

so back to our theme.if you want to run your code in a proper environment,you can add a kernel to your jupyter notebook by two steps:
1.activate envname

2python -m ipykernel install --user --name envname --display-name "kername"
(“envname” and "kername can be whatever you want ")

you can see the area filing by the highlighter is my new kernel