1. 程式人生 > >【Sql Server學習】Sql Server資料查詢(三)

【Sql Server學習】Sql Server資料查詢(三)


select Sname,Cno,Grade 
from Student,SC 
where Sdept IN
      (select Sdept 
       from Student 
       where Sdept='IS')
 and Student.sno=SC.sno


select * 
from SC 
where Grade>=90 and Cno=
                   (select Cno
                    from Course 
                    where Cname='資訊系統')


select Sno,Cno 
from SC 
where Cno in
     (select Cno
      from Course
       where Ccredit in(3,4))


select Sname,Sage 
from Student 
where sage>any
     (select Sage 
      from Student
       where Sdept='IS')


select sname,cno,sc.sno 
from SC,Student 
where grade>all
      (select avg(grade) 
      from SC) 


select sname 
from student 
where not exists 
      (select * 
       from SC 
       where cno='1'and sno=student.sno)


select sname 
from student 
where not exists
     (select *
      from course
      where not exists
            (select *
             from sc
              where sno=student.sno and cno=course.cno))


select sname 
from student 
where sno in
      (select sno
       from sc       
       where cno='1' intersect select sno
                               from sc
                               where cno='2')


select * 
from student
where sdept='IS' 
except select * 
       from student 
       where sage<20


select * 
from student
where sdept='IS' except select * 
                        from student 
                        where sage>19