1. 程式人生 > >Matlab薛定諤方程工具箱系列——GUI初步美化


function h1 = main_gui_export()
% This is the machine-generated representation of a Handle Graphics object
% and its children.  Note that handle values may change when these objects
% are re-created. This may cause problems with any callbacks written to
% depend on the value of the handle at the time the object was saved.
% This problem is solved by saving the output as a FIG-file.
% To reopen this object, just type the name of the M-file at the MATLAB
% prompt. The M-file and its associated MAT-file must be on your path.
% NOTE: certain newer features in MATLAB may not have been saved in this
% M-file due to limitations of this format, which has been superseded by
% FIG-files.  Figures which have been annotated using the plot editor tools
% are incompatible with the M-file/MAT-file format, and should be saved as
% FIG-files.

appdata = [];
appdata.FileMenuFcnLastExportedAsType = 5;
appdata.GUIDEOptions = struct(...
    'active_h', [], ...
    'taginfo', [], ...
    'override', 0, ...
    'release', 12, ...
    'resize', 'simple', ...
    'accessibility', 'on', ...
    'mfile', 0, ...
    'callbacks', [], ...
    'singleton', [], ...
    'syscolorfig', [], ...
    'blocking', 0, ...
    'lastFilename', 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SCHRODINGER-rareson\main_gui.fig');
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);
appdata.GUIDELayoutEditor = [];
appdata.initTags = struct(...
    'handle', [], ...
    'tag', 'figMenuHelp');

h1 = figure(...
'Color',[0.941176470588235 0.941176470588235 0.941176470588235],...
'PaperPosition',[0.6345175 6.345175 20.30456 15.22842],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h2 = axes(...
'CameraPosition',[0.5 0.5 9.16025403784439],...
'LooseInset',[0.13 0.11 0.095 0.075],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

h3 = get(h2,'title');

'Color',[0 0 0],...
'Position',[0.498847926267281 1.01963746223565 1.00005459937205],...
'String','Welcome to Schrodinger!',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, [], ''} ,...

h4 = get(h2,'xlabel');

'Color',[0 0 0],...
'Position',[0.498847926267281 -0.0709969788519638 1.00005459937205],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, [], ''} ,...

h5 = get(h2,'ylabel');

'Color',[0 0 0],...
'Position',[-0.065668202764977 0.496978851963746 1.00005459937205],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, [], ''} ,...

h6 = get(h2,'zlabel');

'Color',[0 0 0],...
'Position',[-0.169354838709677 1.12537764350453 1.00005459937205],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, [], ''} ,...

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h7 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.9 0.9 0.9],...
'Position',[0.15 0.45 0.75 0.45],...
'String',{  ' This set of MATLAB programs solves the Schroedinger equation, '; ' in 1D, for a choice of potentials and boundary conditions. '; ' The methods used are: numerical integration and adaption to boundary  '; ' conditions, solving the time-dependent equation by iteration, matrix '; ' approximation using a discrete basis, expansion in special functions.'; '               '; ' There are a number of nonstandard routines for finding eigenvalues '; ' from the numerical integrations. Read the manual and the m-files to '; ' learn the basics and the technical tricks. In many of the examples '; ' you must know the relevant energy scales in order to set values of '; ' the parameters which will give interesting results. ' },...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h8 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.15 0.38 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Numerical integration',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h9 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'Callback','close; inbox;',...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.15 0.31 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Particle in a box',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h10 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.15 0.24 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Wave packets',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h11 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.15 0.17 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Bound states',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h12 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.15 0.1 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Periodic potentials',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h13 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.55 0.38 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Scattering in 1D',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h14 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.55 0.31 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Scattering in 2D and 3D',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h15 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.55 0.24 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Special functions',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h16 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0.152941176470588 0.227450980392157 0.372549019607843],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.55 0.17 0.35 0.06],...
'String','Hydrogen atom',...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

appdata = [];
appdata.lastValidTag = blanks(0);

h17 = uicontrol(...
'BackgroundColor',[0 0 0.9],...
'ForegroundColor',[0.870588235294118 0.92156862745098 0.980392156862745],...
'Position',[0.55 0.1 0.35 0.06],...
'CreateFcn', {@local_CreateFcn, blanks(0), appdata} );

% --- Set application data first then calling the CreateFcn. 
function local_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, createfcn, appdata)

if ~isempty(appdata)
   names = fieldnames(appdata);
   for i=1:length(names)
       name = char(names(i));
       setappdata(hObject, name, getfield(appdata,name));

if ~isempty(createfcn)
   if isa(createfcn,'function_handle')
       createfcn(hObject, eventdata);



function h1 = main_gui_export() % This is the machine-generated representation of a Handle Graphics object % and its children. Note that handle values may


