1. 程式人生 > >Excel在統計分析中的應用—第八章—假設檢驗-方差未知且小樣本下總體均值的單側檢驗


這個例子有點讓我摸不著頭腦了,一會兒左尾、一會兒右尾,一會兒雙尾、雙側,有點亂啊。 經過一番研究,確定應該是教材中的T函式型別用錯了(有可能是舊版本Excel函式的bug),出現了檢驗方法與例項解答不一致。本文已修復這個錯誤(紅色框部分標識了修復的部分)。 在實際應用中,要注意臨界值及尾型(單、雙;左、右)不要搞錯! 解答: 另外,T函式說明如下: “The Excel T.DIST function calculates the one-tailed Student's T Distribution, which is a continuous probability distribution that is frequently used for testing hypotheses on small sample data sets.
The T.DIST function is new to Excel 2010 and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel.
The syntax of the function is:
T.DIST( x, degrees_freedom, cumulative )
where the function arguments are:
x-The value at which you want to evaluate the distribution.
degrees_freedom-The number of degrees of freedom (must be ≥ 1).
cumulative-A logical argument which denotes the type of distribution to be used:
TRUE=Cumulative Distribution Function
FALSE=Probability Density Function” “The Excel T.INV function calculates the left-tailed inverse of the Student's T Distribution, which is a continuous probability distribution that is frequently used for testing hypotheses on small sample data sets.
The T.INV function is new in Excel 2010, and so is not available in earlier versions of Excel.
The syntax of the function is:
T.INV( probability, degrees_freedom )
Where the function arguments are:
probability-The probability (between 0 and 1) for which you want to evaluate the inverse of the left-tailed Student's T Distribution.
degrees_freedom-The number of degrees of freedom (must be ≥ 1).”