1. 程式人生 > >影象處理中卷積的實現(TensorFlow和OpenCV)




unsigned char src[24] ={
float kernel[9] = {
    -1., 0., 1., 
    -2., 0., 2.,
    -3., 0., 3.};



bool conv2d(unsigned char* src, float* dst, int nRows, int nCols, 
			float* kernel, int nKernelRows, int nKernelCols)
	if (nKernelRows % 2 == 0 || nKernelCols % 2 == 0) {
		cout << "The kernel size must be an odd" << endl;
		return false;
	// we take the center as the anchor of kernel
	int nCenRow = nKernelRows / 2;
	int nCenCol = nKernelCols / 2;
	int nCenOff = nCenRow * nKernelCols + nCenCol;
	// turn rotate 180 degrees anti-clockwise to the kernel image.
	float* RotateKernel = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float) * nKernelCols * nKernelRows);
	for (int r = 0; r < nKernelRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nKernelCols; c++) {
			RotateKernel[(nKernelRows - r) * nKernelCols - 1 - c] = kernel[c + r * nKernelRows];
	// test code - show rotate kernel
/*	for(int r = 0; r < nKernelRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nKernelCols; c++) {
			cout << setw(8) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2)
			<< RotateKernel[r * nKernelCols + c];
		cout << endl;
	} */
	for (int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
			float fTemp = 0.f;
			for (int kr = -nCenRow; kr <= nCenRow; kr++) {
				for (int kc = -nCenCol; kc <= nCenCol; kc++) {
					// border type - constant 0
					if (r + kr >= 0 && r + kr < nRows && c + kc >= 0 && c + kc < nCols) {
						fTemp += src[(r + kr) * nCols + c + kc] * 1.f * 
						RotateKernel[kr * nKernelCols + kc + nCenOff];
/*						cout 
						<< setw(4) << r 
						<< setw(4) << c 
						<< setw(4) << kr 
						<< setw(4) << kc 
						<< setw(4) << src[(r + kr) * nCols + c + kc] * 1.f
						<< setw(4) << RotateKernel[kr * nKernelCols + kc + nCenOff]
						<< setw(4) << fTemp
						<< endl; */
			dst[r * nCols + c] = fTemp;
	return true;

// test
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	cout << ">> ----" << "\n" << endl;
	int nRows = 4;
	int nCols = 6;
	unsigned char src[24] ={1,2,3,4,5,6,
	float dst[24];
	memset(dst, 0, 24*sizeof(float));
	float kernel[9] = {-1., 0., 1., 
					   -2., 0., 2.,
					   -3., 0., 3.};
	int nKernelRows = 3;
	int nKernelCols = 3;
	conv2d(src, dst, nRows, nCols, kernel, nKernelRows, nKernelRows);
	// test code
	for(int r = 0; r < nRows; r++) {
		for (int c = 0; c < nCols; c++) {
			cout << setw(8) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(2) << dst[r * nCols + c];
		cout << endl;
	cout << "\n" << ">> ----" << endl;
	return 0;



void filter2D(Mat src,
              Mat dst,
              int ddepth,
              Mat kernel,
              Point anchor,
              double delta,
              int borderType);
src: (input) This is the image that you want to convolve.
dst: (input) This image stores the final result of the convolution. It should be the same size and have the same number of channels as src. This can be the same as src (in place operation is supported).
ddepth: (input) This is the desired bit depth of the final result (8, 16, 32, etc). It it is negative, the depth is the same as the source image.
kernel: (input) The convolution kernel used to convolve the source image. This has to be a single channel, floating point matrix. If you want to apply different kernels to different channels, you need to split the channels, and convolve each of them them individually.
anchor: (input) The relative position of the anchor in the kernel matrix. If this is set to (-1,-1), the center of the kernel is used as the anchor point.
delta: (input) A value that is added to all pixels after convolution.
borderType: (input) Possible values for this include:
BORDER_DEFAULT (same as reflect)
enum BorderTypes {  
    BORDER_CONSTANT    = 0, //!< `iiiiii|abcdefgh|iiiiiii`  with some specified `i`  
    BORDER_REPLICATE   = 1, //!< `aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh`  
    BORDER_REFLECT     = 2, //!< `fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb`  
    BORDER_WRAP        = 3, //!< `cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg`  
    BORDER_REFLECT_101 = 4, //!< `gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba`  
    BORDER_TRANSPARENT = 5, //!< `uvwxyz|absdefgh|ijklmno`  
    BORDER_REFLECT101  = BORDER_REFLECT_101, //!< same as BORDER_REFLECT_101  
    BORDER_DEFAULT     = BORDER_REFLECT_101, //!< same as BORDER_REFLECT_101  
    BORDER_ISOLATED    = 16 //!< do not look outside of ROI  