定態薛定諤方程是 如果是定態的自由粒子,這個方程的解是 因為是定態的波函式與時間無關,這個粒子的能量E不隨時間變化 假設E=1,讓t→0 所以波函式變成 讓A和都等於1   讓神經網路裡的節點都是在位形空間中  


Youtube視訊 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWpyhsPAK14 幾個基本假設 粒子的運動軌跡由波動函式\(\psi(x,t)\)完全描述,其中\(|\psi(x,t)|^2\)表示\(t\)時刻,粒子出現在\(x\)的概率 任意一種測量都對應一個


標題 薛定諤把妹法 “薛定諤把妹法”其靈感來自著名的物理學假設“薛定諤的貓”。“薛定諤把妹法”中心思想是:事件在被觀察以前,一直處在一個所謂“概率雲”的狀態下,一旦受到觀察,則坍縮為實體。通俗一些,就是要給女生神祕感。 中文名 薛定諤把妹法 外文名 Chase girls with Sc

的貓跳進了生物學界 化學家:沒有我可能辦不到

“90後”女大學生放棄北大保送復旦!她到底有多厲害?  東北網12月6日訊(記者 姜姍姍) 在東北農業大學有這樣一個自強不息的女大學生,她放棄北大直博被保送到復旦大學藥學院。她本科期間獲得國家獎學金、國家勵志獎學金、新東方自強獎學金、第一屆全國大學生生命聯賽國家二等獎……被評為黑龍江省“三好學生”。她就是生命


編輯手記:注重細節,是DBA必要的基本素質要求。 上一篇文章討論了非空欄位中如果存在空值對於查詢的影響,這裡描述一下導致問題的原因。 書接上文(參考:空與非空 – 資料庫中也有薛定諤的貓?),其實CBO的判斷本身是沒有問題的,問題在於,為什麼一個空值會存在非空約束的欄位中。 SQL> sel


    喜歡物理學尤其是量子力學的朋友一定對薛定諤的貓不會陌生,至於那些不大懂的小夥伴建議可以網上搜索瞭解下,對你的人生觀、價值觀可能會有所改變(不說笑,真的哦)。     對於量子論從愛因斯坦、波爾時代至今,一直是人們討論的焦點。因為量子論只存在於理論和思維實驗,理論上

物理學四大神獸,除了“的貓”, 你還知道哪幾個?



本文原創並首發於公眾號【Python貓】,未經授權,請勿轉載。 原文地址:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/


1、案件背景 前天,一個涉案人員(同事)提到,在mysql的資料庫中,dba推薦的做法是所有的varchar欄位都設定成不能為


markdown class net 配置中心 html div .html href .com 本系列博文目錄 【微服務】之一:從零開始,輕松搞定SpringCloud微服務系列–開山篇(spring boot 小demo) 【微服務】之二:從零開始,輕松搞定Spring


搜尋了好多文章,matlab自帶的svm工具儲存訓練好的模型,讀取離線模型的資料少之又少,libsvm倒是有一點,但是之前的程式碼會用自帶工具箱做的,又懶得換。那就自己搞吧! 首先上訓練函式的程式碼: flow_svmstruct = svmtrain(flow_traindata,flow


話不多說,先看圖,這是匯入一張圖後執行的效果。 在此函式中,左圖是灰度圖加上colorBar後的彩色效果圖,右圖是二值化後的圖,下面是可調節閾值的灰度直方圖。 左上角的按鈕是迴歸初始狀態,右上角的按鈕是結束閾值調整並記錄該閾值和所得的二值化影象。 該函式先計算一個自適應閾值,若你不滿意可以拉動灰度直


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<?php class WxpayService { protected $mchid; protected $appid; protected $appKey; protected $apiKey; public $data = null; publi

matlab 下的整合學習工具箱

matlab 當前支援的弱學習器(weak learners)型別分別為: ‘Discriminant’ ‘knn’ ‘tree’ 可通過 templateTree 定義; 1. fitcen


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<?php header('Content-type:text/html; Charset=utf-8'); $mchid = 'xxxxx'; //微信支付商戶號 PartnerID 通過微信支付商戶資料稽核後郵件傳送 $appid = 'xxxxx'; //公眾號APPID 通過


一、SpringCloud專案簡介   Spring Cloud:     微服務工具包,為開發者提供了在分散式系統的配置管理、服務發現、斷路器、智慧路由、微代理、控制匯流排等開發工具包。   Spring Boot:     旨在簡化建立產品級的 Spring