1. 程式人生 > >CVPR2018論文筆記(二)PPFNet_Part2



一、Figure 2.PPFNET

Figure 2.PPFNET, our inference network, consists of multiple PointNets, each responsible for a local patch. To capture the global context across all local patches, we use a max-pooling aggregation and fusing the output back into the local description. This way we are able to produce stronger and more discriminative local representations.

這張圖重點介紹了什麼是PPFNet,利用一張現場採集的室內點雲圖片,其由多個patch description-Fr組成。整個網路包含多個PointNet,為了通過local patch來捕獲全域性背景,作者採用最大池化操作,並將其輸出融合到各個區域性描述中去,最終獲得更強、更具判別性的區域性表示。

【MLP】MLP(Multi-Layer Perceptron),即多層感知器,是一種前向結構的人工神經網路,對映一組輸入向量到一組輸出向量。(概念來自baidu百科詞條)


PointNet [30] is an inspiring pioneer addressing the issue of consuming point clouds within a network architecture. It is composed of stacking independent MLPs anchored on points up until the last layers where a high dimensional descriptor is synthesized. This descriptor is weak and used in max-pooling in order to aggregate to a global information, which is then fed into task specific losses. Use of the max-pooling function makes the network inconsiderate of the input ordering and that way extends notions of deep learning to point sets. It showed potential on tasks like 3D model classification and segmentation. Yet, local features of PointNet are only suitable for the tasks it targets and are not generic. Moreover, the spatial transformer layer employed can bring only marginal improvement over the basic architectures. It is one aspect of PPFNet to successfully cure these drawbacks for the task of 3D matching. Note, in our work, we use the vanilla version of PointNet.