import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

def weight_variable(shape):
	initial = tf.truncated_normal(shape, mean = 0.0, stddev = 0.1, dtype = tf.float32)
	return tf.Variable(initial)

# Input testing sample (images) #################
InputShape = (6, 5, 2) # rows * columns * channels
aSample    = weight_variable([1, InputShape[0], InputShape[1], InputShape[2]])

# Layer 0 : convolution #########################
L0_KerSize = 3
L0_KerNum  = 4
L0_W       = weight_variable ([L0_KerSize, L0_KerSize, InputShape[2], L0_KerNum])
L0_Conv    = tf.nn.conv2d(aSample, L0_W, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding='SAME')

with tf.Session() as session:
	aa = session.run(aSample)
	for i in range(0, aa.shape[3]):
		print '----------------------------------- image ', i
		print aa[0, :, :, i]
	ww = session.run(L0_W)
	for i in range(0, ww.shape[2]):
		for j in range(0, ww.shape[3]):
			print '----------------------------------- W in_channels: ', i, ', kernel: ', j
			print ww[:, :, i, j]

	ke = session.run(L0_Conv)
	for i in range(0, ke.shape[3]):
		print '----------------------------------- result channel: ', i
		print ke[:, :, :, i]
	# save model
	np.savez('./tfModelWandB.npz', l0w = session.run(L0_W))

	# save the sample
	np.savez('./tfModelSample.npz',img = session.run(aSample))
上邊程式碼中,輸入影象在尺寸為6×5×2(寬×高×通道),影象在資料我們用隨機直。卷積核在尺寸為3×3×2×4(卷積核大小為3×3, 由於輸入影象有倆通道,所以共8個核)。


