1. 程式人生 > >樹鏈剖分HLD解決子樹問題







#include <cstdio>
#include <climits>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int const SIZE = 100100;
typedef long long weight_t;

struct edge_t{
    int to;
    int next;
int Vertex[SIZE];
int ECnt;
weight_t W[SIZE];

void mkEdge(int a,int b){ Edge[ECnt].to = b; Edge[ECnt].next = Vertex[a]; Vertex[a] = ECnt++; Edge[ECnt].to = a; Edge[ECnt].next = Vertex[b]; Vertex[b] = ECnt++; } struct node_t{ int parent; int heavy_son; int depth; int size; int top; int nid; //原樹節點陣列中的新索引
int mdes;//means the maximum index of all descendants }Node[SIZE] = {{0,0,0,0,0,0}}; int NCnt; int NewIdx[SIZE];//新索引對應的原樹節點 void dfsHeavyEdge(int node,int parent,int depth){ Node[node].depth = depth; Node[node].parent = parent; Node[node].size = 1; for(int next=Vertex[node];next;next=Edge[next].next){ int to = Edge[next].to; if ( to == parent ) continue; dfsHeavyEdge(to,node,depth+1); Node[node].size += Node[to].size; if ( Node[to].size > Node[Node[node].heavy_son].size ) Node[node].heavy_son = to; } } void dfsHeavyPath(int node,int top){ Node[node].top = top; Node[node].mdes = Node[node].nid = NCnt++; NewIdx[Node[node].nid] = node; if ( 0 == Node[node].heavy_son ) return; dfsHeavyPath(Node[node].heavy_son,top); Node[node].mdes = max(Node[node].mdes,Node[Node[node].heavy_son].mdes); for(int next=Vertex[node];next;next=Edge[next].next){ int to = Edge[next].to; if ( to != Node[node].parent && to != Node[node].heavy_son ){ dfsHeavyPath(to,to); Node[node].mdes = max(Node[node].mdes,Node[to].mdes); } } } int N; weight_t StSum[SIZE<<2]; weight_t Lazy[SIZE<<2]; inline int lson(int x){return x<<1;} inline int rson(int x){return lson(x)|1;} inline void _pushUp(int t){ StSum[t] = StSum[lson(t)] + StSum[rson(t)]; } inline void _pushDown(int t,int s,int e){ if ( 0LL == Lazy[t] ) return; weight_t& x = Lazy[t]; int m = ( s + e ) >> 1; int son = lson(t); StSum[son] += x * ( m - s + 1 ); Lazy[son] += x; son = rson(t); StSum[son] += x * ( e - m ); Lazy[son] += x; x = 0LL; } void build(int t,int s,int e){ if ( s == e ){ StSum[t] = W[NewIdx[s]]; Lazy[t] = 0LL; return; } int m = ( s + e ) >> 1; build(lson(t),s,m); build(rson(t),m+1,e); _pushUp(t); } void modify(int t,int s,int e,int a,int b,weight_t delta){ if ( a <= s && e <= b ){ StSum[t] += delta * ( e - s + 1 ); Lazy[t] += delta; return; } _pushDown(t,s,e); int m = ( s + e ) >> 1; if ( a <= m ) modify(lson(t),s,m,a,b,delta); if ( m < b ) modify(rson(t),m+1,e,a,b,delta); _pushUp(t); } weight_t query(int t,int s,int e,int a,int b){ if ( a <= s && e <= b ){ return StSum[t]; } _pushDown(t,s,e); weight_t ret = 0LL; int m = ( s + e ) >> 1; if ( a <= m ) ret += query(lson(t),s,m,a,b); if ( m < b ) ret += query(rson(t),m+1,e,a,b); return ret; } inline void initTree(int n){ ECnt = NCnt = 1; fill(Vertex,Vertex+n+1,0); for(int i=1;i<=n;++i) Node[i].heavy_son = 0; } //單點修改 inline void modify(int x,weight_t delta){ modify(1,1,N,Node[x].nid,Node[x].nid,delta); } //子樹修改,修改對應區間即可 inline void modifySubtree(int x,weight_t delta){ modify(1,1,N,Node[x].nid,Node[x].mdes,delta); } weight_t query(int x,int y){ weight_t ret = 0LL; while( Node[x].top != Node[y].top ){ if ( Node[Node[x].top].depth < Node[Node[y].top].depth ) swap(x,y); ret += query(1,1,N,Node[Node[x].top].nid,Node[x].nid); x = Node[Node[x].top].parent; } if ( Node[x].depth > Node[y].depth ) swap(x,y); ret += query(1,1,N,Node[x].nid,Node[y].nid); return ret; } int M; bool read(){ if ( EOF == scanf("%d%d",&N,&M) ) return false; initTree(N); for(int i=1;i<=N;++i)scanf("%lld",W+i); int a,b; for(int i=1;i<N;++i){ scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); mkEdge(a,b); } dfsHeavyEdge(1,0,0); dfsHeavyPath(1,1); build(1,1,N); return true; } void proc(){ int cmd,x; weight_t a; while(M--){ scanf("%d%d",&cmd,&x); switch(cmd){ case 1:scanf("%lld",&a);modify(x,a);break; case 2:scanf("%lld",&a);modifySubtree(x,a);break; case 3:printf("%lld\n",query(1,x));break; } } } int main(){ //freopen("1.txt","r",stdin); while( read() ) proc(); return 0; }