1. 程式人生 > >Decode and Verify the Signature of a Cognito JSON Web Key Token

Decode and Verify the Signature of a Cognito JSON Web Key Token

After a user logs in, an Amazon Cognito user pool returns a JWT, which is a Base64-encoded JSON string that contains information about the user (called claims). Amazon Cognito returns three tokens: the ID token, the access token, and the refresh token. The ID token contains the user fields defined in the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Tokens include three sections: a header, a payload, and a signature.

The following is the header of a sample ID token. The header contains the key ID ("kid"), as well as the algorithm ("alg") used to sign the token. In this example, the algorithm is "RS256", which is an RSA signature with SHA-256.


Decode and Verify the Signature of a Cognito JSON Web Key Token

After a user logs in, an Amazon Cognito user pool returns a JWT, which is a Base64-encoded JSON string that contains information about the user

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The Bottom of a Graph

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poj 2553 The Bottom of a Graph (Tarjan強聯通)

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[LeetCode] Verify Preorder Serialization of a Binary Tree 驗證二叉樹的先序序列化

One way to serialize a binary tree is to use pre-oder traversal. When we encounter a non-null node, we record the node's value. If it is a null node, we