----------------------------------- image  0
[[ 0.12625436 -0.11937501 -0.10891404 -0.02895968 -0.01037076]
 [ 0.10400867 -0.03660493 -0.06411878  0.03639115 -0.07101893]
 [ 0.08615526  0.02973037 -0.07166351  0.09142997 -0.09188165]
 [ 0.03162669  0.10494743  0.11962699  0.0277028   0.03729795]
 [-0.05309613 -0.08204257  0.05443277 -0.03429593 -0.07877157]
 [-0.01566831 -0.04015071 -0.09142643 -0.00112125  0.11420252]]
----------------------------------- image  1
[[-0.11111959 -0.16222687 -0.01761985  0.04520827  0.10118878]
 [-0.09962401 -0.08819477 -0.00178826  0.07190076  0.02236971]
 [ 0.11599306  0.01306704 -0.0909201   0.06941512 -0.08966626]
 [-0.1846966   0.01611226 -0.05774776  0.04476134  0.14001481]
 [ 0.02164672  0.07135325 -0.03206375  0.02136724 -0.05802757]
 [-0.09017277 -0.02534078 -0.0369864   0.02165738  0.08163627]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  0
[[-0.1011525   0.10236194 -0.00020576]
 [-0.00089763 -0.07612719  0.09727343]
 [ 0.0805968  -0.11845497 -0.05366211]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  1
[[-0.076056   -0.06423963 -0.04123518]
 [ 0.07255634  0.06006186 -0.18577591]
 [-0.05044123  0.12277362 -0.02045252]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  2
[[-0.01193008 -0.14593969 -0.09650309]
 [-0.13044347  0.11086304 -0.04400647]
 [ 0.01193826 -0.08462534  0.07637326]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  0 , kernel:  3
[[-0.13617061  0.01164558 -0.12195086]
 [ 0.07623294  0.0258304   0.13812433]
 [-0.03091484  0.10123607 -0.0035188 ]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  0
[[-0.07265482  0.01244575  0.00212537]
 [ 0.04495018  0.023914   -0.1128113 ]
 [-0.00164994  0.16139059  0.06106531]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  1
[[ 0.00165231  0.04590112 -0.06946135]
 [-0.15189163 -0.19788276 -0.09452266]
 [ 0.17610592 -0.13991795 -0.0667515 ]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  2
[[ 0.02323942  0.03866912  0.01701009]
 [-0.19660048  0.06464723  0.09740929]
 [-0.04083445  0.10340548 -0.01418425]]
----------------------------------- W in_channels:  1 , kernel:  3
[[ 0.12228265 -0.07337139 -0.09307034]
 [ 0.06473815  0.11169808 -0.16438608]
 [-0.09561314  0.03154143 -0.00246837]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  0
[[[-0.03739976 -0.00652579 -0.00029235 -0.00252694  0.02010462]
  [ 0.01502605 -0.02524716  0.00445372 -0.00619115  0.01265023]
  [-0.03134274 -0.0185694  -0.00523668  0.02338057  0.0123302 ]
  [ 0.03039362  0.0001417  -0.03971532  0.02063169 -0.02515039]
  [-0.02260888  0.04110029 -0.00449737 -0.00852947  0.00462775]
  [-0.00700756 -0.0101008   0.01076016 -0.00560605 -0.01263588]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  1
[[[ 0.10042734  0.05935576 -0.0128195  -0.02626312 -0.03063701]
  [ 0.03694522  0.07160199  0.00495993 -0.00277422 -0.00050682]
  [-0.00165216 -0.01934666  0.0072494   0.0039469   0.00272913]
  [ 0.00245166  0.00575879  0.03114944 -0.0073841  -0.03136678]
  [-0.00172585 -0.05503821 -0.03527689 -0.01038689  0.00948465]
  [ 0.02958811  0.04824578  0.00224401 -0.02803131 -0.00762568]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  2
[[[-0.02438386 -0.02085204  0.05009508  0.02561796  0.00610304]
  [-0.00906303  0.00712102  0.03920614  0.02884112 -0.02172693]
  [-0.01397291 -0.02041199 -0.02616402  0.0495156  -0.0192653 ]
  [-0.02276399  0.05459163 -0.01967556  0.01101356  0.0106208 ]
  [-0.02624287 -0.04140569 -0.01417977 -0.00138508 -0.01365112]
  [ 0.00944899  0.02417353 -0.00302217  0.03445129  0.02398454]]]
----------------------------------- result channel:  3
[[[ 0.00876225 -0.03086763 -0.03310447 -0.01490853 -0.00273006]
  [ 0.05252417 -0.03308056 -0.03416688  0.01424855 -0.01157384]
  [ 0.03530029  0.03657329 -0.01992576  0.01661721  0.00349931]
  [-0.02489512  0.03342621 -0.01179191  0.00639945  0.01237202]
  [-0.02661994 -0.01541688 -0.03310237 -0.03533022 -0.0057847 ]
  [-0.01069926 -0.01741536  0.01016802 -0.00291296  0.02400826]]]


好,接下來在C++ 環境下利用OpenCV的cv::filter2D函式進行卷積,程式碼如下:

#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/io.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <iomanip> // setw()
using namespace std;

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
using namespace cv;

#include "opencv2/ximgproc.hpp"
using namespace cv::ximgproc;

