1. 程式人生 > >基於AChartEngine繪製股票走勢圖----K線圖一(繪製陰線陽線)




     * Transforms the range category series to an XY series.
     * @return the XY series
    public XYSeries toXYSeries
() { XYSeries xySeries = new XYSeries(getTitle()); int length = getItemCount(); for (int k = 0; k < length; k++) { xySeries.add(k + 0, mMaxValues.get(k).dOpen == null ? Double.NaN : mMaxValues.get(k).dOpen); // the new fast XYSeries implementation doesn't allow 2 values at the same X,
// so I had to do a hack until I find a better solution xySeries.add(k + 0.000001, mMaxValues.get(k).dClose == null ? 0.000002 : mMaxValues.get(k).dClose); xySeries.add(k + 0.000002, mMaxValues.get(k).dLow == null ? 0.000003 : mMaxValues.get(k).dLow); xySeries.add(k + 0.000003, mMaxValues.get
(k).dHigh == null ? 0.000004 : mMaxValues.get(k).dHigh); xySeries.add(k + 0.000004, mMaxValues.get(k).dPreClose == null ? 0.000005 : mMaxValues.get(k).dPreClose); } return xySeries; }


int seriesNr = mDataset.getSeriesCount();
        int length = points.size();
        float halfDiffX = getHalfDiffX(points, length, seriesNr);
        int start = 0;
        if (startIndex > 0) {
            start = 2;
        for (int i = start; i < length; i += 10) {
            if (points.size() > i + 9) {
                float xMin = points.get(i);
                float yMin = points.get(i + 1);
                float xMax = points.get(i + 2);
                float yMax = points.get(i + 3);
                float kLow = points.get(i + 5);
                float kHigh = points.get(i + 7);
                float dPreClose = points.get(i + 9);

                if (kLow >= kHigh) {
                    float temp = kHigh;
                    kHigh = kLow;
                    kLow = temp;

                if (yMax < yMin) {
                } else {

                if (kLow - kHigh == 0 || yMin - yMax == 0) {
                    if (yMax <= dPreClose) {
                        yMax += 0.1;
                    } else {
                        yMin += 0.1;

                drawBar(canvas, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, halfDiffX, seriesNr, seriesIndex, paint);
                if (kHigh > yMax && kHigh > yMin) {
                    drawBar(canvas, xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, yMax > yMin ? yMax : yMin, xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, kHigh, 1, seriesNr, seriesIndex, paint);
                if (kLow < yMax && kLow < yMin) {
                    drawBar(canvas, xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, yMax < yMin ? yMax : yMin, xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2, kLow, 1, seriesNr, seriesIndex, paint);

需要注意的是每塊的間距是根據getHalfDiffX(List points, int length, int seriesNr)來獲取間距;

float barWidth = mRenderer.getBarWidth();
        if (barWidth > 0) {
            return barWidth / 2;
        int div = length;
        if (length > 4) {
            div = length / 2 - 2;
        int pos = length / 10 * 10 - 10;
        float halfDiffX = pos > 0 ? (points.get(pos) - points.get(0)) / div : 0;
        if (halfDiffX == 0) {
            halfDiffX = 3f;

        if (mType != Type.STACKED && mType != Type.HEAPED) {
            halfDiffX /= seriesNr;
        return (float) (halfDiffX / (getCoeficient() * (1 + mRenderer.getBarSpacing())));
