1. 程式人生 > >Deeplearning4J, Keras, and LSTMs, a discussion with Max Pumperla, Deep Learning Engineer at Skymind

Deeplearning4J, Keras, and LSTMs, a discussion with Max Pumperla, Deep Learning Engineer at Skymind


Deeplearning4J, Keras, and LSTMs, a discussion with Max Pumperla, Deep Learning Engineer at Skymind

Romeo Kienzler works as a Chief Data Scientist in the IBM Watson IoT worldwide team helping clients to apply advanced machine learning at scale on their Io

Deep learning with Apache SystemML, a discussion with AI engineer Prithviraj Sen from IBM Research

Romeo Kienzler works as a Chief Data Scientist in the IBM Watson IoT worldwide team helping clients to apply advanced machine learning at scale on their Io

[CodeForces850C]Arpa and a game with Mojtaba

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Codeforces 850C Arpa and a game with Mojtaba

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Crafting a New Reality for Education and Career Decisions: Lead With UX

Written by: Daniel Salcius | Photo by: Ferdinand StohrCrafting a New Reality for Education and Career Decisions: Lead With UXThe take-away feeling an end u

Nearest Neighbors with Keras and CoreML

Nearest Neighbors with Keras and CoreMLIn this post, we will use Keras to build a cosine-based k-nearest neighbors model (k-NN) on top of an existing deep

AI and the Future of Work: A Discussion

Students, faculty, and educators are invited to attend this event where experts and local companies will discuss how workforce needs and skills are shiftin

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When Honda Motor Co. launched the latest version of its N-Box a year ago, it promoted features on the pint-sized minicar such as error-detecting pedals, au

How to train your Neural Networks in parallel with Keras and Apache Spark

Apache Spark on IBM Watson StudioNow, we will finally train our Keras model using the experimental Keras2DML API. To be able to execute the following code,

Learn how to track a satellite and query its location with a chatbot

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Building a Blog with VueJS and AWS

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[PWA] Add Push Notifications to a PWA with React in Chrome and on Android

On Android and in Chrome (but not on iOS), it's possible to send push notifications with a PWA. We'll start by asking the user for permission to send them

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(轉) Learning Deep Learning with Keras

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Livemedia-creator- How to create and use a Live CD

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