#include "cnpy.h";

bool loadImage(std::vector<cv::Mat> &Img);
void loadW(std::vector<cv::Mat> &W);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	cout << ">> ----" << "\n" << endl;
	// load image data
	std::vector<cv::Mat> splitImg;
	// load W
	std::vector<cv::Mat> W;
	// output data opencv memeory
	int nKernelNumber = (int)W.size() / (int)splitImg.size();
	std::vector<cv::Mat> dst;
	for (int i = 0; i < nKernelNumber; i++) {
		cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat(splitImg[0].rows, splitImg[0].cols, CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// convolution ops
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)splitImg.size(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < nKernelNumber; j++) {
			cv::Mat tmp;
			cv::filter2D(splitImg[i], tmp, CV_32F, W[i*nKernelNumber + j], 
				         Point(-1, -1), 0, BORDER_CONSTANT);
			cv::add(dst[j], tmp, dst[j]);
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)dst.size(); i++) {
			cout << "----------------------- result channel: " << i << endl;
			for (int r = 0; r < dst[i].rows; r++) { // y
				cout << ">> ";
				for (int c = 0; c < dst[i].cols; c++) { // x
					cout << setw(12) << dst[i].at<float>(r, c); 
				cout << endl;
	cout << "\n" << ">> ----" << endl;
	return 0;

* Read a tensor from file. 
* The tensor format must be [batch, height, width, channel], and here the 
* batch mus be 1
* This means that the data is a single image sample with one or more channels.
bool loadImage(std::vector<cv::Mat> &Img)
	string strFile = "./tfModelSample.npz";
	if (access(strFile.c_str(), 0) == -1) {  
        cout << ">> error. File not exists. Info = " << strFile.c_str() << endl;  
        return false;  
    cnpy::npz_t npzData = cnpy::npz_load(strFile);
    cnpy::NpyArray arr = npzData["img"];
    if (arr.shape.size() != 4) {
			cout << ">> error. shape.size() != 4" << endl;
			return false;
	if (arr.shape[0] != 1) {
		cout << ">> error. the 1st dims must be 1. That is batch = 1 always" << endl;
		return false;
	// Please attention: 
	float *mv1 = arr.data<float>();  
	int nOffset0 = arr.shape[1]*arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
	int nOffset1 = arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
	int nOffset2 = arr.shape[3];
	// opencv memeory
	for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[3]; i++) {
		cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat(arr.shape[1], arr.shape[2], CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// copy data
	for (int c = 0; c < arr.shape[2]; c++) { // x
		for (int r = 0; r < arr.shape[1]; r++) { // y
			for (int k = 0; k < arr.shape[3]; k++) {
				Img[k].at<float>(r, c) = mv1[r*nOffset1 + c*nOffset2 + k];
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)Img.size(); i++) {
			cout << "----------------------- image " << i << endl;
			for (int r = 0; r < Img[i].rows; r++) { 
				cout << ">> ";
				for (int c = 0; c < Img[i].cols; c++) { 
					cout << setw(12) << Img[i].at<float>(r, c); 
				cout << endl;
	return true;

* Read a tensor from file.
* The tensor format is [kernel_height, kernel_width, in_channels, kernel_number]
* This means the tensor is a W used for convolution like the useage in 
* tf.nn.conv2d().
void loadW(std::vector<cv::Mat> &W)
	string strFile = "./tfModelWandB.npz";
	if (access(strFile.c_str(), 0) == -1) {  
        cout << ">> error. File not exists. Info = " << strFile.c_str() << endl;  
        return false;  
    cnpy::npz_t npzData = cnpy::npz_load(strFile);  
    cnpy::NpyArray arr = npzData["l0w"];  
    // Please attention: if dtype = tf.float32 in tensorflow, here the data type  
    // must be float, if you use double, the data will be wrong.   
    float *mv1 = arr.data<float>();  
    int nOffset0 = arr.shape[1]*arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
    int nOffset1 = arr.shape[2]*arr.shape[3];  
    int nOffset2 = arr.shape[3];  
	// opencv memory
	for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[2] * arr.shape[3]; i++) {
		cv::Mat curMat = cv::Mat(arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], CV_32FC1, Scalar::all(0));
	// copy data
    for (int r = 0; r < arr.shape[0]; r++) {  
        for (int c = 0; c < arr.shape[1]; c++) {  
            for (int chan = 0; chan < arr.shape[2]; chan++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < arr.shape[3]; k++) {  
 					W[chan*arr.shape[3] + k].at<float>(r, c) = 
 					mv1[r*nOffset0 + c*nOffset1 + chan*nOffset2 + k];
	// debug
	if (1) {
		for (int i = 0; i < arr.shape[2]; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < arr.shape[3]; j++) {
					cout << "----------------------- W in_channels: " 
					     << i << ", kernel: " << j << endl;
				for (int r = 0; r < W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].rows; r++) { // y
					cout << ">> ";
					for (int c = 0; c < W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].cols; c++) { // x
						cout << setw(12) << W[i*arr.shape[3] + j].at<float>(r, c); 
					cout << endl;


[email protected]:~/z$ ./main.pio 
>> ----

----------------------- image 0
>>     0.126254   -0.119375   -0.108914  -0.0289597  -0.0103708
>>     0.104009  -0.0366049  -0.0641188   0.0363911  -0.0710189
>>    0.0861553   0.0297304  -0.0716635     0.09143  -0.0918816
>>    0.0316267    0.104947    0.119627   0.0277028   0.0372979
>>   -0.0530961  -0.0820426   0.0544328  -0.0342959  -0.0787716
>>   -0.0156683  -0.0401507  -0.0914264 -0.00112125    0.114203
----------------------- image 1
>>     -0.11112   -0.162227  -0.0176198   0.0452083    0.101189
>>    -0.099624  -0.0881948 -0.00178826   0.0719008   0.0223697
>>     0.115993    0.013067  -0.0909201   0.0694151  -0.0896663
>>    -0.184697   0.0161123  -0.0577478   0.0447613    0.140015
>>    0.0216467   0.0713532  -0.0320638   0.0213672  -0.0580276
>>   -0.0901728  -0.0253408  -0.0369864   0.0216574   0.0816363
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 0
>>    -0.101153    0.102362-0.000205758
>> -0.000897632  -0.0761272   0.0972734
>>    0.0805968   -0.118455  -0.0536621
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 1
>>    -0.076056  -0.0642396  -0.0412352
>>    0.0725563   0.0600619   -0.185776
>>   -0.0504412    0.122774  -0.0204525
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 2
>>   -0.0119301    -0.14594  -0.0965031
>>    -0.130443    0.110863  -0.0440065
>>    0.0119383  -0.0846253   0.0763733
----------------------- W in_channels: 0, kernel: 3
>>    -0.136171   0.0116456   -0.121951
>>    0.0762329   0.0258304    0.138124
>>   -0.0309148    0.101236  -0.0035188
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 0
>>   -0.0726548   0.0124457  0.00212537
>>    0.0449502    0.023914   -0.112811
>>  -0.00164994    0.161391   0.0610653
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 1
>>   0.00165231   0.0459011  -0.0694614
>>    -0.151892   -0.197883  -0.0945227
>>     0.176106   -0.139918  -0.0667515
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 2
>>    0.0232394   0.0386691   0.0170101
>>      -0.1966   0.0646472   0.0974093
>>   -0.0408345    0.103405  -0.0141843
----------------------- W in_channels: 1, kernel: 3
>>     0.122283  -0.0733714  -0.0930703
>>    0.0647381    0.111698   -0.164386
>>   -0.0956131   0.0315414 -0.00246837
----------------------- result channel: 0
>>   -0.0373998 -0.00652579-0.000292354 -0.00252695   0.0201046
>>     0.015026  -0.0252472  0.00445372 -0.00619115   0.0126502
>>   -0.0313427  -0.0185694 -0.00523668   0.0233806   0.0123302
>>    0.0303936  0.00014171  -0.0397153   0.0206317  -0.0251504
>>   -0.0226089   0.0411003 -0.00449737 -0.00852947  0.00462775
>>  -0.00700756  -0.0101008   0.0107602 -0.00560604  -0.0126359
----------------------- result channel: 1
>>     0.100427   0.0593558  -0.0128195  -0.0262631   -0.030637
>>    0.0369452    0.071602  0.00495992 -0.00277422-0.000506826
>>  -0.00165216  -0.0193467   0.0072494   0.0039469  0.00272913
>>   0.00245166  0.00575878   0.0311494  -0.0073841  -0.0313668
>>  -0.00172585  -0.0550382  -0.0352769  -0.0103869  0.00948465
>>    0.0295881   0.0482458  0.00224401  -0.0280313 -0.00762568
----------------------- result channel: 2
>>   -0.0243839   -0.020852   0.0500951    0.025618  0.00610305
>>  -0.00906303  0.00712102   0.0392061   0.0288411  -0.0217269
>>   -0.0139729   -0.020412   -0.026164   0.0495156  -0.0192653
>>    -0.022764   0.0545916  -0.0196756   0.0110136   0.0106208
>>   -0.0262429  -0.0414057  -0.0141798 -0.00138508  -0.0136511
>>   0.00944899   0.0241735 -0.00302218   0.0344513   0.0239845
----------------------- result channel: 3
>>   0.00876225  -0.0308676  -0.0331045  -0.0149085 -0.00273006
>>    0.0525242  -0.0330806  -0.0341669   0.0142486  -0.0115738
>>    0.0353003   0.0365733  -0.0199258   0.0166172  0.00349931
>>   -0.0248951   0.0334262  -0.0117919  0.00639945    0.012372
>>   -0.0266199  -0.0154169  -0.0331024  -0.0353302  -0.0057847
>>   -0.0106993  -0.0174154    0.010168 -0.00291295   0.0240083

>> ----
[email protected]:~/z$ 





一、用C解釋原理 假設影象(寬6高4),一個卷積核(寬3高3),如下: unsigned char src[24] ={ 1,2,3,4,5,6, 1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,1,2,1,2,1, 4,5,6,1,2,3};float k


影象卷積及Caffe中的卷積實現   原創內容,轉載請註明出處。    本文簡單介紹了影象卷積相關的知識以及Caffe中的卷積實現方法,寫作過程中參考了很多很讚的資料,有興趣的讀者可以從【參考資料】檢視。    博文中的錯誤和不足之處還望各位讀者指正。 什麼是卷積?


vImage學習筆記——卷積(Convolution) 卷積(Convolution)是一個常用的影象處理技術,可以改變畫素強度,從而影響周圍其他畫素的強度。卷積的常用技術是建立濾鏡,使用卷積技術,你可以獲取一些流行的影象效果,比如模糊(blur)、銳化(sharpen)及邊緣檢測(edge d


本文索引: 一、 什麼是卷積?       在影象處理中,卷積操作指的是使用一個卷積核對影象中的每個畫素進行一系列操作。       卷積核(運算元)是用來做影象處理時的矩陣,影象處理時也稱為掩膜,是與原影象做運算的引數。卷積核通常


目錄(?)[+] 卷積 圖示兩個方形脈衝波的卷積。其中函式 "g" 首先對  反射,接著平移 "t" ,成為  。那麼重疊部份的面積就相當於 "t" 處的卷積,其中橫座標代表待積變數  以及新函式  的自變數 "t" 。 圖示方形脈衝波和指數衰

深度可分離結構depthwise separable convolution計算複雜度分析

這個例子說明了什麼叫做空間可分離卷積,這種方法並不應用在深度學習中,只是用來幫你理解這種結構。 在神經網路中,我們通常會使用深度可分離卷積結構(depthwise separable convolution)。 這種方法在保持通道分離的前提下,接上一個深度卷積結構,即


axes控制元件實現了展示圖片,動態txt控制元件實現了展示或者輸入引數。 在gui介面右鍵點選“重置”pushbotton回到程式碼塊callback,編寫程式碼 以下程式碼是實現圖片和引數數字重置,是重置按鈕(puttern)的功能實現 f


本文目標可以使用BigInteger操作大整數可以使用BigDecimal指定小數的保留位數基礎知識對於二進位制來說,最高位代表正負號,-0表示-128,+0表示032位系統int型4個位元組:-(2的31次方) ~ (2的31次方) 減 1最大負數:10000000 000

網路Graph Convolutional Network

一. 圖簡介,圖卷積網路的出現。 圖(graph)是一種資料格式,它可以用於表示社交網路、通訊網路、蛋白分子網路等,圖中的節點表示網路中的個體,連邊表示個體之間的連線關係。許多機器學習任務例如社團發現、鏈路預測等都需要用到圖結構資料,因此圖卷積神經網路的出現為這些問題的解決


\oplus=\and,\or,\veebar 簡介 對於邏輯\(\oplus\)的卷積,而且你不能N方豹草 \[ A_k=\sum_{i\oplus j=k} B_i\times C_k\\ \] 那麼嘗試構造變換\(F_{\oplus}\)和反演\(F_{\oplus}^{-1}\)使滿足 \[ F_{\

基於Restful服務端的客戶端實現WebClient HttpURLConnection

前提: 1、Restful風格的WS服務端:Web Service筆記(五):CXF開發RESTful風格的Web Service 2、訪問客戶端的技術太多了,這邊總結下本人使用過的,主要是四種:WebClient 、HttpURLConnection、HttpClient 和Res


一、先安裝axios依賴,還有qs依賴 npm install axios --save npm install qs --save qs依賴包用post請求需要用到的 插入一個知識點: npm install X --save 會把依賴包安裝在生產環境中,並且把依賴包名稱新增到 package


檢視cpu資訊        cat /proc/cpuinfo   檢視系統與核心相關資訊        Uname [選項]  &nbs


程序的記憶體分割槽 所有程序(執行的程式)都必須佔用一定數量的記憶體,它或是用來存放從磁碟載入的程式程式碼,或是存放取自使用者輸入的資料等等。不過程序對這些記憶體的管理方式因記憶體用途不一而不盡相同,有些記憶體是事先靜態分配和統一回收的,而有些卻是按需要動態分配和回收的


JAVA對記憶體空間的劃分 五部分:棧 堆 方法區 本地方法區 暫存器 今天主要談棧和堆 棧記憶體:儲存的都是區域性變數。 只要是在方法中定義的變數都是區域性變數,一旦變數的生命週期結束,該變數就被釋放。 (壓棧彈棧 balabalabala) 堆記


(1)背景。        Google 於2006年8月收購Neven Vision 公司 (該公司擁有10多項應用於移動裝置領域的影象識別的專利),以此獲得了影象識別的技術,並加入到android中。Android 中的人臉識別技術,用到的底層庫:android/ex


在這裡就要介紹兩個函數了,具體的可以在matlab裡面的參考,一個是imread、imwrite和imshow函式,這幾個函式看了以後基本就可以明白了,具體的也很簡單。比如 I = imread('C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\patches11.jpg');


post和get兩種方式的程式碼略有不同(如get需要手動處理中文亂碼),下面給出具體實現: 1、post方式 前端程式碼: <script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value="/lib/jquery.min.js"/&




BP演算法介紹 BP演算法(Background Propagation Alogorithm), 即誤差逆傳播演算法,是訓練多層前饋神經網路的一種最經典的演算法,通過BP演算法可以學得網路的權重和閾值,且具有可靠的收斂性。 網路結構 首先對所用的符號和變